Xiangmeier underwear company used to have machines roaring every day.

Today, however, the whole company is quiet, with industrial and commercial vehicles, market management vehicles and even police vehicles parked at the door.

All the people coming in and out of the gate are administrative law enforcement officers. The security guards watched the people coming in and out, but they were silly and didn't go up to inquire.

In the production workshop.

The instrument is constantly checking, all kinds of inspection results are printed out, law enforcement officers are busy.

Manager Gu, who is in charge of the company, is just like an ant on a hot pot. Looking at the test data sheets, his heart keeps pulling together, and he almost has a heart attack.

What scares her most is that the inspectors seem to be eager to find out the problems. After the inspection, they will conduct a second, or even a third, inspection until the inspection results seem to be satisfactory.

The atmosphere of the scene was extremely depressed.

Just when she was in a state of anxiety, Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan came in.

"Lin Dong, Xiao Dong, you are here." Manager Gu felt relieved.

"It's hard to look after the manager." Xiao Mengshan comforted.

"Lin Dong and Xiao Dong, their inspection seems to be..."

Lin raised his hand.

Manager Gu swallowed back what he said.

Xiao Mengshan just stood by and didn't say hello.

Half an hour later, the inspection is finished.

The inspector in charge of the inspection team turned over the inspection results and said, "stop the team!"

With that, he waved his hand and left.

Xiao Mengshan and Gu Jingyi want to say hello, but Lin Fei stops them.

When leading the team of inspectors to Lin Fei's side, they suddenly stopped. "Xiangmeier underwear company does not meet the production conditions, and will suspend business indefinitely for rectification."

Finish saying, don't give Lin Fei and Xiao Mengshan explain and ask an opportunity, turn round to walk.

Xiao Mengshan wants to go forward again, and is held by Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, what is the test result? How can it be said that it does not meet the production conditions? Is it not to check whether there is HIV?"

Xiao Mengshan complained angrily.

Lin Fei waved to Xiao Mengshan, "calm down!"

With that, he turned to manager Gu. "Inform all employees that the company will stop production indefinitely."

Manager Gu's face suddenly changed, full of despair, and looked at Xiao Mengshan.

"In accordance with the implementation of the arrangements made by Mr. Lin."

"Good! All right With that, manager Gu turned and went out to arrange.

"Lin Fei, stop production indefinitely, what about the salary of employees?"

Lin Fei raised his hand and gently helped Xiao Mengshan tidy up her messy hair. "Watch it quietly!"

Xiao Mengshan shakes her head again.

At the moment, the network about xiangmeier underwear company production underwear carrying HIV virus incident has begun to ferment.

The report just appeared a few days ago has been turned over again, and the hype is more serious.

For a while, all the people who bought the underwear of xiangmeier underwear company were worried about themselves, and many of them even started to sue.

However, because the HIV virus has a incubation period, for a while, it can not be determined, which triggered a strong debate on the Internet.

On the stock market, the stocks of xiangmeier underwear company, paradigm Pharmaceutical Group and Pengfei group are quietly lying on the drop limit.

Lin Ke'er's staff are purchasing in batches and in small quantities, and everything is in good order.

There was another knock on the door in the mulangfeng room of Jianghai Hotel, and then the Secretary opened the door and came in.

"Mudong! Xiangmeier underwear company, paradigm Pharmaceutical Group and Pengfei group are buying stocks at bargain hunting, and there is a tendency to open them at any time. "

"I found it! Don't worry. Lin Fei must have done it himself. If he has money, he can buy it. "

Mu Langfeng sneered from the corner of his mouth.

The Secretary finished the report and turned to leave.

Mu Langfeng picked up his mobile phone, turned to Jiang Dongyuan's mobile phone number, hesitated for a long time, but did not dial.

He knew that Jiang Dongyuan had done it.

As Fanshao of the two families, they are very familiar with each other. Of course, their relationship is not good.

The leaders of Jianghai province and Jianghai city can't sit still at the moment. One meeting after another, xiangmeier underwear company has made Jianghai city and even Jianghai province famous all over the world since its underwear exhibition and sales show. Some people even compare it to Milan City in the future.

As a result, once such a scandal is confirmed to be true, it will be a heavy blow to Jianghai city and Jianghai province.

And as the party is Lin Fei, these people are more concerned, more concerned.

However, no one has come forward to take a stand. Everything needs practical evidence.

Ren Kening has been pacing back and forth in the office. He is more worried. In his eyes, Lin Fei is like his own child. He really cares, but now he can't call.Finally, he called his daughter Ren Feifei and hung up after some advice.

Lin Fei is playing with his mobile phone in Xiao Mengshan's office at the moment, with a leisurely look.

Xiao Mengshan tried to open her mouth several times, but at last she held back.


Lin Fei's mobile phone suddenly rings. Seeing that it's Ren Feifei's phone, Lin Fei presses to connect it.

"Hello, Mr. Ren!"

"Lin Fei, what's the situation now?" Ren Feifei asked directly.

"The company has stopped production, the products have been destroyed, and the later problems are to be determined." What Lin Fei said is very easy.

Ren Feifei took a long breath, obviously depressed. "Lin Fei, this matter may be a black hand behind someone's back. You should be careful."

"It's OK. If it's too big, I'll shut down the company."

"Lin Fei, you Ah! You're not young. Don't be so headstrong, OK? "

"Also, you must be careful, this is only the beginning, the other side certainly has the back move."

"You have to deal with each other's character, or you will be passive all the time."


Ren Feifei did not care whether Lin Fei was willing to listen, and said a lot.

Of course, some of these words are hers, but more of them are told by Ren Kening.

Lin Fei is casual and relaxed on the surface, but he listens very carefully. In his heart, he is very grateful to Ren Kening and Ren Feifei.

After Ren Feifei hangs up, Lin Fei stares at the darkened screen and still doesn't act. He is like an old hunter, who must wait for the biggest prey to appear.

At the other end, Ren Feifei has already called mu Langfeng.


"Mulangfeng, are you having fun like this? If you want to win over Lin Fei in an open and aboveboard way, why do you have to engage in such sneaky activities? " Ren Feifei's tone is very stiff.

Mu Langfeng obviously didn't expect Ren Feifei's tone to be so tough.

After a short silence, he suddenly asked: "Ren Feifei, are you really a teacher-student relationship with Lin Fei?"

"Mulangfeng, you are a jerk!"


Ren Feifei dropped his cell phone directly.

At the other end, mu Langfeng's eyes became sharper and sharper.

Dial out the phone, "contact xiangmeier underwear company, paradigm Pharmaceutical Group and Pengfei group shareholders to acquire their shares."

Mu Langfeng's hatred for Lin Fei is even stronger.

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