After the opening of the auditorium, the celebration of Jianghai University began step by step and orderly in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

In this regard, it has to be said that Guo pengquan still put a lot of effort into the organization, which can be said to be perfect.

There are countless guests here today, from the Ministry of education of Huaxia to the leaders of Jianghai Province, the leaders of Jianghai city and the major universities of Huaxia.

80 years of Jianghai University, but also out of countless celebrities, today all invited, can come, all come.

This is not only a return, but also a dream journey.

And all the people who are invited are either party members, or elites in a field, or academic leaders.

Lin Fei sat on the stage, his heart stirring, his eyes full of passion.

Just like the banner under the balloon outside the auditorium.

"80 years, witness the wind and rain, and finally see the rainbow."

"After 80 years of experience, we have finally seen glory."

The 80 year development course of Jianghai university is the result of the struggle of countless teachers and students of Jianghai University and the brilliance written by generations of students of Jianghai University.

At the moment, he understood Guo pengquan's real feelings when he was looking for donations, and he also had a strong respect for Guo pengquan -

this is a real person from Jianghai University.

"Now, let's welcome Mr. crisno, an international friend who attended the 80th anniversary of Jianghai University, to speak on the stage."

With the host's voice, crisno tidied up his neat black suit, stood up from his seat, and nodded with a smile to the teachers and students of other international schools who came to participate in the celebration.

Finally, his eyes fell on Lin Fei's face, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth. There was a kind of evil spirit in his eyes.

Lin Fei is surprised, he did not expect to have this arrangement.

Crisno's face, he had guessed

"Dear Beck Finn, Luo Bain and colleagues from other countries, although I don't like Jianghai university very much, and even feel that the 80 year development of Jianghai university is like a baby who hasn't grown up, I'm still very happy because I've met you and the real level of Chinese Education..."

Crisno's opening moment, like a heavy bomb, exploded in the entire auditorium.

Naked provocation.

Naked slander.

Naked irony.

This makes the leaders sitting on the stage, the teachers and students of Jianghai University, and even the teachers and students of other schools in Huaxia lose face.

Only Jinghao star was excited, even almost laughing.



Very good!

This is what he really thinks.

Lin Fei, now he wants to hold Lin Fei and kiss him. Thank you very much.

If he hadn't angered crisno, it would never have happened.

Looking at Guo pengquan, I had only one idea in my mind -

lifting a stone and hitting myself in the foot.

Pa Pa!

One wave of applause was higher than the other.

Just at the door, although Lin Fei and Longnv were only depressed by crisno, beckfin, Robyn and James, it was also an insult to other international teachers and students on the scene, which made them very angry.

Now, finally found the goal of venting, naturally to be excited to vent, to enjoy the vent.

"Crisno, that's very kind of you. I don't want to stay in a school like this for a minute."

"Yes! Who would come to such a school as a teacher? It's a shame. "

"Ah! It's a shame that an 80 year old school should have such a low level of education, which makes me feel ashamed for them. "


Other international teachers and students cheered more and more.

This makes crisno stand on the stage, more proud and more energetic.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed cold, took out his mobile phone and sent out a text message.

At the scene, crisno was still giving a speech. The students of Jianghai University stood up several times to interrupt, but they were stopped by Jing Haoxing.


Outside the auditorium.

More than a dozen cash trucks were stopped, which shocked the security guards and police on the scene.

At the moment, one looks very sexy and fashionable in a long white skirt. The graceful woman with a waist as thin as a bee willow, extremely coquettish and full of mature charm, is directing the bank staff who follow the cash truck to unload the trolley from the truck.

She is a butterfly.





At first, people could count the number of trolley boxes, but soon there were hundreds, and no one could count them.


The woman's mobile phone rings and vibrates. She quickly takes out her mobile phone and sees the message from Lin Fei.A touch of excitement flashed across Huadie's calm face.

"Enter the auditorium now."

With that, Huadie twisted her waist and walked to the auditorium first.

The bank staff followed.

"If China wants to develop, what it needs is quality education, and what it needs is really talented teachers. Who will come to China if we are such excellent teachers?"

Crisno looked at other international colleagues and asked aloud.

Pa Pa!

Applause is the best silent answer.


The clear and neat sound of high heels interrupted the applause.

The delicate face and enchanting figure of Huadie attracted the attention of countless people as soon as they appeared on the scene.

Although crisno was extremely angry, he still suppressed his anger when he saw the enchanting flowers and butterflies. He even felt the light in front of him and stopped his speech.

At the moment, Guo pengquan's face had turned black, and he almost vomited blood on the spot.

Officials at all levels around him, countless angry eyes swept, his face showed a thick anger.

In their opinion, Guo pengquan's invitation to them was a slap in the face.

As a person with status, who can accept it?

Guo pengquan didn't know why, but he cried bitterly and lamented the sad fate.

However, he did not regret the school anniversary, but regretted inviting the wrong person this time.

Flowers and butterflies walk into the auditorium, beautiful eyes flow, looking around.

Lin Fei has stood up and waved to Huadie, "manager Hua, I'm here."

"Mr. Lin, all ready!" Flowers and butterflies smile, charming sentient beings, so that many men are in front of a bright.

“OK! Let's start now! " Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Act now!"

Butterfly turned to look at the staff behind him and ordered.


The uniform answer immediately resounded throughout the auditorium.

"What are they doing?"

"The celebration of Jianghai university is really a wonderful work. The people invited here are so critical, and they have to do something fancy?"

"Ah! No wonder it's belittled. The management of this school is really chaotic! "


Many domestic counterparts can't help whispering.


Suddenly, there was a scream in the auditorium.


There was a great cry.


That's right!

Red money, a dozen, a pile, was taken out of the trolley box by the staff, and quickly built a red money Wall on the empty space of the auditorium.


The scene was boiling, and even crisno kept swallowing because there was too much money.

He couldn't see how much

"Nonsense! It's nonsense Jinghaoxing cried out angrily.

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