There's one more, two more, no more.

At the moment, I don't know whether to say it again and again or again, because there were two explosions tonight, but they were four explosion points.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if they are in high positions, the leaders of the eastern and Western courts are confused at this moment.

No one would be shocked if this kind of thing happened abroad. After all, it is common in many countries.

But in China, it's absolutely shocking, it's absolutely surprising for everyone.

Jiang Yu doesn't know how to deal with this man.

"Attack the police!"

Lin Fei's consciousness plays a role in the head of the water and electricity foreman. The water electrician, who was originally handcuffed and was sitting there giggling, suddenly stood up like a new man, swung the handcuffs and hit the man who had just handcuffed him.

The male police were unprepared, and their attention was focused on the explosion, so blood sprayed on their heads.


The male policeman yelled and fell down.

The water and electricity worker stepped forward and rode on the male policeman with straight eyes and scarlet fundus. He swung his handcuffs and smashed the male policeman's face like a madman.

The other police responded and rushed in.

"Hit the wall and kill yourself!"

Lin Fei's order is issued again.

The water and electricity worker suddenly stood up, glared at the police, then laughed, and then rushed face to face.

Instinctively, the police stood still and then hid to one side.

The body of the electrician passed them like the wind, and then there was a loud bang.

A dull hum!

The water and electricity foreman bumped into the wall at the door, suddenly red and white flying all over the sky, and his body fell down.

The white walls at the door were red with blood, and the ground was a pool of blood.

Brains are flying around.

"Call an ambulance!"

Lin Fei saw that Jiang Yu and others had been silly and took the lead in shouting out.

"Call an ambulance!" Jiang Yu shouts after him.

The whole police station was in a hurry.

Lin Fei shook his head and sighed, and walked towards the door.

Jiang Yu and other police officers simply ignore Li Linfei.

On the road of Binhai New Area in Jianghai City, a black long Lincoln is driving on the road. Zhao Guodong is sitting in the car, and an old man with a mask is sitting opposite him. He can't see his face clearly.

"Lin Fei didn't die of the explosion. He has already frightened the snake. What's the next step?" Zhao Guodong asked.


The old man's voice is very strong.

Zhao Guodong takes a breath, suppresses his anger and doesn't respond.

"Did you do the explosion again?" The old man pressed down his anger and asked again.

"I don't think so."

"Listen to the direction, how is it like the direction of your Zhao group?"

With that, the old man looked through the curtains at the city with fire.

Zhao Guodong is worried.


Just then, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The old man was very impatient and turned to one side.

Zhao Guodong saw that it was Zhao Wenhua, and quickly pressed to connect.

After all, he and Zhao Wenhua are the only people in the Zhao family who are still outside, and the others are in prison.

"Dad, are you still alive? Great Just after the phone was connected, Zhao Wenhua's crying voice came.

Zhao Guodong and the old man frowned at the same time.

"What do you say, brute?" Zhao Guodong has a tone of hating iron but not steel.

In his opinion, Zhao Wenhua is cursing his death, so he is very angry.

"Just now, just after three explosions, our Zhao group building and Zhao villa were destroyed. Now the life and death of the people inside are uncertain. I'll call you immediately after I hear about it. Thank God!"

"Zhao's group building and Zhao's villa were destroyed?" Zhao Wenhua's breath hasn't finished yet. Zhao Guodong's anxious voice asks.

"Dad! It's all blown up. I don't know which son of a bitch did it. It's all blown up. " Zhao Wenhua then said with a cry.


Zhao Guodong covered his heart with his hand. He leaned on the back of his seat and closed his eyes.

"I'll go first!"

The old man didn't have any sympathy for Zhao Guodong, so he stood up with a stiff voice.

Lincoln has stopped.

The old man opened the door and got off. Immediately a car came to connect it and disappeared.

Zhao Guodong calmed down for three minutes. "Drive to the company!"

"Lin Dong, madam is still at home. Do you want to go back to the villa first?"

The driver asked.


Zhao Guodong wants to get angry, and finally swallows his words.

The driver didn't speak and started the car to drive to Zhao group.Zhao Guodong slapped the table hard. "Lin Fei, you have gone too far to blow up my company. I must blow you up."

At this moment, Zhao Guodong is already crazy.

He took out the phone and called Gong Dong again.

The result is still not connected, Zhao Wenhua's phone again dial in.

"What's the matter?"

"Tianbao auction house was also bombed. It is said that the person who blew up all this was a 40 year old electrician who had turned himself in and killed himself after assaulting the police at the police station."

Zhao Wenhua finished, Zhao Guodong cold sweat DC.

However, he soon calmed down, even with a touch of relief on his face. "Good to die!"

That's what he thought from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Guodong, the man described by Zhao Wenhua, is missing. Everyone knows that it is the electrician who arranged for him in Huatian Hotel.

If he doesn't die, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Why did he blow up his office building?

The entrance of Zhao's group building has been tightly sealed by the police. As for the security guard, he was drinking on the opposite road at the time of the explosion, so he was not involved.

Lin Fei asked Li Qingfeng to arrange this.

At the moment, the leaders of Jianghai Province, Jianghai city and all kinds of rescue workers are in place. Although they are off duty, I don't know if anyone is on duty or working overtime, so they are very anxious.

Lin Fei also came here.

Zhao Guodong's driver drove to the gate of Zhao group five minutes later.

Zhao Guodong opened the door, but he didn't get off the car. He just looked at it and quickly held the door to avoid falling down.

The 36 story office building of Zhao group collapsed completely and was razed to the ground.

At the moment, it's still burning, and there's smoke coming out.

There were many people at the scene.

Without saying a word, Zhao Guodong was about to walk inside.

"Ouch! Zhao Guodong, we are brothers again tonight! "

Lin Fei came with a strong voice of ridicule.

Zhao Guodong's body seemed to be punctured. He stood in the same place for a moment, turned his eyes and confronted Lin Fei for half a minute.

"Lin Fei, don't be too proud!"

Lin Fei looked at Zhao Guodong and said, "I'm not proud, I'm just happy. All accounts will be settled in the end! "

"I remember. I'll settle the accounts with you. Ha ha... "

Zhao Guodong even looked up at the sky and laughed wildly, showing his strong spiritual will.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Lin Fei raised his mouth slightly, turned his eyes and laughed.

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