"Zhao, manager Zhao..."

In order to show respect, the three thin monkeys all bowed slightly and put their heads forward. As a result, manager Zhao slapped each other.

Three people cover face, a pair of ignorant force expression.

"Li Jie, do you want to quit?" Manager Zhao pointed to the thin monkey man with his hand and said.

"Manager Zhao, I..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin! terribly sorry! Blame me for my lax management. " Thin monkey explanation has not come out, manager Zhao has nodded to Lin Fei, began to apologize.

"Get down to business!" Lin Fei said lightly.

"Mr. Lin really has a large number of adults. Adults do great things." Manager Zhao complimented again.

Thin monkey three people cover face, looking at in front of this scene, completely shocked.

This -

What's going on?

how did the manager treat a woodlouse so respectfully, and also beat herself for a woodlouse?

Three people look at each other, eyes are puzzled.

"Zhao manager, this woodlouse estimated to cheat Lin KOLE, you must not be deceived!" Li Jie, a thin monkey, finally couldn't hold back and said to manager Zhao.

"Shut your mouth

Manager Zhao suddenly turns back and kicks Li Jie.

"Son of a bitch! How dare you be rude to Mr. Lin! I dare say Mr. Lin is woodlouse! "

"Which eye did you see that Mr. Lin had cheated Lin Ke'er?"

"You are really blind!"

Zhao Jing was so angry that his stomach was shaking and his forehead was blue.

Lin Fei, such a gold owner, can't give up easily. Today, he came in person to discuss with Lin Fei whether he can buy some more houses.

Now, Li Jie insulted Lin Fei again and again. How can he not be angry?

"Manager Zhao, do you think he can afford a house?" Li Jie was beaten twice, some unconvinced said.


"What is image? They are

"Mr. Lin bought more than 30 houses at one go yesterday. Do you still doubt that people can afford them?"

Manager Zhao is more angry.


"Is that him?"

Li Jie yelled out at the same time.

Just this morning, they suddenly found that a lot of houses were taken off the shelves, the information was deleted, they called to inquire, and they learned that they were sold.

After a detailed understanding, I learned that someone quietly bought more than 30 houses in the old city yesterday, and the house prices in the old city rose by 10 points overnight.

Three people see the opportunity, urgent roar of pooled money to buy a set, come over to change the name transfer, ready to sell.

As a result

didn't expect to be woodlouse in the eyes of


"Lin, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry!" Li Jie immediately put on a face, flattering forward to apologize.

"Lin Ke'er, hurry to handle the transfer of ownership!" Lin Fei didn't care at all.

"Mr. Lin, I have another house here. Do you want to buy it?" Li Jie quickly grabbed Lin Fei's arm and asked.

"Buy it!"

"Great, the price is..."

"But -"

"don't buy yours!"

Lin Fei interrupts Li Jie directly.

Li Jie

"Don't buy it! The house is going up in price anyway, and it won't lose money! " Another intermediary said angrily.

"Didn't you just say that if Mr. Lin could afford a house, he would dig out his eyes and be blind?"

Just now, the first intermediary who stood up to fight against injustice said to the one who just spoke.


The agent quickly covered his mouth, his face was uglier than eating dog excrement.


Manager Zhao has been mad. How could he have two such men?

"Forget it, let's get down to business."

Finally, Lin Fei came out to help the intermediary.

"Mr. Lin is so open-minded. I sincerely apologize here." Manager Zhao glared at Li Jie and said to Lin Fei.

"It's not a big deal."

Lin Fei finished and took the lead to walk inside.

What he said is light, but in other people's eyes, it's not like this.

"This is the real rich man!"

"It's too broad-minded!"

"No wonder we are poor, ordinary people!"


Behind the intermediary, looking at Lin Fei's back, have discussed the road.

Li Jie's face is worse than that of eating flies. He wanted to make a fortune, but he offended the gold owner.

In particular, I think that what I miss is not the money I earn from one house, but the Commission of more than 30 houses.

Three people's heart regret has been about to commit suicide.If there is regret medicine in the world, even if it is wrapped in dog dung, three people are willing to take it.

Just -


Housing property trading hall, overcrowded.

"Mr. Lin, this way, please. We have VIP treatment here." Manager Zhao is leading the way.

Lin Fei said nothing and followed him.

Since they came in, Lin Fei has become the focus of attention in the eyes of many people. Dozens of intermediaries are busy. What's the situation?

"Hello, director he, it's hard for you today." Manager Zhao took Lin Fei into the VIP room and immediately said hello and compliment to the bald middle-aged man in his 40s who was sitting on a chair.

"Manager Zhao, you've made a fortune every day, but you're exhausting us."

"Director he, your hard work is in my mind."

"All right! Then let's start! "

We are all smart people. We can get through at one point.

Lin Fei took the signed contract, just blindly signed it.

It's director he, who is busy all the time

In the office of the director of real estate bureau, Gao Lelin just put down the phone call from the mayor, and felt that his brain had not turned around.

One day, suddenly bought more than two hundred million houses!

It's the best homeowner in history!

Who would it be?

Real estate group?

He quickly picked up the landline, dialed a phone, there to speak first.

"Hello, director!"

"Is the house registration normal today?"

"It's normal."

"Is there anyone who has registered so many houses?"

Gao Lelin was obviously not very satisfied with the other party's answer and asked directly.

"There is a man named Lin Fei who has registered for 15 houses today. It seems that director he is still doing it..."


Before he finished, Gao Lelin had hung up.

He immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed Mayor Chen Guoning.

"Well, is there any news?" There came a voice of inquiry in dignity and anxiety.

"Mayor Chen, there is a man named Lin Fei. Today, he has already handled the transfer of 15 housing units, and is still in the process of doing so."

"Who is he?"

"I have no investigation, so I will report to you immediately. Do you want to stop it?"


The other side was silent for a moment and denied Gao Lelin's proposal.

"You'll get to know him right away, and you'll give him a green light. Try to keep this man until noon. I'll see him after the meeting."

"Will he let the house prices in Jiangnan soar? I'm afraid..."

"After understanding, if he is just a general investment, not a speculation, that would be a good thing. Most importantly, I want to see the strength of this man. If he can invest in other aspects of Jiangnan City, isn't that a good thing? "

Chen Guoning looked at the problem from different angles and was not as worried as Gao Lelin.

"Good! I'll do it right away

"Be polite to him!"

Chen Guoning hangs up after the instruction.

Lin Fei?

Chen Guoning picked up the phone to inquire, and finally put it down.

In the VIP room, director he's smiling face at the beginning has become gloomy, and the sound of tapping the keyboard is getting louder and louder.


Suddenly hit the keyboard hard and suddenly stand up

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