Lu Qing is Lu Qing. She is definitely not an ordinary woman. After a brief surprise, she soon returns to nature.

"Oh, Ruoshui, did you tell them about my father's illness?"

Lu Qing's eyes are fixed on Zhou Ruoshui, extremely cold and full of discontent.

"Qingqing, what do you think of me as Zhou Ruoshui?"

"I happened to meet them at the door. This Mr. Lin is the person I told you about renting my house to me in Jiangnan City and Jianghai city. We are not friends and girlfriends."

"Yes! He has another identity, Siyu's fiance. "

Zhou Ruoshui was suspected by his friends and turned away. Now he hears Lu Qing's conjecture and points out the relationship with Lin Fei.

"Men don't have a good thing. They eat in the bowl and look at the pot. I'm not satisfied with Siyu, but I still want to pursue muxinxuan. Isn't it that I'm greedy for beauty and fame? "

Lu Qing seems to be more dissatisfied and angry with Zhou Ruoshui's introduction.

Lin Fei was very depressed. He even felt that Lu Qing was the days of every month. Otherwise, he would be better than himself?

"Lu Qing, I don't need you to comment on my affairs with Siyu or my personal affairs. I just want to ask how much money you need to be the legal adviser of our xiangmeier underwear company?"

"Oh! Lin Fei, you are really interesting. Do you really think money can solve everything? "

"I don't know if Siyu and muxinxuan have been conquered by your money, but I, Lu Qing, will not."

"Even if you give me all the money, I won't be the consultant you call me. If it's only for this, you can leave now. "

Lu Qing's face is serious, and she has already given an order to leave.

Lin Fei's eyes swept Lu Qing's face and shook his head. "It doesn't matter, anyway..."

"Boss, you wait." Qin Feng said at the back.


All eyes look at Qin Feng.

"Did you go to school at Harvard in the M country?"

"What? Want to find a reason not to rush you? Everyone knows about my study abroad. It's no surprise! "

Lu Qing looks at Qin Feng, who is asking questions. Her tone is contemptuous and her eyes are disdainful.

Qin Feng shook his head, "it's you!"

Lu Qing is a Leng, looking at Qin Feng, do not know! "Do you know me?"

"Do you remember meeting a fortune teller at the gate of Harvard University, who told you that three years later, someone in your family would be paralyzed and your life would be in danger?"


Lu Qing's body is a shock, as if struck by lightning, looking at Qin Feng, still confirmed not seen.

"Look again." Qin Feng turned his head and took out something from his pocket to shout on his face. When he turned his head again, he had become an old man with white eyebrows and wrinkled face.

"It's you?"

Lu Qing's face was first surprised, then surprised. She grabbed Qin Feng's arm and said, "Sir, please help my father."

With that, Lu Qing's face has shed tears, no longer just arrogant.

This scene made Lin Fei, Xiao Mengshan and Zhou Ruoshui look at each other and Qin Feng. What's this?

"Ha ha, that's my mask, this is me!" Qin Feng took off his mask with a smile and restored his true colors.


Lu Qing wanted to get angry, but she held back, but her face was ugly.

However, this time, he didn't get angry. Instead, he looked at Qin Feng. His eyes were full of expectation and even a little prayer.

"I know what you want to ask, that's right! I'm the fortune teller

"Well, can you save my father?" Lu Qing regained her composure, but asked in a pleading tone.

"I'm not sure about it, and it depends on whether my boss agrees." Qin Feng finished and looked at Lin Fei.

"Boss, when I was in M country, I pursued Lang Lang and lived there for a living. I once saw Lu Qing at the door. At that time, I saw that she was very beautiful and she was poisoned by chronic poison. I didn't expect to meet her again three years later."

Qin Feng said very easily, but when he heard Lu Qing's ears, it was different.

When she thought of her scolding to Qin Feng that day, and her father's pain of paralysis in bed, she was full of remorse.

"Sir, please help me cure my father, even if I die." Lu Qing looks at Qin Feng and continues to beg.

A piece of filial piety, so that all moved.


Qin Feng sighed, "it's not that I don't help you, but that I'm a part-time worker and need to listen to the boss."

Qin Feng finished, a helpless look at Lin Fei.

Lu Qing is not a fool. She knows what it means and looks up at Lin Fei. "Mr. Lin, I was wrong just now. I apologize to you and hope you can forgive me."Finish saying, facing Lin Fei is a deep bow.

Very decisive woman, can take, put down.

Lin Fei smiles. "You see, we are here to treat the disease. Since you agree to treat the disease, of course it is the best."

Lin Fei is very generous, which makes Lu Qing more ashamed.

"Qingqing, you don't have to be embarrassed. He is Siyu's fiance. If he doesn't obey and help, you can tell Siyu to see how to deal with him."

Zhou Ruoshui knew that Lu Qing was an arrogant person, deliberately joking to ease the atmosphere.

Sure enough, Lu Qing was directly amused.

"Come in, please! Come in, please

Lu Qing quickly get out of the way and let Lin Fei and others into the room.

The embarrassment was swept away.

When they came into the room, no one noticed that there were two venomous eyes in Qin Feng's eyes.

"Please sit down and have a cup of tea, then..."

"It's important to save people. We're not here for tea." Lin Fei has interrupted Lu Qing.

In fact, Lu Qing's heart is more urgent, but just a misunderstanding, I'm sorry to ask Lin Fei to cure and save people directly, so I will say so.

"Then you come with me." Lu Qing finished and took the people upstairs.

When she reached the stairway, Lu Qing suddenly turned her head and looked at Wang ma. "Mother Wang, please get your best Dahongpao ready and serve the guests later."

"Yes, miss!" Wang Ma promised and turned away.

Just, at the moment when she looked back, a vicious flash flashed through her eyes.

People walked into a sunny room on the second floor, pushed the door open, and immediately came a strong smell of disinfectant.

Lin Fei and others look at the hospital bed. A boring, thin man is lying on it. If he doesn't see the liquid dripping, he will think it is a dead man.

Lu Qing just stopped crying eyes, full of tears again.

"Mr. Lin Dong and Mr. Qin, you have to work hard."

Lu Qing tone sincerely said.

"Boss, why don't you come?" Qin Feng smiles and says to Lin Fei.

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