Zhang Tianze now has no way out. He is already the enemy of Lin Fei. He thought that he was the second largest shareholder in the past and was the enemy of Xiao Mengshan. If he didn't cooperate with Xiao Mingzhe to force Xiao Mengshan to compromise this time, Xiao Mengshan would definitely turn around and deal with him after this incident.

Zhang Tianze's words undoubtedly made the directors who were inspired by Xiao Mingzhe make up their minds again after Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan left. They did not hesitate to nod to Xiao Mingzhe and Zhang Tianze.

The real reason for these directors to make a decision is that Xiao Mengshan didn't show any politeness to them after she took office. These directors have long had a grudge against Xiao Mengshan's father and daughter. In addition, Lin Fei's clothes and image are poor and give people no confidence.

"Uncle, you still think clearly that you can unite. Can't I?"

Xiao Mengshan hesitated for a moment, secretly took a look at Lin Fei, and said forcefully.

"Ha ha, Xiao Dong, just now you and Lin Fei went out one after another. What's the matter?"

"The purpose of the symposium with interns you organized today is to meet Lin Fei. Do you have an affair long ago?"

"Directors, have you noticed that Xiao Dong came back with a blush on his face and a strange look at Lin Fei?"

Zhang Yangze asked, showing his evil hand.


All directors look at Xiao Mengshan and Lin Fei.

Xiao Mengshan was still thinking about the scene that just happened with Lin Fei. Now she is pointed out in public, and her face turns into a red apple.

Suddenly speechless!

"Yo! Do you like gossip so much? However, I have a thick skin, Zhang Qi gave me a green hat, I have no temper, just try to put him in prison. As for one share and one chairman, it's simpler. I'm in alliance with Mr. Xiao. " Lin Fei suddenly heard a voice of cynicism.

"Lin Fei, you wait for me, I will not let you go." Zhang Tianze hears that Lin Fei mentions Zhang Qi. He is furious and turns his target to Lin Fei.

Zhang Tianze gritted his teeth and almost wanted to swallow Lin Fei into his stomach.

"What do you want to do with me? More than money? Do you have as much as me? What's your age? You must die faster than me Lin Fei looks at Zhang Tianze with a smile and says.

"Oh! How young and frivolous! Well, since you and Xiao Mengshan are united, your shares are only 45% in total, and there are still 55% outside. As long as we are a little more than you, we will not let you join the board of directors. " Xiao Mingzhe quickly stood up to help Zhang Tianze.

"Xiao Dong, how do you want to solve this problem?" Lin Fei turns his head to look at Xiao Mengshan and asks.

"How about killing all of them and grabbing all their shares?" Lin Fei's face with a funny smile, light said.

Ha ha

It made the room laugh.

Xiao Mengshan gives Lin Fei a white look. At this time, she is still joking. Although the cooperation with Lin Fei is a temporary proposal, she hopes very much because it is the only hope.

"If you can't, buy them all." Lin Fei spread his hand and said with a smile.





When Xiao Mengshan heard the abuse, she raised her hand and wiped her forehead. She was speechless.

"As you can see, if Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan are in charge of meizishuang, do you still have confidence?"

"I am not talented. If you can support me, I will guarantee to lead meizishuang to a new level."

"At the same time, I guarantee that you will get a dividend of no less than five yuan per share at the end of this year."

Lin Fei's words backfired and gave Xiao Mingzhe a chance to show himself. He immediately climbed the pole and began to show himself crazily.

"Xiao Mingzhe, I support you as the chairman."

"I support you, too."

"I support you, too."


In an instant, there was a sound of support in the room.

Xiao Mengshan's eyes darkened. She knew how many shares these shareholders had. Once they supported, then

"Ha ha, thank you all for supporting me. If I'm not wrong, our joint stock should be 46%

Xiao Mingzhe looks at Xiao Mengshan triumphantly, with provocation in his eyes.

Since Xiao Mengshan's father took office, he has been coveting the position of chairman of the board of directors for many years and has not been granted it.

It's like looking through the water.

Now -

instead, he would like to thank Lin Fei, otherwise there would not be so many people to support him.

"Uncle, if you have to, I'll give up." Xiao Mengshan said with a trace of determination on her cold face.

When Xiao Mengshan's words are over, Lin Fei is stunned. If this woman really can afford to lose and win, it's too fierce."Don't blame your uncle, Xiao Dong. This is the result of your antagonism with our board of directors."

"Mr. Xiao, when you carried out the reform, we said you should be careful. It's not good to fight against our board of directors."

"Xiao Dong, it's a pity that you have lost your position as chairman of the board, but it's also the common wish of everyone."

With Xiao Mengshan's decision, the meeting room became lively in an instant, and each director looked at Xiao Mengshan arrogantly.

In their opinion, Xiao Mengshan lost to them in the end.

And look at Lin Fei, full of irony.

A clown does harm to himself and others.

The culprit.

"Xiao Dong, it's very bold of you to do so. I admire you for being a woman." Lin Fei gave a thumbs up compliment.

Xiao Mengshan gave a white look and didn't speak. She was already imagining that she would move out of the chairman's office for a while and then leave in a gloomy mood.

"Lin Fei, although you own the most shares, because you are young and inexperienced, the board of directors is not suitable for you, so you just wait for the dividend." Xiao Mingzhe is now thinking about how to take over Lin Fei's shares.

"Why! Whose is the vacant seat? Why didn't anyone come? So the result is still unknown! " Lin Fei points to the position opposite Xiao Mingzhe and says.

Xiao Mengshan was happy at first, and then her eyes darkened again.

The empty position is Li angqi's, with 5% of the shares in his hand. He usually has a good relationship with Xiao Mingzhe. He also supports Xiao Mingzhe when he comes, so it's better not to come!

"Oh! Lin Fei, you should be happy. If brother Li comes, I'm afraid you'll lose even worse. " Xiao Mingzhe took a look at Li angqi's seat, as if Li angqi was sitting in the original position and raised his hand to support him.


"I think everything is possible!"

"Mr. Li will be here soon. You'll be sorry."

Xiao Mingzhe looks down at his mobile phone and sneers at Xiao Mengshan and Lin Fei.

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