The Phoenix is not as good as the chicken.

Shen Liangpeng in distress is not as good as a beggar.

Just rummaged through the wallet, penniless of him, now a dollar is good. "Give me the rest of the money after you settle the bill."


I rolled my eyes.

"Who made you so disrespectful to me just now?" Shen Liangpeng also found a high sounding reason.

The waiter almost vomited directly, glared at Shen Liangpeng and turned to the bar to check out.

"It's good for Shen Dong to spend a dollar now."

"Who said no? But that's right. I can't eat without money. "

"Shen Dong can go to the prison for free next time!"


People around began to make fun of each other.

However -

SHEN Liangpeng ignored it directly, chatted with young people like a pug, and his eyes were full of flattery.

"Here's 6100 yuan left, sir." The waiter was very bad and gave the money to the young man on purpose.

Shen Liangpeng stares at the money with stars in his eyes.

"Give it to Mr. Shen!" Young people very natural and unrestrained said.

"Thank you! Thank you Shen Liangpeng repeatedly said thank you and reached for the money.

"Poor man!" The waiter scolded angrily.

Shen Liangpeng is about to get angry and is stopped by the young man. "Mr. Shen, let's go out for a drink."

"Well! I'll never come to this bar again. "

The waiter looked at Shen Liangpeng's complacent appearance. If it wasn't for other customers, he would have uttered rude words directly.

He didn't want to meet this kind of poor man for a second time.

Out of the bar, Shen Liangpeng is still like a dog, trying to curry favor with young people, trying to get to know each other.

"Go! I'll take you to my company for a drink. "

With that, the young man took him to a Land Rover.

When Shen Liangpeng heard about the company, he was surprised and agreed with a smile.

Two people drive straight out of the bar.

Shen Liangpeng fell asleep when he got on the bus because of his strong drink.

When he woke up, he found himself in a big room with bright lights.

He tried to shake his head and open his eyes, only to find that it was a conference room.

A closer look, sitting in front of two men, one is Lin Fei, the other does not know. Looking around, there was no young man.

"Here, where is this?" Shen Liangpeng asked with evasive eyes.

"Shen Liangpeng, why don't you roar and howl when you see me?" Lin Fei laughs.

Shen Liangpeng wanted to be angry with Lin Fei, but he didn't dare in the end.

When I was rich, I couldn't, let alone now?

Shen Liangpeng doesn't speak. Lin Fei doesn't speak any more. Instead, he looks at Zhao Ren.

"Shen Liangpeng, I'm the general manager of the earth real estate company."

"Are you the general manager of the earth real estate company?" Hearing the title, Shen Liangpeng stood up and asked angrily as if he had been stimulated.

The reason why all of our property was sealed up this time is that after the scandal came to light, as the shareholder of global real estate, it was the first to claim full compensation, which led to the passivity of the whole group.

Therefore, he hated the earth's real estate and Zhao Ren to the bone. Now when he heard about it, he was naturally angry and excited.

"I'm the chairman of the global real estate group." Lin Fei said with a smile.


Shen Liangpeng is just like a vented ball. He has no temper.

He knows what happened in Jianghai University, and Lin Fei donated 40 billion yuan, which made him envious for a long time.

Now, he is speechless.

"Are you not angry?" Lin Fei laughs.

Shen Liangpeng's face was desolate and shook his head bitterly.

He's not stupid. He's smart.


How many of the top students from Jianghai university can be fools?

Otherwise, how could he become the president of the student union of Jianghai university?

At this moment, facing Lin Fei, he chose silence.

"Shen Liangpeng, I called you here today to help you." Zhao Ren said.

"Help me?" Shen Liangpeng asked in surprise.

"Give me 20% of your shares, and then make public the fact that the Zhao family actually holds 50% of the shares, and come up with the legal basis." Zhao Ren continued.

Shen Liangpeng's face suddenly changed.

He did not immediately answer, but began to silence, eyes still keep turning, seems to be thinking.

"I'll give you three minutes to think about it." Zhao Ren raised his hand and looked at his watch with a smile.

"Lin Fei, I can give it to you, but you have to give me 500 million." Shen Liangpeng knows that the real manager is Lin Fei. He looks directly at Lin Fei and says."Shen Liangpeng, you have to pay 40 billion yuan for your 20% shares, don't you know?" Lin Fei asked with a sneer.

Shen Liangpeng swallowed his saliva and nodded helplessly to show that he knew.

"Give me your shares and I'll pay you 40 billion yuan in compensation. Shouldn't you be happy?"

Lin Fei then asked.

Shen Liangpeng's face darkened in an instant.

Of course, he knew that he just wanted to get some money, but he didn't expect Lin Fei to say so directly.

"Lin Fei, for the sake of being an alumnus of Jianghai University, can you give me some money?"

Shen Liangpeng begged.

"Do you mean to say that you were a former student of Jianghai university? What's going on with crisno, beckfin and Robyn's five million dollars? What's the matter with the painting of Tang Palace ladies

Shen Liangpeng

"Agree, sign immediately. Don't agree, go away! " Lin Fei is absolutely impolite to Shen Liangpeng.

Shen Liangpeng stares at Lin Fei for three seconds. Seeing that Lin Fei is resolute and murderous, he knows he can't change it.

"All right! I agree. "

Lin Fei did not speak, Zhao Ren has taken Shen Liangpeng out to handle.

Half an hour later, Zhao Ren came back, and Shen Liangpeng had been sent away.

"What's next, Mr. Lin?"

Zhao Ren looks at Lin Fei and asks.

Lin Fei carefully turned over all the legal evidence provided by Shen Liangpeng and put it on the table. "After zero, release these news on the Internet and at the same time release the news. At nine o'clock tomorrow, the shareholders of Pengfei group will go to Zhao group to study and solve the problem of compensation, so that all the households involved can directly accept the compensation at the gate of Zhao group."

Lin Fei finished, and his eyes glowed with excitement.

Zhao Ren was shocked, then his eyes flashed, his hands clenched into fists, showing a strong sense of war.

He knew that Lin Fei was going to give a heavy blow to the Zhao family.

"Will Shen Liangpeng..." Zhao Ren whispered.

After thinking about it, Lin Fei waved to Zhao Ren and muttered in a low voice. While Zhao Ren gave Lin Fei a thumbs up, he quickly ran out to arrange.

Lin Fei handles everything and leaves the earth real estate.

Back to Huatian Hotel, it's almost eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

After taking a bath, I lay down on the bed and couldn't sleep when I thought of the wonderful drama of the Zhao family tomorrow.

Finally, he jumps to the ground and walks towards Mu Xinxuan's room opposite

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