"Lin Fei, what are you laughing at?" After many encounters with Lin Fei, crisno knew something about Lin Fei. He saw the meaning in his smile and couldn't help asking.

"I laugh at what you'll look like when you can't be a man."

"Lin Fei, you You don't have to distract me, just wait to lose the game

Crisno didn't believe Lin Fei's statement at all, but said angrily.

With a faint smile, Lin Fei began to be silent.


The second quarter starts.

The two teams are playing again.

Without Lin Fei's curse, the strength of the M team gradually showed up,

scored five goals in a row at the beginning, and directly hit a wave of small climax.

After three minutes, Jianghai team successfully attacked twice to relieve the pressure.

Both sides you come and I go, began to attack, but in general, M team performance is more powerful.

By the end of the second quarter, the team of Jianghai University was nearly 30 points behind.

The situation is grim.

Lin Fei and crisno didn't speak for the whole quarter, but crisno's pressure is much less than Lin Fei's.

During the rest, Lin Fei also used to cheer up, but he didn't say anything about tactics, because he never played basketball. He really didn't understand it!

The game starts again.

It is still dominated by the M team, which makes the pressure on Jianghai university even greater. The leaders sitting on the stage are more and more tight, and the black line on their faces is also more and more thick.

Looking at Guo pengquan, Jing Haoxing squeezed out a smile, pretended to be very respectful and solemnly asked: "headmaster Guo, is the painting of Tang Palace ladies ready? Don't lose at that time

Guo Peng was in a state of anxiety all his life. Hearing this sentence, he undoubtedly made things worse, and his face looked depressed.

Hear Yin Zhongshun and Ren Kening two people ears, is very unhappy.

However, this makes jinghaoxing more happy.

"Team m, win!"

Sitting in the stands, Beck Finn and Robine can't help shouting when they see crisno's team winning.

Crisno saw that the two best friends took the lead to refuel, and his face was excited. He waved to the two people, showing his confidence to win.


Seems to be in line with his move, Jones an accurate three-point ball, directly pulled the score to 32 points.

This makes the situation of Jianghai university more severe.

The next few minutes seemed to be Jones' performance time. He and Cao Qian were both guards, but compared with Cao Qian, they were just like heaven and earth. All kinds of tactical actions emerged one after another. With the cooperation of the players, they broke through the defense one after another.

Without James, they rely on small players to play how fast and flexible way, make the attack faster and faster, but more efficient.

Even Jones once dribbled the ball directly under the basket, then jumped up, holding the basketball in both hands and poured it in.

Two hands dunk!

But also in the thunder River block under the defense of the offensive success, a wonderful, directly let all the people on the scene are boiling cheers.

Jianghai university has no choice but to stop.

This time, even the players themselves began to criticize and scold themselves. They knew the importance of this game.

After the break, the game started again, led by Captain Wu Feng, launched a wave of active attack.

Wu Feng and Cao Qian passed the ball several times in a row. At the moment when Cao Qian broke down, Wu Feng made a hand and shot directly online and out.


Lei he exclaimed excitedly.

"Jianghai University, must win!"

The atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited, as if the flood which had been blocked for a long time had been released, and resounded through the whole scene.

"I scored a goal. I'm glad you're going to lose, you know?" Crisno said haughtily with his hands behind him.

Lin Fei's eyes look at crisno. It's been a long time.

Crisno is haughty sneer, "Lin Fei, before the game has started, the outcome has been decided, that is to lose without doubt."

Wen Yan.

Lin Fei's eyes contracted and his anger began to burn.

He knew that if it went on like this, Jianghai university would surely lose.

"Lin Fei, don't be angry. You should think about how to lose less?"

"Do you think that your Chinese basketball team is the opponent of our M team?"

"The gap, this is a natural gap, can't surmount, admit your life, admit defeat!"

Crisno grinned arrogantly.

Lin Fei's face was gloomy.

Jingzhu and Luo Zihuan don't speak any more at the moment. They quietly look at the field, and keep making regrets and sighs, even shaking their heads and sighing.

"Lin Fei, I forgot to tell you that Jones is the potential star of our m country. In fact, the core of our team is him. James is just a cover.""The flying man of NBA, you know? He's called the new flying man

"Today, as long as he's on the court, you'll wait to lose the game."

Crisno saw that Lin Fei and others were silent and said again.

Lin Fei looks at the court. Jones is defending Wu Feng. Wu Feng fails to break through.

Not only was the ball broken, but also the counterattack was successful.

The reason why Jianghai university can't score is that it's difficult to break through this guy's defense.

On the contrary, once he gets the ball, it's like a sword out of the sheath.

The game goes on.

M team attack, basketball quickly across the center line, after several consecutive breakthroughs, was passed to Jones again.

In the eyes of all, Jones is still calm hand.


Wu Feng was cut off, back to defense with anger, and jumped up in advance to try to steal.

"It's easy to be fooled by a simple mind."

Jones sneered. He didn't make a move at all. It was just a fake.

He took off straight from the spot. His body was like a spring. He started to dunk from the free throw point.


The basketball smashed into the basket heavily, Jones grabbed the basket and shook in the air.


Two points.


"How handsome you are, Jones."

"I love you."

"Jones, I want to pursue you."

There was a huge heat wave and cheers.


The referee whistled and the third quarter was over.

Jianghai university is more than 40 points behind.

"All of us should keep our spirits up. We can't admit defeat until the end."

Wu Feng saw that people were in a low mood. He couldn't help yelling and encouraging.

"Cheer up."

"Even if you lose, you have to lose with backbone."

"Fuck him."


The members of the basketball team began to cheer each other up.

Although we are clear in our hearts that it is impossible to turn over the market, we must work hard even if we can't do it.

In contrast, Jones and others are full of momentum and ready to celebrate.

At the moment, the whole basketball hall, except for the excited laughter of foreign colleagues, is quiet, even with a thick depression.

"Lin Fei, come here!" Guo pengquan shouts to Lin Fei in the field.

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