In Ren Kening's office.

He has just received a call from the leaders of the eastern and Western courts, asking him to properly handle the Pengfei real estate business.

With a large population in China, basic necessities of life are the fundamental problem, which is more related to social stability.

For many people, the problem to be solved in one's life is the problem of living.

With the rapid development of China's economy, house price has become the strongest driving force of economic development.

As a result, in order to solve the problem of a house, many families will spend all their life savings, and even bear heavy debts.

Now, with the purchase of Pengfei real estate, which is substandard in quality, or even tricky, we can imagine how big the social contradictions and crisis will be?

Ren Kening, once the head of Jiangnan City, knows the importance of this kind of thing in the eyes of leaders, which makes him more worried.


There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

Ren Kening's majestic voice came.


The office door was pushed open and the secretary came in.

"Governor Ren, the investigation has been made clear. At present, Pengfei group shares are in the hands of two shareholders. "

"Who are they?"

Ren Kening put down his pen and asked.

"Zhao group and the earth real estate company each hold 50 percent of the shares."

The Secretary said, eyes to Ren Kening, no longer words.

Ren Kening put down his pen, his eyes were full of surprise at first, then his eyes were full of smile, and finally he burst out laughing.

The secretary is very strange!

"Go ahead and get busy first!" Ren Kening stopped laughing and told his secretary.

The Secretary nodded and turned to withdraw.

Ren Kening turns twice inside the house and goes back to his desk. Just as he wants to make a call, his mobile phone rings.

Seeing that the contact person shown above is Zhao Ren, Ren Kening first frowned, then nodded with a smile and pressed the connect key.

"Hello, governor Ren, I'm Zhao Ren! Mr. Lin asked me to call you

Zhao Ren stops here.

Ren Kening is satisfied with his eyes, and even more happy in his heart -

Lin Fei has a high IQ and EQ.

Maybe Lin Fei didn't know that he was in charge of this matter, but the purpose of this call is very simple. It's a favor for him.

In other words, this matter will definitely disturb the government in the end. It is very difficult for the government to deal with it no matter who comes forward.

If you can get Lin Fei's support, it's not difficult.

Lin Fei gives the favor to Ren Kening. He can deal with it by himself or give it to others.

Ren Kening appreciates and likes Lin Fei more and more.

Very intelligent, very intelligent.

He even thought for a moment that it would be a good thing if Lin Fei was in politics or his son-in-law.

The thought just flashed by.

"What does Lin Fei want to solve?"

Ren Kening asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Lin said that our global real estate company will deal with this matter in accordance with the requirements of the government."

Ren Kening nodded again with satisfaction.

"Tell me what you think!"

Ren Kening knows that Lin Fei must have his own idea.

He was able to build houses for sale at the original price in Jiangnan City. Why not in Jianghai city?

"Mr. Lin plans to take back all the land, demolish and rebuild the houses, and give each family a new house. In order to compensate for the loss, each household will compensate 10 square meters. "

Ren Kening


I was moved!

Lin Fei is Lin Fei. He is the most conscientious entrepreneur he has ever seen.

"Tell Lin Fei, I agree."

"Thank you, governor Ren." Zhao Ren finished and hung up.

Ren Kening walked around the house twice. After calming down his excitement, he picked up the landline and called the leaders of the East and West hospital to report. He was very satisfied with the reply and asked him to handle the matter.

Ren Kening hang up, find a secretary, ride to Zhao group.

At the moment, tens of thousands of people have gathered at the gate of Zhao's group. The road has been closed. All the police and traffic police have arrived at the scene and are maintaining order at the scene.

Fortunately, Li Qingfeng had a truck carrying mineral water yesterday. Because there was water to drink and the warm service of the security guard, the scene was not chaotic.

The only depression is Zhao Wenbin, surrounded in the middle, make clothes messy, embarrassed.

"Let's give way. Here comes Dong Zhao." Zhao Guodong came in from behind the crowd under the protection of four bodyguards.

His car had already stopped a few blocks away, so he had to walk.

"Zhao Guodong, return our house.""Wu Dong, Zhao Guoliang, we will pay for the house."

"The Zhao family is not benevolent because they are rich. They cheat us and get the money. We ask for repayment."


The scene was boiling.

Zhao Guodong's face was purple with anger and his eyes were shrinking.

However, because he didn't see his son Zhao Wenbin, he still went inside without saying a word.

Along the way through the crowd, many people taunted him, poured water, or threw mineral water bottles, making him angry.

The bodyguard tried to fight several times, but his reason defeated his anger and was stopped by him.

He is very clear that once the outbreak, the results will be more serious.

After all, there are tens of thousands of people at the scene.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Zhao Guodong came to Zhao Wenbin.

"Dad Zhao Wenbin is like a lost child with his parents. He is very excited to see his father.

Zhao Guodong nodded with a gloomy face.

Glancing over the security guard's face, he saw the mountain of mineral water piled up at the door of the security room and the sun umbrellas scattered at the door. He knew it was Lin Fei who deliberately hacked him!

There are countless grass and mud horses in my heart.

"Wang Hao, you really have a heart!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao! You're right. Thanks to our early preparation, otherwise Zhao's life and death would be unknown now! "


"Don't listen to me, Zhao Dong! I'm telling the truth! By the way, this is the reimbursement invoice that Mr. Li asked me to transfer to you. It's a million yuan in total. "

Wang Hao face Zhao Guodong, neither humble nor arrogant, finally also took out an invoice to pass in the past.

Zhao Guodong was so angry that he almost bled on the spot.

Too much deception!

"Tell Li Qingfeng and Lin Fei not to go too far. Zhao Guodong is not a bully."

"Everybody, do you see that I'll buy you water, but Zhao Guodong doesn't agree."

Wang Hao looked directly at the protestors and said with a smile.

Zhao Guodong

Wang Hao is a black man!

"Zhao Guodong, you have reached the acme of being rich and heartless."

"It's disgusting to be reluctant to pay for a bottle of water."

"Well! Zhao Guodong, if you don't solve it properly this time, we will never give up. "

Wang Hao fanned the flames and successfully ignited it. Zhao Guodong became the focus of the attack, which made him feel the pain of being roasted on the fire.

The thief was depressed.

The thief is sour.

Zhao Guodong tried to take a breath. A smile on his face was uglier than crying. He opened his mouth to the crowd

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