curry favour by claptrap!

Eye catching!

Funny on purpose!

There was no sense of ridicule in the hearts of the people at the scene.

After all, spent 10 million to buy a broken yuan blue and white, and then excitedly claimed that there was a mystery inside, the result is an iron bead, you say funny or not?


Lu Dacheng scolded angrily.

In Lu Da Da Da's opinion, compensation is a very humiliating thing, and it is precisely this humiliating thing that Lin Fei did, which made him unable to accept and made him extremely angry.

Therefore, he will take the lead in speaking out the feelings of the people.

Lu Qing stares at Lin Fei, also don't understand.

But his heart is still full of apologies. If it wasn't for his father, he would not have spent 10 million and would not have been ridiculed.

She has secretly determined that she will repay the ten million.

"Tut Tut, you put it in the wrong place. You should put it in your pants so that you can hatch chickens."

"Ha ha The action of hatching is not standard. It is estimated that the hatching will not come out. "

"Ah! If it can hatch out from the iron beads, I'll eat shit! "


Tang Aiqing takes the lead. Everyone has already said what you said and what I said.

Lin Fei, who has been quietly making the combination of Yi Nian Zhu and his heart beat, doesn't speak, and doesn't pay attention to other people's opinions. He only gets the joy of Yi Nian Zhu in his heart.


With the sound, a bigger surprise came -

the skin wrapped on the outside of the iron bead was like a peeled off peel, falling off one by one, revealing a crystal white inside.


The person who just said that he would eat excrement if he could hatch had covered his mouth with shock and embarrassment.

Lu Da Da is an expert in collection. He has been immersed in this field for many years. When he suddenly saw it, it was also a shock and a round stare.

Everyone's eyes are looking at Lin Fei, the hundred million year pearl in his hand.

The iron sheet falls off little by little, little by little, and finally -

all fall off.

A snow-white, crystal clear bead appears in people's eyes, so beautiful, so exciting, especially in the light.

"Is this the Pearl of the night?"

"No, what beads are they?"

"No, I haven't seen it in my years of collecting."

Lu Dacheng's last sentence also represents everyone's judgment on the billion year pearl.

In Tang Ai Qing's eyes, first there was surprise, then there was endless desire, which was a kind of desire to occupy for oneself.

"This, what bead is this?" I asked.

Lin Fei naturally won't tell them the name of yinianzhu, let alone its name. He gently holds it in his hand. "Thank you for your store."


Lin Fei's words, let everyone heart is not taste, even feel a kind of irony.

Just now, all of them were mocking Lin Fei. In fact, everyone thought that there would be no mechanism in an iron bead, but no one knew that it looked like iron. It was the dust and sand that had covered the bead for hundreds of millions of years. It was only because of the long time, after the rain, snow, wind and frost.

As for keeping it in mind, it is because this hundred million year old pearl itself is something with aura and even life. When a life wakes up, it will naturally be accompanied by a cocoon breaking into a butterfly, and it will naturally be extremely wonderful.

"I'm sorry, sir. The price of Yuan blue and white is not 10 million, so you can't take this bead."

Tang Ai Qing came forward and said shamelessly.


The crowd exclaimed. They didn't expect Tang Aiqing to say such a thing.

"You said 10 million just now. How can you not admit it? If you ask, you can testify. "

Seeing that Tang Ai Qing was engulfed by Zhu, Lu Da Cheng was the first to call out.

"Just now I said 10 million. That's because you are old and the yuan blue and white are broken. That's why the discount is made. The real price of Yuan blue and white is 100 million!"

Tang Aiqing said, staring at Lu Da Da, full of strong pride.

"A hundred million? Why don't you rob it? " Lu got excited.

Lin Fei waves to Lu Qing and tells him not to get excited.

"One hundred million, are you sure?"


"Can you confirm again that the price of Yuan blue and white is 100 million?"


"All right! I'll pay! "

Lin Fei finished and handed the bank card to Tang Aiqing directly.


A lot of people in the crowd called out.

"Really pay 100 million?"

"I don't know the name of this bead. Is it worth 100 million?""Who is this guy? It's not so rich. "

Tang Ai Qing's face is also changing again and again, she did not expect Lin Fei will really pay.

In fact, her purpose is to possess the bead. Now Lin Fei pays, but she is a little confused.

"No, I'll go."

Lin Fei said that he would take back his bank card.

Tang Aiqing's face changed again and again. He took the bank card and played 90 million yuan in the past.

"Sir, it's better not to have the ill gotten gains!" When handing back the bank card, Tang Aiqing said with a gloomy face.

"You're right. Don't be a profiteer! Let me tell you again, "honesty wins the world!"


Lin Fei takes out his cell phone and dials directly.

"You want to call the police? Hum! I tell you, if you call the police, you'll be free. Don't insult yourself. "

"You'll see in a moment."

"Good! Then I'll see if you can take this bead away

Lin Fei smiles and doesn't speak any more.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a market regulated vehicle came from outside, and three people jumped down from inside.

As soon as Lu Qing saw it, he knew the person who made trouble in Pengfei group this morning.

Lin Fei, this is

Just when Lu Qing guessed, three people had come in.

They looked around for a week, saw Lin Fei, immediately came over, very polite said: "Mr. Lin good!"

Lin Fei nodded, "three hard!"

"No hard work! It's a great honor for Mr. Lin to know our phone number. "

Lin Fei smiles.

Today, after these people left, Lin Fei asked people to investigate them. Lin Fei got everyone's information, so it was easy to contact them.

"Chief Guo, my friend was falsely accused of knocking down Yuan blue and white here, asking for compensation of 10 million at the same price. We paid for it. What do you think of this?"

"Compensation according to the price is equivalent to buying it directly, no problem." Chief Guo looked at Lin Fei and said respectfully.

"But because there is a mystery in it, we found something new, and they temporarily changed the price by 100 million. Do you think there is any problem?"

"This This is simply disrupting the market, raising prices wantonly and violating pricing. "

Although Mr. Guo didn't know what happened before, he didn't dare to offend Lin Fei when he thought of his identity.

When they left today, they were still very angry and even wanted revenge. But not long ago, when they heard that the government had given the land to Linfei for development, and Linfei did not develop it, they were all stupid and really realized the power of Linfei.

Now, Lin Fei calls him. It's a matter of face and opportunity. How can he not seize it?

"It's a hundred million! Don't believe it Tang Ai Qing spoke.

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