"Hello, Lin Fei! I'm Zhao Guodong. "

Zhao Guodong tried to suppress his anger and maintain a relatively peaceful tone.

Lin Fei has regained his composure after a short period of anger. "What's the matter?"

Voice Hun heavy, low charm, with a bit of ridicule of the cold.

Lin Fei is really mocking Zhao Guodong. The Zhao family thinks they are very powerful, but they are still forced to give in today.

Zhao Guodong's heart was pulled fiercely, his eyes were slightly contracted, and his face was about to drip black. Today, Zhao's face was lost again.

At the end of the day, however, the anger was suppressed. "Lin Fei, I want to talk to you about the houses and the land."

"I don't have time. I want to say it now."

"I, well! I want to give you all the land, and you are responsible for all the things about housing compensation, which has nothing to do with our Zhao group. "

"Oh? What do you Zhao group manage? " Lin Fei asked with a sneer.

"Lin Fei, this is equivalent to our Zhao group's compensation of 110 billion. Isn't it enough?"

When Zhao Guodong thought of the real money, his mouth kept twitching -

it was really distressing.

"Zhao Guodong, this matter can be discussed, but with one condition?"

"What conditions?"

"Let's make public what you Zhao family have done in collusion with Shen Liangpeng and Zhao Wenhua in collusion with James on the 80th anniversary of Jianghai University, and apologize to Jianghai University. We can only get forgiveness."

"Lin Fei, you are going too far."

"Too much? Don't you Zhao family go too far? "

Lin Fei suddenly raised his tone and his voice was cold.

Zhao Guodong can feel the chill across the phone.

But -


Zhao Guodong gave a cold hum and hung up directly.

The beep inside the phone makes Lin Fei not angry. On the contrary, he is very relieved and full of pride. He believes Zhao Guodong will choose.

Of course, they will choose to come again.

Lin Fei just put down his mobile phone, the phone rings again, see the phone number above is father Lin Zhong, quickly connect.

Lin Zhong and Lin Fei said a few words. Lin Fei's face became more and more ugly, but he nodded and agreed.

"Drive to homesick!"

Lin Fei hangs up and looks at the Dragon Girl.

The Dragon girl nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out like an arrow.

Zhao Guodong's face is getting darker and darker. In the face of the remaining 20000 people, he is already thirsty, but the other party only asks for compensation for the house.

At the moment, these people are more and more excited, with anger in their emotions, and they are likely to rush in at any time and smash the Zhao group.

Zhao Guodong is extremely anxious and depressed.

However, thinking of Lin Fei's request, he absolutely can't agree. Where is the face of the Zhao family?

Lin Fei?

Zhao Guodong wanted to kill it and then quickly.

In Sijia villa.

Siqixue looked at Lin Zhong in front of him. Although his face was ordinary, and even with some dignity and anger, he was very excited.

The relationship between the two generations of friends is that they can sacrifice their lives for each other. Thinking of the disaster of the Lin family and the destruction of Lin Fei, Siqi's heart is still full of ups and downs.

Si Liyuan sits next to Lin Zhong. Although she still looks very young after many plastic surgeries, she still looks much older than Lin Zhong who drank Lin Fei intermediate life medicine. At least she looks like her sister and brother.

"Lin Zhong, have you suffered a lot these years?"

Siqixue asked with concern.

"Uncle Si, everything is OK. It's over."

Lin Zhong didn't want to look back and let siqixue feel sad for his past.

"Ha ha! That's right. If it wasn't for those hardships, maybe there would be no rise of your Lin family and Lin Fei. "

Siqixue said with a loud smile.

Lin Zhong nodded with a smile, knowing that he was going to turn to the main play.

"Dad! I'm back with Lin Siqixue has just been introduced into Zhengxi, and siliyuan is the first to speak.

Siqixue pretends to be surprised and stares at Lin Zhong, but he just smiles and doesn't speak.

Lin Chong's heart is very gloomy. He was pushed down by Si Liyuan, but what did he say? Can't say!

Si Liyuan's hands are very natural to embrace Lin Chong's arm, and her head is gently leaning on it. She looks very sweet and happy.

Siqixue also sighed deeply. More than 20 years ago, if siliyuan was not so arrogant but cherished, maybe she had nothing to do with Meng Shuying.

Time can not be turned back, the fate of people may be such a coincidence.

Thinking of Siyu and Linfei, siqixue's attitude this time is very firm and can't let siliyuan's tragedy repeat itself."You have finally achieved the right result, ha ha..."

When Siqi finished, he laughed and was very happy.

Lin chongjun's face was flushed.

Facing her father, siliyuan thought that she had not been her in the past 20 years. She not only twisted her face, but also was very shy. Her red face was smiling like a cloud.

Happiness flows naturally in the heart and is written in the heart.

"Lin Zhong and Liyuan, as past people, you should know how precious it is to get something after you lose it."

The two nodded.

"I hope that the relationship between Lin Fei and Siyu will not follow your old way any more and will be happy."

"Uncle Si, don't worry about it. As long as I focus on Lin, I will definitely guarantee that Lin Fei will marry Siyu."

Lin Chong is now more worried about siqixue's mention of siliyuan's marriage to him, so he hastens to make a statement.

Siqi nodded.

Siliyuan didn't speak, but she had a smile on her face.

Outside the homesick villa, Lin Fei has pressed the button, and a bodyguard comes out to meet Lin Fei.

Compared with the last time he pulled out the crossbow with Lin Feijian, his face was very soft, even full of respect and politeness.

However, for Lin Fei at this time, he doesn't have any feelings. On the contrary, his mind is full of the complicated relationship between his father Lin Zhong, Si Liyuan, Si Yu and himself.

Think of those messages when Siyu left, Lin Fei's heart is very heavy.

Along the way, I followed the bodyguard to siqixue's villa. As soon as I opened the door, I heard the hearty laughter of siqixue and his father Lin Zhong.

Lin Fei quickly put down his wishful thinking, with a charming smile on his face.

"Here comes Xiaofei."

Si Liyuan looks at the handsome Lin Fei in front of her eyes. Her eyes are full of appreciation and joy. She is no longer picky and dissatisfied in the past. On the contrary, she appreciates more.

When Lin Fei saw siliyuan, after the early contradictions, conflicts and misunderstandings, he had no anger.

"Good aunt!"

"Xiaofei, you can call auntie, Auntie or even mom!"

Siliyuan had come over, took Linfei's arm and walked to the living room.

Lin Fei is silly Leng Leng, for a moment the brain did not turn over, mechanical walked.

Seeing his father's red face, Lin Fei suddenly realized that his mood was extremely complicated. He was happy and blessed, but also disappointed and even slightly angry.

Father should belong to mother!

Lin Zhong has already sat up straight, looking at Lin Fei and opening his mouth loudly.

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