Lin Fei is sitting on the sofa with Xiao Mengshan's water cup in front of him. It's steaming and half a cup of water is left.

"Xiao Dong, I'm thirsty. Would you mind coming to your office and drinking some water from your glass?" Lin Fei said with a smile.

Xiao Mengshan's surprised face was as gloomy as water.

However, it was only less than three seconds and immediately turned into a smile.

"If Mr. Lin likes it, I'll give you the water cup, but you need to do me a favor."

"Oh? Go ahead, please? " Lin Fei pretends to be surprised and smiles.

"Help to bail Xiao Mingzhe and his son. By the way, I've heard that you are familiar with the director of public security. It must be easy to be busy! " Xiao Mengshan worried about Lin Fei's refusal, so she directly blocked Lin Fei's way back.

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Mingzhe and his son are not good to you. Why do you want to help them?" Lin Fei took a drink, put down his glass and asked.

"It's our Xiao family's business." Xiao Mengshan's face suddenly became ugly and confused.

"I'm sorry! I won't help you


"Xiao Mingzhe and his son upset me. It's my family's business!"

Xiao Mengshan rolled her eyes in anger. "Mr. Lin, this is my office. Please go out!"

"I am the largest shareholder and the future chairman."

"Don't worry! I'll let you out of my office tomorrow, and I'll leave meizishuang group. "

Although Xiao Mengshan's tone was firm, it was a little sad.

"Xiao Dong, I suggest that you reconsider the matter of being my secretary. I am sincere, I am..."

"No! Please get out

"Xiao Dong..."


Lin Fei didn't finish his words, and his mobile phone rang.

Lin Feidian turned on his mobile phone and immediately saw an unread wechat message.

When you open it, you can see a pattern of the sun, which is called "wandering cloud".

Lin Fei quickly opened Mu Xinxuan's wechat.

"Lin Fei, when I saw this wechat, I had already left Jiangnan City by plane. We meet, there is no right or wrong, only evil. Fate, people go! May everything be well


Lin Feiteng stands up, holds his cell phone tightly, looks out of the window and shouts.

Xiao Mengshan was stunned.

The next second, Lin Fei ran out of the office like a madman.

Xiao Mengshan was startled and ran to the door. She saw Lin Fei's back running down the stairs.

At the gate of meizishuang group.

Lin feifeng rushed out and ran straight to the gate.


The car horn sounded behind.

He looked back and Jiang Yu followed him.

Without saying a word, Lin Fei opened the door and got into the car. "Come on! Go to the airport as soon as possible! "


"Mu Xinxuan is going to leave by plane. Please take me there quickly!" Lin Fei knew that Jiang Yu and Mu Xinxuan knew each other and did not hide.

Jiang Yu's face was surprised.

But it seems that the moment to understand what, a step on the accelerator, the car flew out of the general.

Along the way, neither of them spoke.

Only Lin Fei kept dialing Mu Xinxuan's number, and the prompt tone was "the number you dialed is not in the service area, please redial later."

Lin Fei's face was gloomy, his teeth clenched his lips, and his hands clenched into fists. Every time he put down his mobile phone, he could not help beating heavily on his seat to vent his anger and anxiety.

Jiang Yu's car drove very fast, even ran several non dangerous red lights in a row.

Twenty minutes later, the two arrived at the airport.

Lin Fei did not wait for the bus to stop. He got out of the car in a hurry and ran into the waiting hall. He looked around and looked around, but no one was seen.

Xinmuxuan ran to the third floor of the waiting hall without seeing him.

In the end, Lin Fei sat in a corner of the wall, his face showing disappointment and pain.

"She left by plane twenty minutes ago and went to country M." Jiang Yu came and looked at Lin Fei and said faintly.

Lin Feiteng stands up and grabs Jiang Yu's arm. "How do you know?"

"Found it!" Jiang Yu shakes his police certificate.

Lin Fei sat on the ground again in disappointment, covering his head with his hands, and his ears echoed Mu Xinxuan's words, "marry me when you become the richest man in the world.".

"Are you really poor because of me? In fact, I can have a lot of money, i... " Lin Fei sat on the ground, beating himself on the head, and muttering.

"Lin Fei, you are wrong. In Mu Xinxuan's eyes, money is the most useless thing!" Jiang Yu squatted down and said.

"Then why did she let me become the richest man in the world and marry her again?"

"Because you don't know her at all, don't know the pressure she carries, don't know what she will bear with you, what will bring to you.""Jiang Yu, you know each other. Tell me quickly, why did Mu Xinxuan not accept me? " Lin Fei suddenly grabs Jiang Yu's arm and asks.

Jiang Yu can't help but frown. If it wasn't for Lin Fei's special situation at the moment, she would fight back and even dare to grab her arm.

"I won't tell you."

"You tell me, I tell you why there are two Lin Fei."

"Then I won't tell you."


Lin Fei suddenly finger force, Jiang Yu feel arm to break general pain.

"Let go!"

Lin Fei was stunned and realized that he was a little excited. He quickly released his hand.

"There are a lot of things you don't know."

"There are a lot of people you can't conquer with money."

"You are still too weak, or the level is not enough."

Jiang Yu can't bear Lin Fei's pain and reminds him.

"What do you mean?"

"Think for yourself! Unless you create a miracle and become the richest man in the world, maybe Mu Xinxuan will be with you at that time. "

Jiang Yu said, heart a tangle, very complex, do not know why to tell Lin Fei this matter.

It seems that a word awakens the dreamer.

Lin Fei seemed to be a different person in a moment. He turned to look out of the window and shed two tears. Murmured to himself: "Mu Xinxuan, you must be my woman in this life."

Finish saying, the head also doesn't return of walk toward the waiting hall outside.

Jiang Yu shakes his head and looks at the ticket gate. A woman in sunglasses keeps looking here. She is mu Xinxuan.

Just now, when Lin Fei was frantically searching, Jiang Yu had already found Jiang Yu in the VIP room.

As for the words just now, some of them were told by Mu Xinxuan to Lin Fei by Jiang Yu, and some of them were said by Jiang Yu himself.

Jiang Yu raises her hand to Mu Xinxuan and turns to follow her.

A line of tears rolled down Mu Xinxuan's white cheek behind her sunglasses. She didn't expect Lin Fei to love her from the bottom of her heart.

If life is just like seeing for the first time -

Mu Xinxuan hopes to be in a dream forever, never wake up and be together forever.

"Lin Fei, I helped you today. Can you tell me about the two Lin Fei Jiang Yu asked as he drove.

"You want to know?"



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