"The second question is, since we have promised something, why hasn't it been implemented?"

Ren Kening asked this question, and no one came out to speak at the scene.

Tao Zeguo's eyes swept over the crowd. Instead of speaking, he motioned to continue.

"In fact, neither the first nor the second is important. The most important thing is the third."


There was a sound of doubt at the scene, and they looked at Ren Kening one after another, showing a puzzled look. Some people even wanted to see what he could say, and they were ready to refute.

"The third problem is that at the beginning, Lin Fei once promised those who bought houses that each family would compensate for a house, which is 10 square meters larger than the area of the house he bought before."

"So what? This is Lin Fei's promise

Some of the people who have been holding on for a long time have asked.

"We have just seen the announcement of Pengfei group. Pengfei group has got rid of the relationship. If I guess correctly, Lin Fei doesn't want to approve these lands any more, let alone build them any more."

"He doesn't want to have a lot of people want it, and they will rush for it."

"Who will pay for the compensation for each house? Not to mention the whole process, Lin Fei did not make money, but lost money! Who can find a developer who is willing to lose money to build a house

Ren Kening looked at the man who had just spoken and asked.


There was a sound of breathing in and there were some silly eyes.

"Then call Lin Fei and let him develop quickly." Someone said with dignity.

"Development? Lin Fei invested a trillion yuan in the development of Jianghai province a few days ago. What has he got now? "

"In his heart, there are some people and some countries. Have we paid attention to such kind of businessmen? I don't think there's even a minimum of respect. "

"Don't say it's Lin Fei. Who can donate a trillion yuan instead of you? Would you be so calm if you didn't get promoted? "

Ren Kening, who had already choked his anger, was already excited at last.


All the faces are hot.

Lin Fei's trillion yuan investment can be said to cover all aspects of Jianghai Province, and everyone in charge of the field is the beneficiary.

Now Ren Kening mercilessly said, although slapping face, but it is the truth.

In the hearts of all the people, there was no problem.

"Good! Governor Ren said well

Tao Zeguo was the first speaker. "If we don't cherish an entrepreneur who has a sense of home and country, do we have to make people feel cold?"

"One trillion yuan. If Lin Fei takes it to other provinces, I think there will be many secretaries and governors to meet him personally."

"For such an excellent young man, we Jianghai province do not support him, but still suppress him. What do you want to do?"

Tao Zeguo actually saw very clearly that the root cause of many people's problems with Lin Fei was actually the focus of the contradictions between Lin Fei and the Mu family and the Jiang family.

As the weakest of the three parties, Lin Fei will naturally be run.

He did not make a statement before, but wanted to see what attitude everyone had. Now he has seen clearly, so he will not worry any more.

At the moment, he has great admiration for Ren Kening, and understands why Lin Fei still calls Ren Kening "secretary", which is a kind of respect from the heart.

Tao Zeguo has even seen the brilliant future of Ren Kening. With such a rich man as Lin Fei, Ren Kening will flourish once he is in power.

Seeing all this clearly, he naturally didn't want to give up the opportunity that he could reach.

Next, Tao began to deploy.

The people who have come to their senses no longer have the arrogance they just had. They all cooperate with each other and make decisions quickly, even more quickly.

Pengfei group.

"Lin Fei, the land has been approved and can be constructed." Xiao Mengshan put down the phone and said in surprise.

Lin Fei looks at Xiao Mengshan, "do you think this is a good thing?"

"Isn't that a good thing? Pengfei group gets the land, and the next step is to merge it into the earth real estate company, so that the earth real estate group can develop rapidly. "

Lin Fei smile, "tell them, we don't develop."

Xiao Mengshan

"They don't want to, and I, Lin Fei, don't want to."

Then he stood up and left.

Finally, Xiao Mengshan decided to go back.

The whole officialdom of Jianghai province was shocked.

At the same time, because of Lin Fei's decision not to develop, the stock of Pengfei Group continued to drop.

Mu Langfeng's team began to buy crazily. He believes that Lin Fei will finally agree, and it will soar at that time.

Seeing the opportunity to make money, mu Langfeng used the family's strategic reserve fund.

Antique Street.

Lin Fei took a taxi alone.He hasn't been here since the last Tianbao auction house.

Today, when he came here, he was thinking about what he could exchange for the sky bowl in Lu Qing's father's hand.

Lin Fei visited most of the antique street, but he didn't find any good treasures, so he was ready to choose two similar ones to go back. It was not in vain.

Lin Fei goes into xunxi and buys a few pieces of jade. Lin Fei goes into the biggest antique store, cangtianxia store.

It's a big shop with a total area of four to five thousand square meters. It's no smaller than Tianbao auction house. Its wide gate and simple design give people a heavy sense of vicissitudes just when they walk in.

As soon as I got to the door, I found nearly 100 people standing inside, surrounded by several people.

There are all kinds of antiques on the shelves on both sides. At a glance, Lin Fei can see that there are both genuine and fake antiques, which just reflects the psychology of the merchants.

On the open ground, there are at least thousands of original stones.

There are people nearby who are gambling on stones. They are very happy.

The whole store is very popular, just like a market.

However, more people are paying attention to the position of the most corner.

"This is against the law. I tell you, my daughter is a lawyer, and she is also a lawyer of xiangmeier underwear company. It was my daughter who fought the lawsuit between xiangmeier underwear company and M country Aili company not long ago. "

Familiar voice, familiar words into the ears of Lin Fei.

With more and more shouting, more and more people gathered.

Lin Fei walks over. It's Lu Qing's father.

Still thin, still domineering.

However, he saw that Lu Dacheng was surrounded by several staff members, male and female, and the two sides were quarreling fiercely.

Some good people are shouting.

Just then, a woman in a blue shirt, a black dress and high heels came up.

In his thirties, he had a delicate face and a tall figure.

With her fair skin and her clothes and temperament, she is absolutely unique in the whole hall and attracts the eyes of many men.

Seeing him, the people who surrounded Lu dada got out of the way one after another. It was obvious that the identity of the other side was not low.

When the woman saw Lu Da Cheng, she frowned and looked down upon him.

His eyes were cold and full of pride.

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