Lin Fei thin lips pull out a touch of evil radian.

"Oh! The question is simple! We unilaterally tear up the contract and make compensation according to the contract. As for your investment, we also make compensation according to the contract. You can find my lawyer. "

He is very proud!

He's very happy!

He's very happy!

Zhao Wenbin is very depressed.

Lin Fei doesn't need money. What can you do to him?

It's like a scholar reasoning with a soldier. No matter what you say, a soldier has only one action - fighting.

Now Lin Fei is a way -

to ask for anything, I just use money to smash it!

Hard hit!

It's not bad for money!

You're in a daze.

For a moment, the scene fell into a stalemate.

At the gate of the exhibition center, a car came in.

One driver and two staff on board.

"Director Zhang, I'll be the governor of the province for inspection later. Are we still in time?" It's about a 30-year-old with his hair combed, wearing a blue striped shirt and black trousers.

Director Zhang is about 50 years old, of medium weight, with a round face, a little chubby, and triangular eyes on his face. He looks very smart and gloomy.

"Hu Ming, this time the Zhao family is responsible for the layout of the exhibition hall. With the strength of the Zhao family, what are you afraid of?"

"The director is right." Hu Ming nodded and said.

"Remember! It's just like today's job, which is to put money on one's face and get achievements. Naturally, we should be more active and flexible. "

Director Zhang said in a teachable tone.

"Thank you, director Zhang. I will try my best." Hu Ming nodded.

Director Zhang was very satisfied, with a proud smile on his face.


The car braked and then stopped slowly.

Hu Ming took the lead in jumping out of the car and actively helped director Zhang open the door. He also put his hand on the top of the door to prevent his head from being hit.

Director Zhang was more satisfied. He nodded with a smile and looked up at hall 1.

But there was surprise on his face.

"Why so many police cars? Is it a security drill? " Asked casually.

"I don't think that's in the plan." When Hu Ming finished, he took out his plan and checked it.

"Go in and have a look!" Director Zhang's face showed displeasure and led the way to the hall.

In the exhibition hall.

"Lin Fei, this trade fair is not only a major meeting in the province, but also a large-scale trade fair held by the State Department of Commerce. You will certainly pay a heavy price for your actions today."

Zhao Wenbin is completely out of his way now, so he can only threaten Lin Fei by shouting.


Lin Fei laughed directly.

"Zhao Wenbin, don't talk so high sounding. I have nothing to do with any province or country. I'm just a businessman. My purpose is to make money. I make money by my mood. If your Zhao family makes me unhappy, I'll make your Zhao family unhappy. It's so simple."

"What if you upset me?" Director Zhang's angry roar came from the door.

Director Zhang and Hu Ming came to the door and immediately found the police standing at the door to ask what happened.

When he heard that the whole exhibition hall had been smashed, director Zhang felt as if his head had been struck by thunder. With a roar, he almost fainted on the spot.

Almost rushed in.

However, before I could see the miserable situation inside, I heard Lin Fei's saying, "it has nothing to do with me what's in the province or in the country. I'm just a businessman. My purpose is to make money, that's to make money by my mood. You Zhao family make me unhappy, I make you Zhao family unhappy, that's simple."

Director Zhang has been killed by Lei's head. He doesn't even think about it. He suddenly gets angry. He looks at Lin Fei and roars.

Hearing director Zhang's voice, Lin Fei was also shocked.

Instead, Zhao Wenbin was excited, as if he saw the Savior.

"Director Zhang, you are here. This exhibition will not be held."

Zhao Wenbin said as he welcomed him.

Director Zhang at the moment has seen the scene, do not see good, now see, he felt his lungs are fried, hands hard pressed chest, just let himself not fall.

This, this month's efforts are in vain?

Tomorrow will be the official start, today leaders at all levels have to come to the final inspection, even ready for rehearsal, but now it's all smashed, he really wants to turn around and leave, he really wants to say that this matter has nothing to do with himself.

However, the fact is impossible!

Director Zhang's small triangular eyes have become the same as ox's eyes at the moment. "You, you broke it?"

He pointed at Lin Fei and asked angrily."Pay attention to the language, or I'll sue you for slander." Lin Fei smiles a little, the corners of his mouth show sarcasm.

"Boy, pay attention to what you say. This is director Zhang of our XXX department." Hu Ming stood up, looked at Lin Fei and said aloud.

"And you?"

"I'm Hu Ming, a member of the office." Hu Ming straightened up and said arrogantly.

"It's a random call." Lin Fei turned his mouth.

"You, you are a personal attack, you..."

Director Zhang interrupts Hu Ming with one stroke of his hand. Look at Lin Fei, "you, you have to bear all the responsibility, I, I will let you accept the most severe punishment."

Director Zhang said very hard, but his voice trembled and even brought out a cry.

He is really going to cry, and he wants to pick up the skill. This time, it's a thunder, a pit, but now it's in dire straits.

"Oh! Take full responsibility? Accept the most severe punishment? What are you relying on? "

Lin Fei's eyes, deep as the ancient pool, showed a touch of banter and irony, and a smile came to his mouth.

Director Zhang was annoyed by Lin Fei's two words.

"Police! Why don't you start catching people soon? " Seeing Jiang Yu standing on one side, director Zhang yelled.

"Do you have any evidence of Lin Fei breaking the law?" When director Zhang came in, he didn't give Jiang Yu a good impression.

Although she is also angry that Lin Fei smashed it, it's Lin Fei. She can't turn her elbow out, can she?

Now I open my mouth to command myself, to blame myself, and I get annoyed.

More anger, more disdain.

"It's all smashed by him here. Isn't it against the law?"

"This is the exhibition center just bought by Lin Fei. Are you ready to redecorate it?"

Jiang Yu can't stand it any longer, and runs on the road mercilessly.


Director Zhang felt as if he had been punched in his chest. It was stuffy, depressed, uncomfortable, painful Countless feelings came.

"Director Zhang, even if Lin Fei bought the Convention and Exhibition Center, in the case of a contract with us, privately tearing up the contract, causing us losses, this is too much."

"What's more, it's a meeting that the whole province and even the whole Chinese people attach importance to. Isn't it illegal for him to sabotage it like this?"

"Director Zhang, you must uphold justice, but you must give Lin Fei the punishment he deserves, otherwise it will be difficult to calm down!"

Zhao Wenbin just face Lin Fei eat shriveled, now with director Zhang, naturally want to take advantage of a knife to kill.

Sure enough, director Zhang got angry.

"No matter what the reason is, you have to bear the legal responsibility for the loss caused by this matter and have to be dealt with."

Director Zhang pointed at Lin Fei with his hand and yelled.

Lin Fei frowned and looked at the security guard. "Get him out of here."


Wen Lei was the first to agree and took the lead to Director Zhang. "Please leave the exhibition center. You are not welcome here."

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