If we say that when we just came into the room, the butterfly's grasp was like a point for Lin Fei.

At this moment, Lin Fei is completely petrified.

All the time, many women want to push themselves down. Lin Fei knows very well that even the temptation of Luo Zimeng and Luo Zihuan sisters to come together has never made Lin Fei really excited.

Now, in the face of sister Hua, Lin Fei feels a little out of control.

It's too tempting. It's too tempting.

Nose gently a suction, is a woman's mature breath, is a woman's body fragrance.

Although the hands didn't touch each other, the butterfly's body touched Lin Fei's body, which made every cell in Lin Fei's body seem to be boiling with blood, as if they were opening their mouths, and they could swallow the butterfly in front of them at any time.

Lin Fei felt nervous when facing a woman for the first time, and even did not dare to look at Huadie.

Ha ha

The butterfly suddenly laughs, and her body rubs back and forth on Lin Fei's body.

Three minutes later, Huadie slowly stood up and looked at Linfei.

There's a lot of resentment in my eyes.

But there was a smile on his face.

"Lin Fei, is my sister beautiful?"


"Have you ever thought of pushing down your sister?"

"I had that idea."

"Why not?"

"I have someone I love."

The color of flower butterfly's eye ground regret is more thick, but finally said with a smile: "Lin Fei, you are a gentleman."

Lin Fei

In the heart secret way: "if pushed you, that is not gentleman, is it?"

How can this be a bit counter and exactly animal?

Lin Fei was speechless.

"I was just testing you." Flower butterfly instant whole body temperament a change, the whole person restore a high cold air, canthus even with cold domineering.

Lin Fei was stunned again.

"Lin Fei, are you interested in being my brother?" Flower butterfly asks seriously again.

Lin Fei's face is more curious, "sister Hua, haven't I already called you sister?"

"That's not what I mean. I think you'll be your brother and I'll be your sister."

"What's the difference?"

"Don't ask! Agree or disagree? "

The flower butterfly's eyeground water wave flows and looks at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei thought of the temptation of flowers and butterflies just now. He was thinking about what does this sister mean?

It can't be a sign in the middle: do - sister.

Huadie looks at Lin Fei who has not spoken all the time. Her eyes flash with displeasure. "Stinky boy, you don't think your sister really has a crush on you, do you?"

Flower butterfly whole body temperament a change, see to Lin Fei, nu hum of say.

Lin Fei

It's kind of embarrassing to be seen through.

"Yes! How are you, sister

With that, Lin Fei stood up and said to the butterfly.

Ha ha

Huadie gave out a sweet laugh. She came over and put her hands on Linfei's clothes. She gently sorted out the clothes she had just messed up. She said with a smile, "Linfei, you are really good. If you are really young and unmarried, maybe you will be taken away!"

Lin Fei

He felt that today's flowers and butterflies were very unusual, and even -

seemed to be in heat!

"What do you think?" The flower butterfly seems to understand Lin Fei's mind. She raises her slender white finger and gently clicks on Lin Fei's forehead.

Lin Fei blushed.

"Lin Fei, I know about you and Mu Xinxuan. I'll help you with this." Butterfly suddenly very solemnly said.

Lin Fei

"If you were really mean to me just now, I'm afraid you'd be beating the chickens with eggs!"

Butterfly very playful said.

Lin Fei is more silent and at a loss.

"Two days later, your relationship with Mu Xinxuan will face a big test. You need to be prepared." With that, Hua die takes back her hand to help Lin Fei clean up his clothes.

"Sister, how do you know?"

"It's none of your business, but I tell you, never give in. When it's too late, I'll stand for you."

At the moment, there is no more glamour and amorous feelings on Huadie. On the contrary, she is like a female general commanding a large number of troops.

"Lin Fei, remember, love a person, even if it is difficult, do not shrink back, even if it is life."

Butterfly said here, looking at Lin Fei's eyes, there is not only encouragement, but also endless vicissitudes.

At this moment, Lin Fei seemed to see something, as if

"Thank you, sister! Even if we are enemies of the whole world, what are we afraid of

"Good! Man enough

Huadie holds Lin Fei in her arms, slaps Lin Fei on the back twice, and then releases.Ha ha

"My brother is going to stand up to heaven and earth."

Flower butterfly walked back to her seat, her face full of pride, and instantly became a woman.

Lin Fei has a kind of dreamy feeling. Flowers and butterflies are very changeable today.

"Lin Fei, what can I do for you?" Butterfly asked.

"I want you to force the Zhao family to pay their debts."

Flower butterfly

He looks at Lin Fei with helpless eyes.

As a matter of fact, Lin Fei's request is too much. As soon as he lent the money to the Zhao family, he was going to press for debts. This is not reasonable and even unrealistic.

"Lin Fei, give me a reason."

Now that they are brothers and sisters, they don't beat around the bush.

"I'll find the reason! However, I also want you to unite with other banks and ask for accounts at the same time, can you? "


Flowers and butterflies are hard to see.

But soon her face changed. "Lin Fei, Zhao Guodong is entertaining us at Jianghai hotel tonight. If you can find a reason to let the Zhao family repay their debts, maybe someone will support you then."

With a smile on her face, Hua die looks at Lin Fei.

"Good! Then I'll save it. " Lin Fei has a confident smile on his face.

Jiang Yu has already reminded him of what happened three days later. Since the system released the task of becoming the richest man in Jiangnan Province, it is three days away from the deadline of one month. Lin Fei knows that it must be completed now, so he made up his mind to knock down the Zhao family in three days.

Today, Zhao family's Bank loan is the final entry point of attack, and Lin Fei will never let it go.

Huadie and Linfei discuss again. After dialing and making several calls, they drive to Jianghai hotel together.

At 6:30 in the evening, the lights are bright in the rich and noble Hall of Jianghai Hotel, and the people in the room are talking and laughing. Zhao Guodong sits in the middle of the room, natural and unrestrained, and the atmosphere of the superior covers the whole room.

Everyone here looks at Zhao Guodong with respect and even flattery.

With the exception of Huadie, she has been quietly sitting there drinking water, a mouthful of wine did not move.

"Manager Hua is really trying to maintain the best living habits for the sake of appearance." Zhao Guodong was in a bad mood and said with ridicule and sarcasm.

"Zhao Dong is right. Manager Hua is not a man. It's estimated that it all depends on living habits to keep such a face." It was a tall, thin man with gold rimmed glasses and a red shirt.

Lu Weiliang, general manager of Jianghai bank.

Butterfly did not speak, just slowly sit straight body, eyes looked at Zhao Guodong.

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