In the exhibition center manager's office.

Wan Teng, dressed in trousers, white shirt and sparse hair, looks at Xiao Mengshan, who is in a Black Slim dress, hot and indifferent. He can't help but feel evil fire rising in his heart. It's really beautiful.

"Xiao Dong, I'm so sorry! Originally, we arranged a booth for meizishuang group in the corner, but because of the impact on the overall effect, the leader asked to remove it. "

Wan Teng swallows his saliva and looks at Xiao Mengshan. He looks embarrassed and says.

Xiao Mengshan originally came with sincerity, and even preferred to pay more, but she refused.

I feel a little big, and I'm very angry.

She is not stupid. The other party is trying to embarrass herself. However, this is not Jiangnan City, and this is the exhibition invested by the Zhao family. To put it bluntly, the Zhao family is trying to embarrass meizishuang, but meizishuang is helpless.

If you can't attend the fair, how can you advertise your products? Will miss this rare exhibition opportunity.

Isn't that equal to giving up to the Zhao family?

"Mr. Wan, we have paid the money of meizishuang group. It seems that it doesn't make sense for you to tell us that there is no booth. Please be more flexible." Xiao Mengshan is still working hard.

"Xiao Dong, it's not the first time for us to cooperate. Let me be frank. I can't decide many things. As you know, my exhibition center will starve to death without you!"

"I understand that!"

"Good! So no matter how powerful Xiao Dong's company is, I can't live in Jianghai without the support of Jianghai enterprises, especially those big enterprises. "

Although wanteng didn't point it out directly, his words have already been said for the sake of this, which can be said thoroughly.

Xiao Mengshan is sorry in her heart. She wants to call Lin Fei. Thinking that he has a gunshot wound, she holds back.

She looked at wanteng and continued to discuss.

Downstairs, convention and Exhibition Center.

"Which office is your manager in?" Lin Fei and the Dragon girl come in.

In order to let Lin Fei walk, Longnu takes the initiative to be a "crutch". In other people's eyes, she is a little bird depending on others, and Lin Fei is holding a beautiful woman.

The front desk saw them. Although they had a good impression, especially Lin Fei was very handsome and charming, they saw that Lin Fei's arms and legs were wrapped with medicine cloth, and there was a strong smell of Medicine on his body. He frowned and his face was not happy. "What can I do for you, sir?"

The front desk asked as gently as possible.

"I'm here to discuss renting the Convention and Exhibition Center." With that, Lin Fei threw a pile of money on the table.

The displeasure on the front desk's face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a huge smile.

Eyes quickly look to the left and right, found no one, open the drawer, put the money in. Again raised his head, full of spring breeze, now if Lin Fei let it kneel down, it is possible.

"It's on the third floor, room 333. I'll show you."

With that, he stepped on high heels and led Lin Fei to the manager's office.

The front desk is in front of him, and his mind is what Lin Fei looked like when he just opened his bag and paid for it.




The most important thing is that there is still a lot of money in the bag, which makes her eager.

Walking in front of him, he deliberately twisted his waist to bring strong visual effect to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei saw it, but just a smile.

Longnu also deliberately pokes Lin Fei's waist with her hand and points to her hips. Lin Fei sneers and ignores it. Not to mention the beauty, is this figure also mean to tempt yourself?

Seeing that Lin Fei is not seduced, the Dragon Girl wants to laugh at the loss of opportunity. She takes back her mind and helps Lin Fei follow.

"Sir, this is the manager's office..."


Without waiting for the front desk to finish, Lin Fei has kicked the office door open.

Thinking of yesterday, Xiao Mengshan was kidnapped because of the booth problem of the exhibition center, and almost lost her life. Li Rongrong is still lying in the hospital, which makes him very angry and naturally vent out.

Xiao Mengshan in the house is still talking with wanteng in a good voice. Suddenly, she hears a huge kick at the door. She is also shocked.

"Who are you?" Wan Teng got up from his chair and asked harshly.

Lin Fei did not speak, walked over and sat directly on the sofa.

"Who is he? What are you bringing him here for? " Wan Teng turns his head to look at the front desk and asks angrily.

The front desk was also shocked at this moment. She never thought that Lin Fei would kick the door so rudely. What's more, she never thought that Lin Fei would be so domineering.

It took a long time to respond. "Jing, manager, he said he came here to discuss renting the exhibition center."

"No! Get out of here Wanteng is full of anger now.


Rent a fart!

This is wanteng's idea.

The most important thing is that although the conversation with Xiao Mengshan just now has no substantive content, we can appreciate Xiao Mengshan's beauty and enchanting figure openly. Now Lin Fei has interrupted us. How can we not be angry?"Lin Fei, are you well?"

Xiao Mengshan's eyes fell on Lin Fei's leg.

Just now Lin Fei forgot the wound because he was angry. He just kicked it with his injured right leg, so that the wound was opened again and his trousers were soaked with blood.

Lin Fei waved his hand, "it's OK!"

"What's your name?" Lin Fei looks at the angry Wan Teng and asks.

"I don't want to tell you. Get out of here now!" Wan Teng was just in the house. Although he didn't want to agree to Xiao Mengshan's request, he was happy and had a sense of accomplishment when he saw Xiao Mengshan pleading in front of him. However, Lin Fei's violent break through made him feel like being cooled by a basin of ice water. He was not happy and angry.


Wanteng's curse just fell to the ground. Suddenly, the figure in front of him flashed. The speed was so fast that he didn't see it clearly. Then he felt the burning pain in his face.

Half of his face was numb.

Looking around, the Dragon girl was standing in front of him.

"One more curse, I'll give you another slap!" The Dragon girl is wringing her eyebrows, her face is cold, and her face is serious. She has a tendency to blow up wanteng if she doesn't agree.

Ten thousand Teng originally arrived the words of the mouth, immediately swallowed to go back.

Xiao Mengshan stands up and comes to Lin Fei. She squats down and looks at Lin Fei's leg wound. Her eyes are full of tenderness and concern.

However, the heart is very vindictive.

Just now, wanteng's greedy and lustful eyes had already annoyed her. If she hadn't begged for help in a low voice, Xiao Mengshan would have gone.

Now, the slap of dragon girl makes her feel better.

Lin Fei lifts Xiao Mengshan up. "It's all right! I'll take care of it. "

Looking at Wan Teng, he asked coldly, "can you talk well now?"

At the moment, Wan Teng, who had been hurt, shivered and nodded to show that he could!

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