Xiao Mengshan's pain makes Lin Fei see a woman's kindness and strength.

He raised his hand and held Xiao Mengshan in his arms. He looked around the crowd and said, "I'm the one who died. I'll take all the responsibility. From now on, no one is allowed to touch the patient."

"You have to be shameless. It's glorious to kill people, isn't it?"

"Call the police and get him."

"He's a murderer now."


Lin Fei's stand out, in people's eyes, is a kind of shameless, killing people or so upright.

"Xiao Mengshan, now you give me a choice. Do you choose me or this man?" Xiao's mother was also enraged by Lin Fei's words.

Xiao Mengshan felt a kind of warmth for the first time when she leaned against Lin Fei.

It's just, it's short.

She broke away from Lin Fei, looked at her mother and said, "Mom! I'm the daughter of you and your father. "


"You know it's your father's daughter, and you watch your father die?"

"Ma! Don't worry. If my father dies, I'll go with him. "

Xiao Mengshan said aloud, biting her lips.

She was telling her mother, but also to others.

Lin Fei's heart secretly praised, more and more feel that the female president secretary did not choose the wrong person.

"I'll sign the hospital disclaimer for you." Xiao Mengshan dried her tears, looked at Yu Shui and said.

Without hesitation, Yu Shui asked people to bring pen and paper.

In his eyes, a patient's life and death is nothing more than making more or less money. The real key is his qualification as a doctor. As long as he has the qualification as a doctor, he doesn't worry about making money. Therefore, he doesn't care about Xiao Mingyi's death.

Xiao Mengshan wrote the hospital exemption letter and signed it.

Take the water in your hand and take a long breath.

"Now get out of here!" Lin Fei saw Yu Shui's proud expression and said angrily.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way

Before Yu Shui spoke, Bao Zhi's voice rang at the door.

The doctors and nurses stepped aside.

Yu Shui rushed up, bent over, holding the hospital exemption letter in his hand, and said: "President Bao, the patient was killed by someone invited by his family. He has signed the hospital exemption letter."

Yu Shui's face is full of excitement and pride.

In his opinion, it was very beautiful.

The fact is just as he thought.

Bao Zhi took the disclaimer and read it briefly. He immediately said with a smile, "doctor Yu has done a good job. I will praise the president."

"Thank you, Dean Bao." Standing upright in the water, Yu straightened his waist and looked at the crowd with arrogance.

Altay follows Bao Zhimian and directly ignores the crowd and walks towards Xiao Mingyi's body lying on the hospital bed.

Since Bao Zhi and Altay entered the ward, Lin Fei's eyes have never left Altay. Seeing him coming, Lin Fei immediately welcomed him and stopped him.

"Get out of the way!" Bao Zhi glanced at Lin Fei, an ordinary young man, and said contemptuously.

"Get out!" Lin Fei also responded coldly.

"Who are you?"

Tough Altay was stopped by Lin Fei, angry!

"He's the one who kills the sick."

In the water has been in the side can't wait to say.

He hoped that Altay would teach Lin Fei a lesson.

When Altay heard this, his face immediately glowed.

It's a failure!

Life is worrying!

What a shame!

"Come on, control him first, and let the police take him away later." Bao Zhi was very familiar with Altay. He knew what he meant with one look and immediately told him.

"I'm the patient's family. It's none of your business here. Get out of here!"

"This is the hospital." Bao Zhi was driven away by Lin Fei and became angry.

"We've signed the hospital disclaimer. It's none of your business."

"You are in our hospital now."

"We paid."

Bao Zhi

Lin Fei Ding was speechless.

"I want to examine the patient. Maybe it can be saved." Altay interrupted the quarrel and wanted to move on.

"Go away!"

Lin Fei felt that the poison in Xiao Mingyi's body was no longer as vigorous as before. How could he let Altay get close to him.

"Ms. Xiao, Altay is a specially appointed doctor in our hospital, specializing in the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases. He once saved the dead. You should let him have a try. Maybe there is a chance."

Seeing that Lin Fei refused to give way, Bao Zhi knew the importance of time to Altay and transferred the object of persuasion to Xiao Mu.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way

Hearing this, Xiao's mother seemed to catch a straw and rushed over to push Lin Fei."Meng Shan, please keep your mother quiet." Lin Fei's attention was on Altay, and he said with some displeasure.

"Xiao Mengshan, do you really listen to him? Don't you want to save your father? "

Xiao mother see Xiao Mengshan really come to stop, angry shout way.

Xiao Mengshan doesn't answer, just blocks.

"I'll give you one last chance, otherwise..."

Altay was angry when he saw that Lin Fei really refused.

Time is money. After a while, the poison in Xiao Mingyi's body will die. Even if he doesn't die, he will peel off his skin.

Now, it's his last chance to get the insect out, so he must be close to the body anyway.

This Gu is his own. A year ago, Bao Zhi contacted him and said that there was a rich and noble man who could play Gu. He immediately came from the Miao area to help raise Gu with Xiao Mingyi's body.

Originally, everything was going well, and it would be successful in a few months. I didn't expect that Xiao Mingyi died suddenly today, which made him lose all his previous achievements.

All this is the result of Lin Fei, now Lin Fei stopped not to let go, he killed.

Although Lin Fei doesn't know the inside story, he knows that Gu is a unique thing of Miao people, and Altay's dress makes him directly sentence Altay to death.

Xiao Mengshan felt uneasy when she saw Altay. Lin Fei instructed her to cooperate with him.


"This man deserves to die!"

Altay said, his hand quickly across his clothes, as if to Lin Fei, Xiao Mengshan they three people do a helpless wave.

The movement is not big, or even slow, and it doesn't attract people's attention at all.

However, with the keen consciousness of the Xuanwu, Lin Fei saw the white powder flying towards the three people with Altay's waving hand.

Although I don't know what it is, Lin Fei knows it's definitely not a good thing.

As Xiao Mingyi's body is behind him, we must not get out of the way.

When the white powder was coming, a breath came out of the palm of his hand, just like a net, which just wrapped the white powder and hit Bao Zhi.

Bao Zhi wasn't on guard and didn't find out. He just shook his clothes a little.

Even Altay didn't find it.

Lin Fei has a strange smile at the corner of his mouth. He is expecting a good play to be staged soon.

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