Men have blood, especially in the face of blood, many people's blood will be inspired.

Both sides were injured in the fight just now, but the blood of Shanjiang's younger brothers was also aroused, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit and determination. They had only one idea -

to kill Lin Fei.

Therefore, the speed of rushing to Lin Fei is no doubt crazy. The weapons in their hands shine with deep cold light under the street lamp, which represents their determination.

"Protect Lin Dong! Self defense

Guo Dake yells the same words again. Although the security guard is injured, he still bravely stands in front of Lin Fei.

"No! Here comes the man who cares about them. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

The security guard was stunned.


The sound of the gun broke the peace of the night.

Then came a series of heavy but neat footsteps.

The people of Shanjiang, who were charging, immediately stopped when they heard the gunfire.

However, due to the rush and great inertia, they collided with each other and fell all at once.

Sima Qing has been standing at the side of the command, see the police, suddenly cool heart, aware of the bad. "Run! Run away quickly

After shouting, he was the first to turn around and run!

Originally fell very painful Shanjiang younger brother, heard escape words, like playing hormone, crazy to escape in all directions.

However, they were just about to run when the high beams of the cars were on in all directions at the same time. It was so white that everyone could not see the road clearly.

Then the siren sounded at the same time, like thunder, frightening.

The next second, the armed police jumped out from all directions and arrested the escaping people directly.

Some people are even more directly stunned.

In less than three minutes, after the arrest, Sima Qing was taken to Lin Fei.

At the moment, Jiang Yu just came to Lin Fei.

Looking at Lin Fei, the bottom of his eyes is on fire. It's another sleepless night.

However, seeing that Lin Fei was not injured, he took a long breath.

Just after leaving xiangmeier underwear company, Lin Fei didn't let Xiao Mengshan come along. Xiao Mengshan was not at ease, so she called Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu received the alarm, immediately contact Lin Fei, Lin Fei asked him not to open the siren, quietly bring people to come, surrounded by success and then show up.

Although Jiang Yu didn't want to follow Lin Fei's command, he did.

In fact, she has been here for some time, deliberately did not let the police out, she wants to see when Lin Fei can persist.

What she didn't expect was that twenty security guards would be so brave, which made her look at Lin Fei with new eyes.

It's not difficult for a person to make good use of a person. What's difficult is that the person he uses can give up his life and forget his death for him at a critical moment.

These security guards are now physically injured, but also brave, let Jiang Yu admire, admire Lin Fei.

So, at the critical moment, she brought people out.

"Lin Fei, you even called the police and played tricks." Sima Qing looked at Lin Fei and thought that what he had just said had been videotaped by reporters. He was completely desperate and roared angrily.

"Intrigue? It's not as good as yours, is it? You know, this evening, xiangmeier underwear company is almost infamous. "

"Lin Fei, why did our plan fail?" Thinking of his deployment, Sima Qing asked reluctantly.

Because -

"let me answer it." A woman's voice came from the door.

Sima Qing feels very familiar. He turns to see that it is Qinglu who has just been trampled by himself.

"You, you're a spy?" Sima Qing asked in disbelief.

"Traitor? What a terrible word? I'm just a part-time worker. "

"Wage earners? Who do you work for? "

"Sima Qing, you are stupid!" Qinglu joked with a smile.

Sima Qing looked at Lin Fei, handsome face, light smile, has answered everything.

"Lin, Lin Fei, you are shameless!"

Pop! Qinglu comes forward and slaps Sima Qing. "Be polite to Mr. Lin. don't you know what your virtue is?"

"You Bitch! You're just a bitch who was trampled by me. I'll do it... "


Guo Dake slapped Sima Qing's jaw and dislocated it. The last word "death" didn't come out.

"Take it! Take it all away! The police took a statement to investigate. "

Jiang Yu glares at Lin Fei angrily and says aloud.

"Director Jiang, you should take people to arrest Zhao Guodong immediately, be careful that he runs away." Lin Fei laughs.

"Lin Fei, it's none of your business!"

Jiang Yu said, picked up the walkie talkie, "close the net!"

"Yes A positive response came from the other side.

"It's so late. I'll go back to bed." Lin Fei is about to walk towards the bus."Lin Fei, you must go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation." Click, words fall, Jiang Yu handcuffs Lin Fei's hand.

Lin Fei

"Take it away!" Jiang Yu said very haughtily.

"Hello! Jiang Yu! I want to sleep, you can't... "

"Lin Fei, do you want me to sleep with you?" Jiang Yu turned his head and asked with a stare.

Lin Fei


If this cuddles, it is estimated that the Civil Affairs Bureau will have to come to her door tomorrow to ask for evidence.

"Madwoman!" Lin Fei muttered.

"Lin Dong, we will go to the police station with you to testify for you."

"Yes! This evening, Mr. Lin is the victim. We have to testify for him. "

"The police have to enforce the law impartially."


The reporter thought that just now Lin Fei had been protected by people, and he was very grateful. He said one after another.

"Thank you. I'll do an interview with xiangmeier underwear company tomorrow. I'll let Xiao Dong receive you."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"No problem!"

The reporter immediately understood the meaning of Lin Fei's words -

thank them!

All of a sudden, they are more motivated and energetic.

"Lin Dong, they are just self-defense. We have video here to prove it."

"The security guards have protected us. You should arrange for them to be treated."

"Comrades of the police, you should severely punish criminals and protect law-abiding citizens."


Reporter a sharp eloquence, this moment began to play out, in the face of Jiang Yu and other police, began to exert pressure.

Lin Fei didn't speak. What he wanted was this effect.

"Send the injured security guard to the hospital for treatment, and send someone to guard for 24 hours. No one can get close to him." Jiang Yu just saw what happened to those security guards, and his heart was also very sympathetic.


Someone came forward immediately.

"Everyone goes to the hospital to treat well. If you have a little nurse you like, you can be a wife."

"If I find a wife, I'll give five million yuan. If I can't find a wife, I'll give two and a half million yuan."

"Don't save me money!"

Ha ha

Lin Fei's words attracted laughter from reporters, police and security guards.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

At the moment, these security guards have more respect for Lin Fei in their hearts. This is the real chairman of the board. Their injuries are not in vain.


Jiang Yu just kicks Lin Fei's butt.

"Director Jiang, if you find your husband, I'll give you five billion yuan as a dowry."

Ha ha

There was another laugh.

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