"Why do you close the door? This is an employee of the company, not an outsider, don't you know? "

Lin Fei's voice is full of strong discontent.

"Lin Dong, they..."

"Open the door!" Lin Fei's tone is even colder.

The security guard shivered and quickly opened the door.

"Mr. Lin is right. We are the people of the company. Why don't we go in?"

"Yes! It's Lin Dong Ying Ming. "

"Mr. Lin, will xiangmeier underwear company go bankrupt?"


Lin Fei's two words of blame immediately attracted everyone's attention, not only won favor, but also calmed down.

This makes Xiao Mengshan admire Lin Fei's control, and she thinks it's inferior.

Everyone knows that the security guard is Lin Fei's direct line, but Lin Fei slaps his employees in public, virtually putting them in a higher position.

Lin Fei looked at everyone and said with a smile, "are you in a hurry to start making money?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, if we don't have a job, how can we solve our housing and car loans and how can we support our family?"

"We heard that xiangmeier underwear company will stop production indefinitely, so we are anxious."

"Mr. Lin, is it true that we can survive on this wage?"


Lin Fei's homely words make people more calm and rational. He looks forward to Lin Fei's eyes.

"I know everyone's mood very well, but you also know what happened. If you don't find out, it can't be produced." Lin Fei's tone was full of helplessness.

"Mr. Lin, is xiangmeier underwear company going to close down?"

Some people's tone is full of despair and pessimism.

After xiangmeier underwear company was taken over by meizishuang group, their wages increased significantly. As ordinary blue collar workers in Jianghai City, their wages were no less than those of middle-class white-collar workers, which made them very proud and energetic all the time. Otherwise, it would be impossible for people in the early stage to stop working on machines.

Attractive salary and income, people are extremely concerned about.

They are really worried about losing, so they look at Lin Fei with prayer in their eyes, and many people's eyes are moist.

"Bankruptcy I can't decide. If it is forced to close down in the end, it will only close down. "


When they realized the crisis, they took a breath.

A lot of people are directly silent.

"I also know that people's life is difficult, so I decided to..."

Just when everyone was desperate and hopeless, Lin Fei suddenly opened his mouth.


All eyes look at Lin Fei at the same time.

"During the shutdown period, each person's basic salary will be paid twice to ensure that you can live a carefree life."

When Lin Fei finished speaking, the crowd was quiet -

did not respond.

Even Xiao Mengshan didn't respond.

A few seconds passed.

"Mr. Lin, do you want to give us double the basic salary?"

Someone in the crowd asked.

"Is that true, Mr. Lin?"

"This, this, Mr. Lin, you are the best chairman I have ever met."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin! Thank you


The reaction from the crowd, surprised and happy, and even some people have been crying with joy.

Xiao Mengshan seems to understand something, looking at Lin Fei's eyes.

"You are the employees of our xiangmeier company, and I should guarantee your life."

"I promise here that as long as there is no result in the day above, I will keep sending it."

"However, if xiangmeier underwear company is finally ordered to close down or even cancel, then I will be helpless."

Lin Fei looked at the crowd, but there was a lot of helplessness on his face.

"Mr. Lin, you have moved us so much. I have never met such a chairman."

"Yes! Thank you, Mr. Lin! "

"Mr. Lin, xiangmeier underwear company will not go bankrupt, absolutely not."

"Yes! Let's go to the government and ask them to give us an explanation. "

"Go! Go now


The problem of employees' survival has been solved, and they begin to think about the company in their hearts. Some people have come forward to go to the government.

Xiao Mengshan understood everything in an instant. "The power of the masses."

I see.

Looking at Lin Fei, he was brilliant.

"Slow down!"

Lin Fei suddenly yelled to stop!

"Chairman, you..."

Lin Fei raised his hand to stop.

"We have problems. That's why people investigate. We can't blame the government."


Lin Fei waved again.

"We should deeply find our own problems, find out the problems existing in the company, and find out whether there are other company scum like Lao Zhou and Li Mei. If there are, they will not get rid of them. Even if today's problems are solved, new problems will appear."Shua!

The scene was instantly quiet.

Next second, "Dong Lin, we understand. Check. We have to check the people around us. Check hard. "

"Yes! First of all, we should investigate the first person who said in the group and on the Internet that the company would shut down indefinitely and possibly go bankrupt. "

"I know. Shen He said it."

"Call the police! Go to Shen He. "


In an instant, all the people were boiling.

Lin Fei's mouth is slightly grinning. What he wants is this kind of result.

A stinky fish makes a pot of soup.

Lin Fei didn't believe that the same problem happened twice without a push behind him, so he aimed his eyes at the inside.

"I will set up a report box in the company. If you have any problems, you can report them in your real name. Once it is verified that the reported problems are true and serious in nature, I will give you a million dollars."


"Mr. Lin is very generous."

"However, if you let me know who has no evidence to report casually, I'm sorry. If you don't love the company and the company doesn't accept you, you will be dismissed directly."


Just excited people, instant inverted breath.

"I hope xiangmeier underwear company can continue to develop and even become a century old brand. That requires culture, management and the concerted efforts of all people."

"So, I hope everyone can take the company as their home."

"However, what I want more is unity, not mutual betrayal because of interests."

With that, Lin Fei glanced at each face in the front row.

The people who had all kinds of ideas were calm now, and even began to reflect on themselves.

"Mr. Lin, we understand. Don't worry, we will make a family of xiangmeier underwear company."

"Mr. Lin, you can really investigate Shenhe. We have the most clear idea of production every day. There is absolutely no HIV virus. Transportation is the last link, where there is the greatest possibility of problems."

"Yes! We just came here to see him talking in wechat group. "


Xiao Mengshan stands behind Lin Fei. Now she clenches her hands into fists with sharp eyes. Shen He, the man with a haggard face who made her feel hard at that time, didn't expect

"You are all good employees of Linfei. Don't doubt. Everything needs evidence."

"There are a lot of things in the company now. Let's go back and the salary will be paid on time."

"Don't worry, I will lead xiangmeier underwear company out of trouble."


Lin Fei said, the scene of instant applause thunderous, employees were completely moved.

In particular, the sentence "you are all my good employees of Linfei" warms everyone instantly.

Lin Fei is not their good boss.

Which boss company stop production, return employee to send double wages?

It's unique.

This makes them more sincere to Lin Fei.

People scattered, Lin Fei turned back to the company.

Xiao Mengshan stamped her feet and pulled Lin Fei's arm to ask what to do, but she didn't say anything. Xiao Mengshan pinched Lin Fei fiercely.

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