Inside the van, the westerner's face showed a dirty smile, and his hand gently stroked Xiao Mengshan.

"Perfect! What a perfect woman

"I, I want to conquer her now."

"Ah! I used to find a Chinese woman, but I still think she has a taste. Now I know what the best is. "

The faces of westerners are full of lewdness and desire.


A crisp sound came.

Ye Qiang's hand opens the hand of Westerners.

"What are you doing? Jay It has been agreed. " Westerners originally wanted to say another person's name, but they were finally stopped by Ye Qiang's eyes.

"This woman can't move until she kills Lin Fei."


Westerners are obviously unhappy and want to argue, but they are directly ignored by Ye Qiang.

"Contact them to see if they are in place?" Ye Qiang ordered coldly.

Westerners glared at Ye Qiang, took out his mobile phone and began to contact him.

Two minutes later, look at Ye Qiang. "All in place."

"Nameless island in the coastal area." Ye Qiang looked at the driver and said.

"I understand!"

The driver responded, slamming on the gas and speeding up.

"I'm sorry! The number you dialed is turned off. "

I don't know how many times Lin Fei has called. It's always the echo from the phone.

"Asshole!" Lin Fei is more urgent and angry.

He tried to call Longnv several times during the period, but he finally gave up the idea. Longnv's injury was just over. Moreover, if their organization sent out to save people, it would be too powerful. Moreover, in case of a failure, Xiao Mengshan would be hurt, and he would never be able to forgive himself all his life.

"Pay for it!"

Lin Fei finally mumbled, not so much to himself as to remind himself.

Lin Fei stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the car rushed to Binhai New Area like an arrow.

Half an hour later, Lin Fei came to Binhai New Area.

This is a new district in Jianghai city. Although there are many tall buildings, it seems very quiet at the moment. On the ten Lane Street, there are occasional vehicles passing by, which makes it empty.

It used to be a fishing village. With the development of the city, it has become a new area, but it can't change the situation of few people.

For Lin Fei, he is not in the mood to think about these things. Even the sea breeze makes him not in the mood to feel them. He only cares about Xiao Mengshan's safety.

His eyes almost never leave the mobile phone.

On nameless island.

"Reese, you and Bangjie are responsible for controlling Xiao Mengshan here. I'll hide in the dark and attack Lin Fei. Jim, Deco and holly are responsible for sniping in the distance. " Ye Qiang looks at the driver just now and the westerner Bangjie who wants to insult Xiao Mengshan in the car.

"Don't worry! I'll blow up Linfei with my fist, and then let him lie on the ground and watch this woman enjoy the beautiful moment. "

Bangjie said with a dirty smile on his face.

Ye Qiang wanted to remind Bangjie that Linfei's force was very high, but thinking of Bangjie's arrogance, he suppressed it.

Since you want to die, you should be cannon fodder.

Besides, Xiao Mengshan has been scheduled by Jim for a long time. He wants to enjoy himself first. Isn't he looking for death?

Ye Qiang just wants to take revenge for the Ye family with the help of strength now. The more the other party doesn't know what to do, the more happy he is.

"I'm sure you'll blow up Linfei." Ye Qiang said to Bangjie with a thumbs up.

"Don't worry!" Banger made an OK gesture.

"Now call Lin Fei and tell him the address." Ye Qiang ordered.

"All right!"

Bangjie whistled excitedly, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Fei's phone just recorded in the car.

Lin Fei is driving around in Binhai District waiting for a call.

When you hear the phone ring, press answer in a hurry. "Save Xiao Mengshan, and take the money to the nameless island."


Then hang up again.

Lin Fei stepped on the gas and went quickly.

Five minutes later, Lin Fei's figure has appeared in the nameless island.

Clean body a person, empty handed, step in a hurry, eyes anxious.

As soon as Lin Fei appears, he is immediately locked by Ye Qiang and others who are hiding in the dark.

Jim, Deco and holly's sniper guns have quietly aimed at Lin Fei.

Ye Qiang hid in the dark and observed Lin Fei's every move with a telescope.

He is very trustworthy and saves others by himself, which makes him more sure that Lin Fei attaches great importance to Xiao Mengshan.

The corner of Ye Qiang's mouth shows a cold smile -

Lin Fei, you are here to die.

At the moment, Xiao Mengshan has been woken up by Bangjie and Reese, and they use the prepared rope to bind Xiao Mengshan.At the time of hijacking, I found that Xiao Mengshan's figure was perfect. At the moment, Xiao Mengshan was tied firmly. In my eyes, it was even more shocking and crazy.

"Reese, let's have a stone scissors. Who wins for a while, who comes first?"

Bangjie didn't pay attention to Xiao Mengshan's panic in his eyes, tears in the corner of his eyes, and said excitedly that he was pedaling his feet.

"Good!" Reese agreed immediately.

"Start!" Banger called.

Then -

"ha ha - I won! Banger, I won't develop all of them! " Reese licked his lips with his tongue and said obscenely.

"You are particular! But you're really lucky! "

Bangjie some not angry said.

"Ha ha, you have to be content. At least I remember you. If you were Jim, you could only use the developed ones." Said Reese with a grin.

"Well! So it is

Banger said with a smile.

Xiao Mengshan lay on the ground and moved for a long time, her body moved less than 10 cm.

She listened clearly and became more and more nervous. Now she is still in a daze. How could she have been kidnapped like this?

However, as soon as the words of Reese and Bangjie reached Xiao Mengshan's ears, she could not help but shudder, as if she saw two talons stretching out to her.




May fall into the abyss at any time!

Tears did not flow down.

She even closed her eyes in despair.

A handsome and charming smile suddenly appeared in my heart -

Lin Fei!

Although she has never expressed herself, she has already regarded Lin Fei as the perfect man in her heart and the best object of her own. Now, she feels that she is sorry for Lin Fei.

Is he in love with Lin Fei?

At this moment, this idea suddenly flashed through Xiao Mengshan's mind.

Then, it couldn't disappear any more, and it became more and more intense.

At this moment, her heart is more painful, more desperate, and even, had a strong idea.

If she is really defiled and lost, she will jump into the sea and have no face to see Lin Fei again.

"Damn it! Not yet Reese was impatient, muttering.

"I have arrived!" Lin Fei's voice came like the sound of nature.

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