
The door of the conference room was pushed open, and four policemen appeared at the door. It was Lao Li who was standing in the front.

His eyes first look at Lin Fei, see him calm sitting on the seat, mood immediately relaxed.

Since the director Zhang Jun reminded him last night, what Lao Li is most worried about now is Jiang Yu's trouble with Lin Fei.

Just now, he received a notice from Jiang Yu to come to meizishuang group. On the way, he contacted relevant personnel and departments. When he learned that Lin Fei was here, his heart beat twice. He was almost scared, so he called the director directly.

Now, seeing Jiang Yu standing behind Lin Fei, but looking at Zhang Tianze and Xiao Mingzhe, who are red faced, makes Lao Li completely put down his mood.

Jiang Yu, that's a policewoman who is full of justice.

Lin Fei must have infuriated her yesterday. What is waiting for Lin Fei is Jiang Yu's crazy revenge.

Of course, this kind of revenge is not a frame up, but unless you don't break the law, otherwise

"Captain Jiang, here we are." Lao Li came to Jiang Yu and quickly cleared up his mind and said politely.

"Lao Li, take all four of them to the police station for interrogation. This is part of the evidence." Jiang Yu points at Xiao Mingzhe and others with his hand, and then gives the evidence provided by Lin Fei to Lao Li.

Lao Li just glanced at it and went to his head. He was very shameless.

However, he was more depressed next. It seems that the criminal police can ignore this kind of case.

However, he did not dare to object to the order of the suspended captain Jiang.

"Captain Jiang, would you like to go back together?"

"No! I have other things to do now. "

"All right!"

With that, Lao Li saluted Jiang Yu and waved his hand. The four of them went to Xiao Mingzhe and others.

It was Xiao Mingzhe that Lao Li went to.

Xiao Mingzhe's face changed when he saw Lao Li coming, but he looked at Xiao Mengshan. "Xiao Mengshan, if I am taken away by Xiao Mingzhe, you will regret it."

Up to now, Xiao Mingzhe still terrorizes Xiao Mengshan, which surprised everyone, including Lin Fei.

However, what surprised them more was Xiao Mengshan's reaction.

"Comrade police, can I bail Xiao Mingzhe?"

Hearing this, Xiao Mengshan stood up and looked at Jiang Yu.


Jiang Yu takes a look at Lin Fei, and both of them are confused.

Xiao Mengshan and Lin Fei have been practicing here for three months. They have heard a lot of legends. Whether it's drastic reform or resisting pressure to promote product competition and innovation, they can be said to be a hard-working strong woman and a high cold female president.

However, what happened today is unexpected. To be exact, Xiao Mengshan seems to have something to do with Xiao Mingzhe and Xiao Tian. Otherwise, they can't be so arrogant, and Xiao Mengshan won't be so worried. Even in this case, she still asks for help for them.

Lao Li also looks at Jiang Yu and waits for Jiang Yu's instructions.

"Take them all back. We'll see after the investigation." Jiang Yu frowned and said directly.

Xiao Mingzhe's face darkened, but he soon raised his head again and looked at Xiao Mengshan. "Niece Mengshan, we are all from the Xiao family. If your father knew that I was arrested, he would be sad, so I hope he can come home safely before tonight."

What he said is quite common, but for Jiang Yu, who was born as a criminal policeman, he has already heard the threat from inside and outside.

Xiao Mingzhe is telling Xiao Mengshan the time node.

Xiao Mengshan's face was as cold as ice, and her teeth clenched her lips. After a long time, she nodded her head and said, "I remember!"

After listening, Xiao Mingzhe takes a long breath and nods to Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's heart was about to jump out when he saw that the police were going to take him away.

Now, a nod from his father brought him back to life again.

"Ha ha Lin Fei, what can I do when I get into the police station? I don't have any serious crimes. I'll be out soon. You, wait, I'll let you know who is really smart, who is really strong. "

Xiao Tian's arrogant laughter reverberated in the conference room, shocking everyone's psychology.

Xiao Mengshan was silent, but her face was full of pain and helplessness.

"Take it away!"

Jiang Yu is a little annoyed and orders out loud again.

Old Li four people, each with a person, quickly disappeared in the meeting room.

Jiang Yu glances at Lin Fei, shakes his mobile phone, signals to wait for him to call, and goes out.

Lin Fei has been troubled by the arrogance of Xiao Mingzhe and his son. She has looked at Xiao Mengshan several times. She has been bowing her head, but it is obvious that she is thinking hard, more like preparing to make a difficult decision.

There are few things that can make a strong woman like her so tangled, unless -


Lin Fei figured out these things and immediately understood.

"Xiao Dong, now it's about the recruitment of these interns. Look..."Lin Fei smiles and asks Xiao Mengshan.


Xiao Mengshan is awakened from her thinking by Lin Fei's words. She quickly takes back her mind, raises her hand to sort out her messy hair, and her face returns to normal. She looks at Li Tie and others.

At the moment, Li Tie and Zhao Dong and others are just half buttocks sitting on the chair, and their forehead is beginning to sweat. Holding the armrest of the chair tightly, their palms are also full of sweat, and their legs fall to the ground, which makes them feel extremely insecure.

"About their employment..."

Xiao Mengshan said here, pause.

Li Tie and Zhao Dong have white faces and look at Xiao Mengshan with begging eyes.

"Respect the decisions of previous studies."

When Xiao Mengshan said this, she felt as if her body had been emptied and suddenly lost her color.

Lin Fei didn't speak, but his eyes to Xiao Mengshan shrunk slightly.

This choice -

is expected.

He is more sure that Xiao Mingzhe and his son must have grasped Xiao Mengshan's key life gate, otherwise she will not yield.

Li Tie and Zhao Dong let out a long breath, relaxed and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao. We will work hard to contribute to the development of meizishuang group." Li Dong and Zhao tie immediately smile.

The same is true of several others.

Xiao Mengshan nodded.

Two people eat reassurance, look to Lin Fei, although there is fear in the eyes, but the pride is written on the face.

As for Wang Zhiguo and others who are not employed, they are complacent and disdainful.

Wang Zhiguo, sitting next to Lin Fei, lost his energy and spirit. He thought that when this happened, Lin Fei would put forward suggestions as a major shareholder and even let him counter attack.

As a result, he respects Xiao Mengshan's decision, which disappoints him. He stands up and wants to leave.

"Take your time, Wang Zhiguo. I wish you great success in your new company, learn from your experience and make real friends." Li Tie said with disdain in excitement.

Anger flashed over Wang Zhiguo's face. With a cold hum, he was about to leave.

However, before he stepped, his arm was held by a big hand.

"Sit down! I can't stand this setback. Why should I take on a big responsibility in meizishuang group? " Lin Fei's voice was full of reproach.


Wang Zhiguo couldn't help exclaiming.

"Xiao Dong, I respect your decision, but I also want to put forward my own ideas on personnel recruitment." Lin Fei ignored Wang Zhiguo's reaction and said to Xiao Mengshan.

Seeing that Xiao Mengshan doesn't want to change her mind, Lin Fei will never embarrass Xiao Mengshan.

"Mr. Lin, please go ahead."

"Wang Zhiguo, Zhang Zhizhong, Li Na Eight of them are excellent interns. I want to employ them to the company. At the same time, let Wang Zhiguo be the chief designer of meizishuang group, as for the work of Li Tie and Zhao Dong. "

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