"Meng Shan, they have agreed. Your uncle and your cousin will be released soon. Now let's go!" He Jie returns to his seat and wants to help Xiao Mengshan leave again.

"He Jie, wait for Xiao Mingzhe and them to come out. I'll leave after calling to verify."

"Don't you believe me, Meng Shan?"

"Don't worry, as long as it can be done, I'll open a room with you today."

Xiao Mengshan said it very simply.

He Jie's face is full of laughter.

Lin Fei and Jiang Yu have a look at each other. They are just surprised. We should know that Xiao Mengshan's pursuers are not 1000, but 800. We can say that they are pursuers with various methods and family backgrounds.

But she, is scornful, how can

In the bar, four people, more worried, began to drink.

Twenty minutes later, he Jie's phone rang. Seeing the number, he Jie was very happy and almost ran out.

Lin Fei picks his eyebrows at Jiang Yu and asks with his eyes.

Jiang Yu shook his head, indicating that he could rest assured.

Five minutes later, he Jie came in. His face was obviously a little gloomy. He came near Xiao Mengshan's desk and changed into a smile.

"Meng Shan, they say they are going through the formalities and people will come out soon. Don't worry. I'll drink with you. "

He Jie finished, picked up a bottle of wine, touched Xiao Mengshan and drank it.

Xiao Mengshan didn't speak, just drinking.

Lin Fei heard that people would soon put out their eyes and asked Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu takes out his mobile phone and just wants to make a call. A message comes in.

Click to open to see and pass it to Lin Fei.

"Team Jiang, not to be released on bail, has been approved by the director!"

Lin Fei looked up at He Jie, his eyes narrowed, for this person, directly sentenced to death.

More than ten minutes later, Xiao Mengshan had drunk a little too much.

"Meng Shan, let's go out first. I'll take you to see your uncle." With that, I will help Xiao Mengshan to leave.

Xiao Mengshan wanted to object, but he Jie was not pushed away twice in a row.

He Jie took the opportunity to take advantage of Xiao Mengshan.

Lin Feiteng stood up and came to the wine table of Xiao Mengshan and he Jie.

At the moment, Xiao Mengshan is still wearing a professional suit. Her hair is a little messy, her face is red, and she obviously drinks a lot of wine.

"Xiao Dong..." Seeing Xiao Mengshan's drunken and hazy appearance, Lin Fei suddenly feels heartache. Is it because of this heartache that Mu Xinxuan went into the wrong room and had a one night stand with herself that day?

Xiao Mengshan is already in a daze and sees clearly that it's Lin Fei. "Lin, Mr. Lin, you are here. Come and drink with me..."

With that, he immediately grabbed the glass on the table and put it in front of Lin Fei. Then he grabbed the vodka that had been opened and poured a cup for Lin Fei!

Lin Fei didn't say much. He grabbed the vodka and drank it with Xiao Mengshan!

When he Jie sees Lin Fei, he is stunned at first, and then shows his displeasure on his face. Especially when he sees Xiao Mengshan pouring wine for Lin Fei, he is even more angry.

Xiao Mengshan always disdains men. Even though she has just been trying to help her, she hasn't poured wine for him personally. But Lin Fei has this kind of treatment, which makes his arrogant self-esteem suffer a blow.

"This gentleman, do you know Meng Shan?" He Jie asked in a poor tone.

"I work with her."

"Meng Shan has drunk too much today. She can't drink any more. Another day!" He Jie said, eyes stare at Lin Fei, with a strong sense of warning.

Lin Fei smiles, "Xiao Dong is very sober, isn't he?"

"Mr. Lin, let's continue to drink."

Xiao Mengshan seems to want to prove that she didn't drink too much.

"Please leave at once, or step aside." He Jie said fiercely!

"Who are you?" Lin Fei asked in the same cold voice.

"I'm her fiance..." He Jie is very proud to say!

"Her fiance?" Lin Fei was stunned.

"That's right!" The corner of He Jie's mouth showed a trace of proud sneer!

Lin Fei stares at He Jie for more than ten seconds. He doesn't believe that the wolf in human skin is Xiao Mengshan's fiance.

"He Jie, I made it clear that if Xiao Mingzhe could not be released on bail, I would never agree with him."

Xiao Mengshan said indistinctly.

"Meng Shan, didn't I tell you that? They're on bail. I'll take you to see them now. " He Jie's face glares at Lin Fei and wants to help Xiao Mengshan leave again.

"Who do you hear is going through bail?" Lin Fei asked with a sneer.

"It's none of your business."

"Xiao Dong, my friend said Xiao Mingzhe, they can't be released on bail."

"What?"Xiao Mengshan exclaimed in surprise, and then the wine seemed to disappear, and she looked at her watch nervously.

"Boy, who are you? You are talking nonsense here. Get out of here now." He Jie lies to be exposed, the face cannot hang, the anger intimidates a way.

"My girlfriend is the captain of the criminal police team, she told me." Lin Fei straightens up and looks at He Jie.

He Jie was stunned.

Xiao Mengshan looks at Lin Fei. Her eyes are full of complexity. She opens her mouth twice to ask for help, but she doesn't say it at last.

Ha ha

"I also said that the big leader is my relative! You have to believe what you say. " He Jie responded quickly and said with a sneer.

"Wife, come and prove it to him." Lin Fei waved to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu is so angry that he is about to explode. Lin Fei goes to stop him. It has nothing to do with her, but he claims that he is his girlfriend. He is looking for death.

However, the anger is still rising. This time it becomes the name of his wife. Jiang Yugan is about to explode.

Lin Fei, you are looking for abuse.

Jiang Yuteng stood up and came to Lin Fei.

"Wife, go back today, I'll answer all your questions." Lin Fei feels Jiang Yu's anger and thinks that he must complete the system task that Xiao Mengshan will be his secretary. He can only choose.

Jiang Yu was ready to beat Lin Fei. As a result, Jiang Yu immediately suppressed his anger.

"I'm the captain of the criminal police team. I can prove that Xiao Mingzhe can't be released on bail!" Jiang Yu stares at Lin Fei, looks at He Jie, takes out his police certificate and says.

He Jie

Xiao Mengshan now all understand, looking at He Jie, eyes flashed anger. "He Jie, you are lying to me!"

"Meng Shan, listen to me, it's still going on..."

"Shut up! He Jie, as for you, I have said for a long time that you want me unless I die. "

"Meng Shan, you didn't say today..."

"Ha ha, do you really believe it? Today, I have made preparations for Xiao Mingzhe's release on bail, and I will die immediately. My happiness can never be buried in your hands. "

"Xiao Mengshan, are you playing with me?"

"Don't you and Xiao Mingzhe have been conspiring with me all the time? Do you think I don't know? "

"Then why do you still..."

"Why? Ha ha Why? " Xiao Mengshan was in tears.

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