"The trough! The boss is really a god

Shen Xiang's shouting broke the silence of the scene.



The audience of Jianghai University, which has been depressed for a long time, is finally breaking out. Although the score gap is still very big, Lin Fei's three-point goal still makes them very excited.

The feeling of being repressed is like a flash flood.

In contrast, crisno's face is black. He just said that Lin Fei lost and couldn't play, so the ball was thrown in by Lin Fei. Don't you want to fight in the face?

Jones was the one who was beaten in the face most. He put forward that he couldn't score a point. As a result, Lin Fei came up with a super long-distance three-point, which directly broke the target.

"Lin Fei, good job!"

Wu Feng and others rushed up and hugged Lin Fei with an excited look. Even their eyes were moist and excited.

However, Lin Fei's face was calm and he just nodded. At last, he looked at the Dragon Girl, stretched out two fingers and made a victory gesture. At the same time, he looked at Zhou Ruoshui.

This makes the wheat skin of Dragon Girl turn red instantly.

"Lin Fei, just a fluke!" Jones yelled angrily and made a provocative gesture to Lin Fei.

M basketball team has served again, this time the two sides in the middle of the fight is very fierce.

Jones passes the ball, pop.

Unexpectedly, the ball was stopped by Leihe on the way, and he also patted the ball to the back court again.

Yes, it's just backward.

This time, everyone was stunned again.

Because Lin Fei is the only one in the backcourt.

The clothes and shoes he wears are not suitable for running, so it's more in the back court to let everyone give the ball to him.

Lei he did.

However, no one believes that Lin Fei's shooting just now is 100% strength. In their view, it is ignorant.

It's like a blind cat meets a dead mouse.

In the first three quarters of the competition, the main scorer of Jianghai university is Lei he. Although he is far behind, Lei he's performance is really eye-catching. Of their 35 points, 15 points are obtained by him alone, and the rest of the talents work together to win 20 points.

As the main center, he is the core of the team's attack.

However, what puzzles everyone is that as a center, even if you don't dribble or organize the attack, you should give it to the guard, and then run to the bottom of the basket by yourself. As a result, you give the ball to Lin Fei.

As expected.


Lin Fei reaches out his hands and catches the basketball directly.


All the people at the scene looked at Lin Fei again and quieted down again. Everyone was staring at Lin Fei, trying to see how Lin Fei would deal with it and whether he wanted to continue long-distance projection.

This time, Jones and others still did not come forward.

"Lin Fei, come on, throw me another one." Jones looked at Lin Fei and said defiantly.

With a smile on his face, Lin Fei looked at the basketball basket, and the distance, wind speed, angle and other data instantly appeared in his mind.

"Lin Fei, you are so special. If you can throw in again, I will give up."

Crisno thought of just slapping face, in the heart not angry, yelled.

Lin Fei ignored, holding the ball in both hands, raised it high, and made a very handsome shooting posture.


Basketball should be shot, in the air again draw a beautiful parabola, flying toward the basket.

"Cut! Do you really think you are a God... "


The basketball made a slight impact with the basket and then went straight into the net.

Jones swallowed his last words without saying them.

To be exact, it's holding back.

It's like being slapped back when you speak. It's very painful to swallow, but it's very uncomfortable to swallow.

"Crisno, do you give up?"

The silence in the shock was interrupted by Lin Fei's voice.



The stands of Jianghai University exploded again.

"I Lin Fei, you can continue to win. " Crisno didn't expect Lin Fei to really throw in, but now he can only harden his head and make shameless sophistry.

"Crisno, there's a country where people like you don't believe what you say."

With that, he stretched out his little finger again and pressed it down to make a scorn.

Crisno's face turned red and he didn't speak for a long time.

He has nothing to say. If he continues to say, he will have to admit defeat. Isn't that a vain effort?

The live score was 67-41.

Wu Feng and others are more excited at the moment, and they run to celebrate with Lin Fei again.

Mu Xinxuan's six women on the court were also stunned by Lin Fei's accurate shooting, especially Longnu. Although she doesn't play basketball, it's the same reason with shooting, which is affected by external conditions and environment.

Lin Fei's success for the first time may be muddled, but two times in a row, it's definitely not muddled, it's just the embodiment of strength.The M team served again, and this time Jones offered to serve.

He was holding the ball out of bounds. The students of Jianghai University made a defensive posture. Jones raised his mouth slightly and the ball went straight.

However -

it was thrown at Lin Fei.

That's right!

Direct serve to Lin Fei.

This surprised everyone, even the people of the M team were puzzled to look at Jones.

"Lin Fei, come on, throw me another one."

This time, Jones learned to be smart and didn't talk big, but he had a teasing look on his face because he didn't believe Lin Fei could make three shots.

Since he wants to make Jianghai University's goal of not getting one point impossible to achieve, let them pitch. He hopes that Lin Fei's shooting failure, even once, will bring down his taxi spirit and make Jianghai university give up resistance.

What he pursues is the highest realm, to defeat the enemy psychologically.

Of course, he also has confidence, with his basketball talent, even if Lin Fei really put in, still won't delay the game.

It's like an adult saying to a child, "come on, beat me, beat me down --

pure bullshit!

Children can't do it with all their efforts.

In his opinion, compared with Lin Fei, he is a comparison between adults and children, that is

Jones's idea is still going on. Lin Fei's basketball has been shot again.

It's the same scene and the same result.

When the ball entered the basket this time, Longnu was the first to clap and even yell.

Under her infection, the scene was instantly ignited.

"Lin Fei!"

"Lin Fei!"

"Lin Fei!"


The shouts of tidiness were heard all over the field.

The audience of Jianghai University, including Guo pengquan, Yin Zhongshun and Ren Kening, all clapped their hands.

A wave of 9-0 small climax, so that the score has become 67:44, although the gap is not small, but Lin Fei let them see the hope of turnover.

Wu Feng, Lei he and others came running over one after another and squatted on the ground to make a shoe shining posture for Lin Fei.

They have paid homage to Lin Fei.

Mu Xinxuan and Ruo Xue pull down their sunglasses and their eyes fall on Lin Fei. The two women seem to know Lin Fei for the first time.

As for Siyu, Xiao Mengshan and Zhou Ruoshui, their eyes seem to be filled with water waves, and they are full of emotion.

This is especially true of countless women at the scene.

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