Zhao Guodong and Lin Zhong first met at Jianghai University.

At that time, Jianghai University was not as famous as it is now, but as the best school in the province, it is also the first choice of many people.

Lin Zhong was admitted to Jianghai University from Jiangnan City.

Zhao Guodong was admitted to Jianghai University from Jianghai city.

The two met here.

Of course, if it's just two men, maybe we just meet and don't know each other, but fate always seems to be joking, so that both of them accidentally meet a woman, her name is -

Meng Shuying!

At that time, Meng Shuying was just 20 years old. Although she was not the most beautiful age for a woman, she was definitely the best youth. She was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, graceful, like a moth's eyebrow. She was a legendary beauty.

Zhao Guodong has been admiring Jianghai city for a long time.

Lin Chong was in love at first sight.

Perhaps God deliberately teases people, Zhao Guodong, Lin Chong and Meng Shuying are divided into a class.

Zhao Guodong Zhao family is a big family in Jianghai City, so is Meng Shuying's Meng family. At first, Zhao Guodong wanted to take advantage of his family's power to make a big head of Lin.

But it didn't work out.

At that time, the Lin family was the richest man in Jiangnan City. Although they were not in the provincial capital, their wealth was no worse than that of the Zhao family. In addition, at that time, they supported the Lin family, which made Zhao Guodong dare to be angry.

Later, the two men began to pursue Meng Shuying openly, but Zhao Guodong failed.

At this time, Zhao Guodong suddenly learns that Lin Zhong and Si Liyuan are engaged. He seems to have caught a straw and wants to take advantage of it. However, Meng Shuying and Lin Zhong are deeply in love and even have Lin Fei, which makes him finally hate.

From then on, Zhao Guodong and Lin Zhong became enemies.

Later, the Zhao family united with the Ye family to bring down the Lin family, and even almost wiped out the family.

Now, two people face to face, the past scenes floating in front of us, the anger of hatred is also burning.

If the Lin family didn't have the protection of homesickness at that time, I'm afraid the whole family would have perished.

If the Lin family didn't have the rise of Lin Fei, I'm afraid it would have been completely forgotten.

The Zhao family is still at the top of the pyramid. They are still the richest family in Jianghai province.

Now, after the vicissitudes of life, meet again, this is the impact of water and fire.

Lin Zhong clenched his hands tightly into fists, and his nails were embedded in the flesh, even exuding blood, but there was no reaction.

As for Zhao Guodong, his eyes are also burning.

Once upon a time, the Zhao family was synonymous with Jianghai province. When the Zhao family sneezed, the whole Jianghai province had to take medicine.

However, the appearance of Lin Fei completely changed the image of Zhao family.

What happened today made him more clear that the Zhao family today is no longer the Zhao family in Jianghai province.

In the eyes of the government, it has become unimportant. Even a bank requires the Zhao family to provide mortgage loans. In the past, it was a shame for the Zhao family. I'm afraid that the president of the bank would go to their Zhao family to make an apology or even ask for a loan.

But now, it really happened, it really made him have to accept it.

When you think of coming to homesick, apologizing to siqixue, and apologizing to Lin Chong, how could it be a humiliation?

In the face of this enemy more than 20 years ago, in the face of this man who had been trampled under his feet, it is difficult for him to say his apology.

The heart is boiling.

The heart is bleeding.

As one of the parties, Lin Fei has been sitting quietly on the sofa at the moment. He doesn't seem to care or hate.

In the eyes of siqixue, he appreciates Lin Fei even more -

green is better than blue.

It was so quiet in the room that we could even hear each other's heartbeat.

Lin Zhong and Zhao Guodong, two men who have experienced ups and downs, do not want to be the first to speak.


Lin Fei put the teacup on the tea table and made a clear sound, which broke the silence in the room.

Zhao Guodong's heart twitches, and finally slowly raises his head to look at Lin Zhong.

"Lin Zhong, I apologize to you."

Tone hoarse, low, people seem to be a lot of old.

Lin Zhong's expression slowly relaxed after a short period of drastic changes.

"Zhao Guodong, your Zhao family won the first half. It's our Lin family's turn to play in the second half."

Although Lin Zhong's tone was flat, he had a strong sense of war.

Zhao Guodong immediately showed a sense of fierce confrontation, looking at Lin Zhong, cold abnormal.

"Lin Zhong, although I apologize to you today, it doesn't mean that our Zhao family just lost."

"Ha ha! If you lose in this way, the Revenge of our Lin family will not be so happy. " Lin Zhong sent out a desolate smile.

When I think of the dozens of people who died in the Lin family, the blood debts, and my wife who has never heard from me, my heart is full of indignation and revenge."We'll see." With that, he turned to look at Lin Fei. "Lin Fei, I've sent someone to do the other two things. Now it's time for you to fulfill your promise?"

Lin Fei, in Zhao Guodong's eyes, is the real enemy.

As for Lin Zhong, his disappearance in more than 20 years is no longer an opponent in his eyes.

Because it doesn't deserve it, it doesn't count.

"Zhao Guodong, you can rest assured that after three things are done, I will certainly fulfill my promise." Lin Fei said in a light voice.

"Ha ha Lin Fei, I still want to thank you. Your global real estate company is not only compensating 110 billion yuan this time. If those communities are really built, it will cost hundreds of billions. Where can you get money then? "

"In addition, the government will take back the land. It's a question whether we can get it at that time. I'll see how you, Lin Fei, deal with it."

"Lin Fei, you are still young. In my eyes, you are not the real enemy. And your dad is old. He couldn't do it in the past, but he still can't do it now. "

Zhao Guodong after this period of time to Linfei understanding, know Linfei's character, promise, so will be so happy to laugh and shout.

"Joy will bring sorrow!" Lin Fei suddenly opened his mouth.


Zhao Guodong to the voice of pleasure and excited words blocked back.

"Lin Fei, we'll see!"

With that, Zhao Guodong turned and walked out.

"Zhao Guodong, in three days, I will let your Zhao family collapse completely in Jianghai city."

Lin Fei looked at Zhao Guodong's back and said with a smile.

Zhao Guodong's body seems to be punctured. He stops in an instant and slowly turns his head to look at Lin Fei. His eyes are like a sword, trying to pierce Lin Fei.


Siqixue and Lin Zhong all look at Lin Fei, their eyes are unbelievable.

You know, it's the richest man in Jianghai province. How can it be that simple?

"Lin Fei, I'm waiting for you to destroy our Zhao family in three days."

Lin Zhong looked at Lin Fei and said word by word.

The fire of war is completely ignited at this moment.

The fire of hatred between Zhao family and Lin family burned thoroughly.

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