"That's him!"

Suddenly a cry came from the crowd, and everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei followed his voice and saw that it was James.

At the moment, there are hundreds of people standing beside him, all kinds of skin, all from abroad.

This is Guo pengquan's foreign guest.

Lin Fei's eyes were full of irony.

"You wounded James?" As a representative of the University of M, crisno stood up to look at Lin Fei and asked harshly.

Krishna is waiting for his reply. "Lin Fei, did you really hurt James? You, you've gone too far. This is beating our school friends. It's the biggest disrespect to our friends. For your behavior, I would like to suggest the headmaster to give severe punishment or even dismissal. "

Jing Haoxing was shriveled in front of Lin Fei yesterday. He has no chance to revenge. Now the chance is rare, so he jumps out in a hurry.

"Mr. crisno, I apologize for this on behalf of the school." The next moment, Jing Haoxing actually very shameless stand out to apologize.

"I don't accept an apology unless he's going to lose his teeth, like me, and get fired." James saw someone to support him and said angrily.

"Headmaster Jing, I hope you can enforce the law impartially and severely punish such violent students." Crisno was there to keep up the pressure.

"Don't worry!" Jinghaoxing nodded and said with a smile. Looking at Lin Fei, there is no respect for crisno. On the contrary, some of them are high and arrogant, "don't you come here to apologize?"

Lin Fei showed a deep smile at the corner of his mouth and ignored it.

It's even more irritating. "Sorry! I must apologize for your barbarism. "

Other foreigners who came to the celebration also yelled.

Lin Fei became the target of public criticism.

"Why apologize? Have you investigated?"

Shen Xiang saw that Lin Fei was denounced. He stood out from the crowd and retorted loudly.

"Yes! Why apologize? "

Wu Weiping and Fang Chengliang clamored closely.

Other students, not to be outdone, stand up.

Lin Fei, now they all know that his character is neutral, he doesn't take the initiative to attack, and even makes friends easily, so they don't believe Lin Fei will hit people innocently.

The two sides are in opposition.

Crisno's eyes turned.

"Is this the quality of the students in Jianghai university?"

"Is the education of Jianghai university the education of students who don't know how to respect?"

"For such a Jianghai University, it's OK not to participate in the celebration? What makes it international? "

Three words, no doubt add fuel to the fire, instant burst in the crowd.

"This trip to China is really disappointing. I want to leave now." Beckfin was the first to say.

"I feel the same way. A school of 80 years should have such an education situation. What qualifications do you have to cooperate with us?" Robyn followed.

The two men's statement instantly made the situation more tense.

"Quit! Quit now

In this exchange school, crisno, beckfin and Robben have already become the wind vane of other participants and even the object of other participants' imitation because they proposed three competitions.

Three people's words are like instructions, which are instantly responded by many people.

For a while, Lin Fei became the target of all the foreign students who came to Jianghai university to celebrate.

At the scene, many teachers and students from other colleges and universities in China are constantly shaking their heads and sighing, showing regret in their eyes.

Since Jing Haoxing was contradicted by Shen Xiang and others, he has been watching the development of the situation angrily and didn't speak easily.

Now, the situation is one-sided, giving him instant hope.

"Lin Fei, you need to give me an explanation about this?"

"The face of Jianghai university can't be lost like this."

"I'm very sorry, ladies and gentlemen! I want to make it clear that Lin Fei is not a student cultivated by Jianghai University. He is actually a student from Jiangnan University of science and technology, and Jianghai university is also discredited by him. "


As soon as jinghaoxing's words came out, the scene became more chaotic.

Especially the students at the scene, they can't accept Jing Haoxing's irresponsibility in any case. They deliberately discredit Lin Fei and Jiangnan University.

"Lin Fei is my classmate!"

"Lin Fei is a student of Jianghai University."

"We advance and retreat together with Lin Fei."

Under the leadership of Shen Xiang, Wu Weiping and Fang Chengliang, nearly 200 people in class 1, class 2 and class 3 broke out and yelled in unison.

The scene was in chaos.

Crisno, Beck Finn and Robine looked at each other with a happy look in their eyes.James covered his mouth and his face was excited. He looked at Lin Fei with pride.

Lin Fei, always standing beside, always calm and silent.

However, she looked at Longnv and made a gesture that only the two of them could understand. Longnv nodded and turned to leave.

"Lin Fei, you immediately apologize to me!"

"If you are a man, you have to be brave."

"What you are doing now makes me despise you very much."

After a full minute, James saw Lin Fei's calmness, but he was enraged and said.

"Yes! Sorry

Mixed with a variety of language sounds at the scene together, momentum is very strong, but also with a strong authority.

Jinghaoxing is very proud of it.

Lin Fei's dress is very formal today. It's still a handmade suit and shoes prepared by Xiao Mengshan.

At the moment, the handsome and unrivalled face, graceful and extraordinary, strong and straight, a pair of eyes as deep as the sea, giving people a kind of imperceptible feeling.

At the moment, the Dragon girl came back and handed her mobile phone to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's eyes are stained with a touch of coldness, and the corners of his lips are slowly condensed in the corners of his lips.

The sharp eye locked James.

"Now if you admit it, I'll give you a chance, otherwise..."

"Admit what? Otherwise what? Can't you see that I was hurt? " When James heard it, he became more angry, straightened up, yelled, and even deliberately exposed the wound for others to see.

"You insulted me, so you have to pay the price!" Lin Fei suddenly raised his voice, looked at James and said angrily.

Ha ha

"I think it's the price you should pay." Said James with pride.

"Is it?"

Lin Fei asked jokingly, looking at the Dragon Girl.

The Dragon Girl clapped her hands twice, attracting everyone's attention instantly.

The next second, the Dragon Girl's body disappeared like lightning, and then -


There was a loud noise.


James's body flew out to a shell and fell heavily to the ground.

Ha ha

"Sex wolf!"

The big screen that had been playing Jianghai University's 80 years of development had changed, and James's arrogant and angry voice came.

Live -

it's quiet for a moment.

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