Lin Fei looked at the bodyguard, nodded, very satisfied.

Last time in Huatian Hotel, the bodyguard was quick, and Lin Fei was very satisfied.

Today, the executive force is very strong, and Lin Fei is also satisfied.

In his heart, he gave Li Qingfeng a thumbs up. If it's really unusual, all the people he chose are good.

"What's your name?"

Lin Fei asked.


"Good! Go back and ask Mr. Li to double your salary directly. "

"More, how much?"

Wen Lei turns his head to Lin Fei and asks in surprise.

"Ten times!"

"Mr. Lin, I'm two hundred thousand months old now."

"What? 20 million is more than that? " Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Wen Lei finished, the body flashed, came to Qian Hong's house again, PA, Qian Hong's body flew directly to the door.

Other security just reaction, see Linfei directly to Wenlei ten times salary, are crazy, scramble to rush past.

At first, Qian Hong's family still had calls, but later they were gone.

On the spot, these exhibitors all looked up at Lin Fei for the first time and were stunned.

Are these security guards his men?

No wonder I'm so obedient. Looking back, I'm afraid.

Zhao Wenbin is depressed and wants to vomit blood. Yu mingce's biggest gift to Lin Fei is that Tiansheng security company monopolizes the security of major enterprises in Jianghai city. Almost everywhere Lin Fei goes, there are his employees. It's really irritating.

However, they dare to be angry.

He is waiting. He has just called the police. The police are here. No matter how rich and powerful Lin Fei is, he can't fight against the police, can he?

The scene is now quiet.

Jiang Yu's branch.

"Jiang Bureau, we received a report that the exhibition hall No.1 of Jianghai Convention and Exhibition Center was smashed."

"Who did it?"

Heard No. 1 exhibition hall, Jiang Yu buttocks like a spring, directly stood up, anxious!

This fair is a national fair organized by the provincial government. It employs world-famous designers to act as judges. The purpose is to improve its reputation and launch a series of brands.

As a deputy director, she is responsible for the security work.

Now, before we start, we are all smashed. It's a big surprise. Jiang Yu is going to faint.

But it's angry!

Jiang Yu subconsciously touched his hand to his waist.

"Yes, yes..."

"Who is it?" Jiang Yu almost cried out.

"Lin Fei!"

The report of the police to consider the relationship between Jiang Yu and Lin Fei to report, but also hard headed.

"Son of a bitch!"

Jiang Yu angrily scolded and walked out.

Ten minutes later, there was a rapid sound of sirens outside hall 1, followed by a flurry of footsteps approaching from afar.

"Lin Fei, the police are here. You can still be arrogant!"

Zhao Wenbin smiles and looks at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiles and looks back at the security guards. "Come on! Smash it for me, keep smashing it! I smashed everything I could


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, Zhao Wenbin's face seemed to have been smoked by the sole of his shoes. It was very hot and uncomfortable.

As soon as he mocked Lin Fei, he turned around and hit him in the face.

"Is Lin Fei crazy?"

"Is he not afraid to be put in prison?"

"I'll be a fool in a minute!"


Some exhibitors who flatter Zhao Wenbin have already begun to gloat.

With the previous experience of security, hearing Lin Fei's words, he didn't think about it at all. He waved a stick and started at the whole exhibition hall.



A stick down, a burst of broken glass sound.

Seven or eight security guards at the same time, empty, dozens of meters high exhibition hall, suddenly echo everywhere, how desolate.

The on-site exhibitors were scared to close together for fear of being hurt by the broken glass.

As for the employees of each family, they all hide away one after another.

Jiang Yu, who is running in, heard the noise inside. He was angry and worried at that time!


Pull the trigger without hesitation.

The clear sound of gunfire reverberated in the hall.

"Don't move The cold voice followed, and the whole scene was quiet.

His eyes fell on the muzzle of the smoking gun, which made Jiang Yu's cold face more cold and horrible.

"Police, the mastermind Lin Fei is here. Come and catch him quickly." Zhao Wenbin saw Jiang Yu, the police, and cried out excitedly.Jiang Yu looks at the dilapidated exhibition hall in front of him and gets angry.

She has only one idea now, that is to press Lin Fei to the ground and rub it back and forth on the broken glass.

It's not enough to vent her anger by scolding a son of a bitch.

This time, I'm afraid that not only Lin Fei but also the leaders of Jianghai province are going to die.

After all, this is a national trade fair organized by the commercial department, which has been prepared for nearly a month. Now it's all smashed. Isn't that a bad idea?

"Lin Fei, are you crazy?" Jiang Yu came with a gun in his hand.

Lin Fei knew Jiang Yu was coming when he heard that he couldn't move. Jiang Yu yelled. He still closed his eyes and enjoyed Xiao Mengshan's massage. His face was full of comfort and enjoyment.

This scene, let Jiang Yu heart rise a strong jealousy.

"Come on! Take Linfei back to the police station. " She's no longer interested in catching people.


Zhao Wenbin clapped to one side.

"The lines of the movie are good. Don't look at your cheerfulness now. Be careful to make a list in the future! Lin Fei, Congratulations

"Police! All this is directed by Lin Fei. The first thing he smashed was the sales stand of our andI underwear company, and he just asked the security guard to beat out the general manager of treasure underwear company. "

When Qiu Changhui saw the police, he came out again.

Jiang Yu felt that he was about to explode.

Looking at Lin Fei's legs wrapped around the stockings, she cursed how she was not killed. She wanted to slap Lin Fei to death!

You can be arrogant if you have money, but you can't be arrogant everywhere, just be arrogant!

"Take it away!" River rain no longer grinds.

"Wait!" Lin Fei spoke. "Why do you police arrest me?"

With that, Lin Fei leaned his back against the chair and his head against the top edge of the chair. "Give me a head massage!"


People at the scene looked at Lin Fei, and there was only one definition -


At this time, even so arrogant, is not silly what?

Jiang Yu inserts the gun into his waist and rushes away. He will pull Lin Fei.


The figure flashed, and the Dragon girl was standing in front of her.

"What are you doing? He broke the law Jiang Yu thinks that Longnv doesn't stop Lin Fei from smashing the exhibition hall. He suddenly raises his voice and says.

"Why do you say he broke the law?" Asked the Dragon Girl, equally haughty.

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