At eight twenty-five, a roar of car engines came from the south gate.

However, what depressed the people at the scene was that it was not from outside the door, but from inside the door.

Taking a broad view, the bus taken by the staff of meizishuang group has been parked in the parking lot of the exhibition center and is getting off slowly.

They came in through other doors.

This makes other exhibitors who have been waiting for a long time want to explode.

Wait for yourself, others have already entered.

However, think of beauty, but helpless.

"Let's go in!" Qiu Changhui took the lead in shouting.

The shouts rose and fell in an instant.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Just as the crowd was about to clash with the security guard, Lin Fei's voice came from behind.

They turned to see that Lin Fei was wearing a black suit, a white shirt, a red tie, and his hair was neatly combed.

White and smooth skin, handsome face, charming eyes, full of confidence.

Behind him stood a group of beautiful women, who were dazzled.

He came late.

Handsome man!

A man of manners!

Handsome man!

More importantly, beautiful women in groups, any one in the crowd, are goddess level beauty.

This makes a lot of underwear models who have been very proud and confident on the scene feel ashamed at this moment.

The woman looked at Lin Fei in a daze, and even had the impulse to rush into Lin Fei's arms.

The man looks at the woman behind Lin Fei, showing the appearance of brother pig, how he hopes to have a chance to kiss Fangze.

"Lin Fei, are you afraid to open the door because you haven't set up the meeting place well?" Qiu Changhui stands up again.

However, his words are attacking Lin Fei, but his eyes sweep over the face and body of Mu Xinxuan and others behind Lin Fei, revealing greed.

"Qiu Changhui, seeing you, I think of someone."


"Qian Hong's family!"


"Don't worry! I'm not going to make you a dog yet. " Lin Fei waved his hand. "Is your master Zhao Wenbin here?"

Lin Fei looks behind Qiu Changhui and asks.

Qiu Changhui's face felt as if he had been sucked by the sole of his shoes. He glared at Lin Fei fiercely, showing extreme anger.

"He will come!"


"That's good!"

Lin Fei said, no longer pay attention.

"Lin Fei, don't you open the door yet?" Qiu Changhui asked angrily.

"No hurry!" Lin Fei responded with a smile. "In fact, I'm afraid you're going in too early to withstand the stimulation and have a heart attack."

Ha ha

Qiu Changhui couldn't help laughing.

"Lin Fei, don't you have no arrangement at all? Are you afraid of exposure?"

"I heard that the building of the International Convention and Exhibition Center didn't turn on the lights all night. Do you have night vision eyes and can you work in the dark?"

"Of course, there may be magic. Say it out loud and then it's finished."

The contradiction between Qiu Changhui and Lin Fei is irreconcilable, so we should try our best to fight against Lin Fei.

Zhao Wenbin told him this morning about the situation of the International Convention and Exhibition Center last night. Naturally, he was clear.

Therefore, he will not give up this opportunity to satirize and stimulate Lin Fei.


There was an alarm ring.

"Lin Fei, it's time. Can we go in?"

"The exhibition hall hasn't been arranged yet. There will be a meeting soon."

"Ah! This time in Jianghai city is definitely the one that I failed the most and I regret the most. "


Many exhibitors in the crowd could not help complaining.

If it is not for the sake of enterprise reputation and publicity, they will not insist on participating in the exhibition.

Now many exhibitors have given up the idea of participating in the exhibition. After all, the venue arranged yesterday is gone.

The gate opened slowly, and the crowd surged towards hall 1.

Lin Fei looked at the crowd, with a deep smile on his lips.

"Lin Fei, have you arranged it?" I don't know how many times Siyu asked this morning.

That's what all other women want to know.

"Don't you believe me?"

Lin Fei's words, which are about to grind their ears out of cocoon, repeat again.


The women made a series of disdainful noises, then stepped on high heels, twisted their waists and walked forward, leaving Lin Fei behind.

Lin Fei's leg injury is really not good!He limped forward.

However, the eyes are full of smiles.

The first person who runs in is still unable to get in. What are you afraid of?

As for a few women, walking in the front, doesn't it just give them a chance to appreciate beauty?

Slim legs!

Swaying waist!

Lin Fei felt his blood boiling.

All right!

This is not a hooligan. Without this reaction, he would not be a normal man.


A car horn sounded, and then a fast car passed by Lin Fei. Zhao Wenbin's head stretched out from the inside and looked at Lin Fei, spitting hard.

Lin Fei sees that Zhao Wenbin is coming. He is waiting for Zhao Wenbin and speeds up his pace.

Five minutes later, when he came to the entrance of exhibition hall 1, the crowd was more.

Not only the exhibitors, but also the reporters with long guns and short guns, Ren Kening and other provincial leaders have all arrived.

However, the door of the exhibition hall was not opened, which made everyone frown and look serious.

Even Ren Kening's eyes were full of doubts when he looked at Lin Fei, who was walking slowly!

"Come on! Let's warmly welcome Mr. Lin Fei, who created a miracle overnight. " Zhao Wenbin stood in the crowd, yelled, and then took the lead in clapping.

Qiu Changhui and his staff also applauded.

Other exhibitors also applauded because of their dissatisfaction.

Everyone knows it's a boon.

Ren Kening and the two men in black suits standing beside him, in their fifties, both look serious and have sharp eyes, which is a kind of momentum of those who have been in the upper position for a long time.

Next to them stood several men and women with similar momentum, apparently leaders.

Zhao Wenbin is surrounded by men and women of all colors. Although they don't speak, their brows are locked and their eyes are full of unhappiness.

"Lin Fei, it's about to start. Why don't you open the door?"

Ren Kening came forward with a serious expression and asked.

In the face of Ren Kening, the father of his former Secretary and mentor Ren Feifei, Lin Fei dare not be arrogant.

"Governor Ren, give me another minute."

"All right!"

Ren Kening said and stepped aside.

At the moment, although he believes in Lin Fei, he has no bottom in his heart. After all, Lin Fei's commitment is very difficult to fulfill. And most importantly, this is the first large-scale work he has been responsible for since he became Vice Governor, which is of great importance.

"Zhao Wenbin, do you remember our gambling appointment yesterday?"

"Of course! Lin Fei, I will let everyone witness today, you give me - get out of Jianghai city! Jianghai province

Zhao Wenbin asked Lin Fei, pointing to Lin Fei with his hand, said domineering.

"Just remember!"

Lin Fei words fall, suddenly take a long breath, then Dantian issued a huge roar: "open the door!"

This sound made people close to Lin Fei feel as if there was thunder in their ears, and they covered their ears directly.

But everyone's eyes are on the exhibition hall gate of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

The creaking sound sounded instantly!

Then the entire exhibition center suddenly saluted, the original quiet Exhibition Center, completely boiling.

What's more incredible is that color balloons suddenly fly from all directions, and white doves of peace fly high in groups.

Eight red hot-air balloons are raised at the entrance of each exhibition hall. Red banners are pulled under the balloons and all kinds of slogans are written on them.

People at the scene were shocked to see this scene.

Because, it's like juggling, it's done in an instant.

However, it is full of momentum and festivity, which makes people full of joy and sweetness.

"Calm down! It's just an appetizer. "

Lin Fei's voice came slowly.

However, this appetizer, but hanging all the appetite.

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