"Manager Huadie, how much is that?"

Lin Fei looks at the butterfly with a smile and asks happily.

Huadie is still immersed in Lin Fei's embrace, which makes her shy like a little woman.

Pretty face appears a touch of bright red, eyelids droop, face also immediately droop, ears quietly red up.

Lin Fei shouts, let her suddenly wake up from the shock.

"One billion!"


There was a scream at the scene.

A billion?

Many people's eyes were fixed on the mountain of money and began to shine.

You know, many of them are just a few thousand Chinese dollars or a US knife every month, one billion Chinese dollars, enough shock.

Even crisno, beckfin and Robben were shocked when they heard about the money.

Shen Liangpeng thinks that five million dollars is a lot, and one billion dollars has become a drizzle.

The screams of the people at the scene represent their shock, fear and disbelief.

However, no one's eyes away from the mountain of money, it is too tempting.

"Ha! It's a billion

Lin Fei said to himself.


Many people can't help swallowing.

Looking at Lin Fei, there was more awe in his eyes.

No one is a fool. If this student can put out a billion yuan, he is not an ordinary person.

"Dear leaders, teachers and alumni of Jianghai University, I, Lin Fei, am the president of Jianghai University Alumni Association."

Quiet, no one responded, but they all listened very carefully.

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. As a student of Jianghai University, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding of my alma mater, I am willing to do my best to contribute to the development of Jianghai University."


Many people at the scene began to breathe in, and their eyes changed between Lin Fei and Jinshan.

What do you mean?


That's what many people think.

"Lin Fei, do you want to donate again?"

Jing Haoxing asked coldly.

His question is of interest to all. After all, it is also the answer everyone wants to know.

Lin Fei light smile, directly ignore.

Jing Haoxing's face was pale, and he snorted coldly, "Lin Fei, although you donated 8 billion yuan, even if you donated another billion yuan, you can't recover the damage to Jianghai University and the reputation loss of Jianghai University. You are the sinner of Jianghai University."

Jinghaoxing said finally, hoarse, for fear that others do not know the serious consequences caused by Lin Fei.


There was an inspirational sound.

"He, he donated eight billion to the school?"

"Is that true? No wonder Guo Peng supports him with all his strength. "

"It's true that there are no less donations. However, money can't make up for the damage to Jianghai University."


Everyone at the scene could not help but exclaim, but also full of emotion.

Even the leaders of the Ministry of education showed doubts and looked at Ren Kening with questioning eyes.

Ren Kening nodded.

Ren Feifei told him about it, so he was not shocked.

The leader of the Ministry of education looked at Lin Fei with complicated eyes. At last, he simply browed. He really wanted to see how Lin Fei would solve the immediate problems.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed on the faces of those educational peers at home and abroad, with a confident smile on his face.

"I'm going to make a big announcement today."


The scene was quiet, and Lin Fei was waiting for his announcement.

At this moment, even crisno was listening.

He didn't have a good impression on Lin Fei, just waiting to see his joke.

"The 1 billion yuan will be used as the salary for Jianghai university to recruit top teachers from China and abroad in the next three years."


After a few seconds of silence, a scream suddenly sounded.

Ha ha

"Lin Fei, with a billion yuan, you want to recruit top teachers from home and abroad. Are you a bit out of the blue?"

Said crisno with a curl.

"Lin Fei, do you hear me? It's not something you can solve with money. " Jing Haoxing immediately jumped out and said.

Lin Fei didn't pay attention to it, but still smile.

His smile, coupled with his handsome face, gives people a feeling of light cloud and light wind, which makes crisno, jinghaoxing and others very depressed. With a heavy punch, it seems to hit on the soft cotton, which has no effect.

"Everyone's annual salary is 10 million, and the contract is signed for three years."


"Is it true?""My God! The pay is too high. "


Lin Fei's words instantly ignited the scene and immediately became popular.

Even Ren Kening, the leader of the Ministry of education, was in the spotlight.

Guo pengquan was even more excited to clench his fists. Lin Fei didn't break his words. He really wanted to surprise himself and give Jianghai university a chance.

Crisno's face changed, too.

Ten million Chinese dollars, equivalent to nearly 1.7 million US dollars, is equivalent to his salary for several years.

Beckfein and Robine are already a little excited.

But crisno's voice sounded again.

"Lin Fei, do you know what is most important to an educator?"


"Fame. The popularity of the school, the platform to achieve success, even if you give more salary, Jianghai university such a platform, do you think someone will come for three years 30 million? Kill the chicken for the eggs. "

Crisno said the last four words, his eyes full of irony.

His words are like a basin of cold water, which instantly extinguishes the enthusiasm of the people. Many people who originally wanted to stand up calm down again.

Crisno is right. Many people succeed because of the reputation of the school.

There is also the school's hardware platform, such as laboratory and scientific research equipment, etc. if these conditions are not available, then even in such a school, what can we do?

Three years!

There are several golden three years in life!

It's quiet!

The key point.

There was a look of pride on crisno's face.

Lin Fei's tactics are really good, but his counterattack is also sharp.

"Lin Fei, do you know? It's not just money. " Crisno said haughtily.

Under Lin Fei's fixed smile, his mouth slowly opened. "Crisno, I'm sorry. I'm just rich."

Crisno: --

Just sharp counterattack, was Lin Fei a rich, hit the ashes.

"I now announce the second decision."

Originally already discouraged public, instantaneous once again will pay attention to Lin Fei body.

"Lin Fei, your 100th decision is useless!" Crisno adjusted his mind in time. In order to increase his momentum, he laughed and said.

Lin Fei ignored it. "Invest 10 billion every year to build the best scientific research platform in the world in Jianghai University."

"The trough! It's really strong. "

"Is it true?"

"This, this is definitely the first in China."


The people who had been discouraged, just like being injected with hormones, were instantly excited and full of passion.

A twitch, crisno ran through the center of his heart.

How cruel!

This is just too overbearing.


It's just rude.

He wants to be rude.

"My third decision is..."


Everybody sit up straight.

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