Can Wu Tiancheng refuse Lin Fei's request?

Thinking of the donation of one billion yuan, Wu Tiancheng must promise unconditionally. You know, it's astronomical, it's a huge guarantee for the qualitative change of Jianghai public security system, and it's also a huge guarantee for him to move to a high position.

"Mr. Lin, just deal with it."

Lin Fei nodded and looked at Tang Aiqing, "all the goods here are sold at the label price, aren't they?"

Tang Aiqing didn't understand Lin Fei's meaning. He covered his stomach, gritted his teeth and nodded.

She also knows that she has hurt her brother Tang Aihu.

"Are these stones for sale?" Lin Fei asked with a smile, patting a stone on the ground.

Tang Aiqing listen to Lin Fei asked the original stone, suddenly heart came to the bottom, wiped a mouth blood, "sell!"

Disdain in the eyes.

Gambling stone?


A knife rich, a knife poor, a knife into linen.

"Lin Fei, you can make money on Yuan blue and white, but it's a fool's dream to make money on the stone."

The other clerks in the shop also disdain the blue and white of the Yuan Dynasty. In their opinion, it is the blind cat meeting the dead mouse.

I just used the waste for a while, but I need strength and ability to gamble.

Many people at the scene secretly shook their heads. They were too arrogant and didn't know how to stop when they were good.

Gambling depends on ability, but it depends more on luck. It's not that easy to pick up treasure?

Besides, the prices of these stones are much higher than those of Yuan blue and white, and many of them are small and broad. For the shop owners, they seldom lose money.


This is what many people think of Lin Fei.

However, Lu Da Da's eyes are full of enthusiasm for Lin Fei. He feels that Lin Fei seems to be very confident. When he thinks of the cocoon breaking of the pearl that has just been 100 million years ago, even though he has been immersed in the collection for decades, he doesn't understand what it is.

Now, really want to gamble, let him want to see the strength of Lin Fei.

Of course, he now also believes that Lin Fei will not be aimless, otherwise he will not let people from the public security bureau give him the platform.

"Lin Fei, don't think you'll be out of luck once you're lucky. If you dare to buy the stone, I promise you'll regret it." Tang Aiqing sees that Lin Fei wants to buy the original stone and wants to stimulate Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's eyes are flat, staring at Tang Aiqing, full of banter, "you sell it, other don't talk nonsense."

"Lin Fei, how about a bet?"

"Bet on what?"

Tang Ai Qing looked at his brother in despair. "If one of the stones you choose can't turn green, you will let director Wu take back his life and let my brother continue to be director of the Branch Bureau."

Wu Tiancheng's face changed.

Lin Fei's expression did not change. "What if I win?"

"We give up and let your woman be the director of the Bureau."

"You're not losing money in this business! You know, Jiang Yu is not my woman, and she has become the director of the Bureau. Your bet doesn't affect anything! "

Tang Aiqing was punctured on the spot, his face unchanged, "what do you want?"

"You're going to lose. Hand over all the property and thieves that Shuanglong will steal yesterday!"

Lin Fei has learned from Longnv that Shuanglong will steal the goods, and it's here, so he puts forward this bet.


The crowd at the scene let out a cry of surprise.

Jiang Yu felt his hand to his waist.

"Lin Fei, you are spitting blood!" Tang Ai Qing's face suddenly changed.

"Do you bet or not?"

"I Lin Fei, you are not too confident, are you Tang Aiqing said in surprise.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Good! I bet! But you have to add one. "

"Which one?"

"If I win, we'll hand over the things we stole yesterday, and you'll let our people go." Tang Aiqing wants to find a way out.

Give up money to protect life.



Lin Fei, let the scene in an uproar.

Tang Aiqing admits that Lin Fei agrees so confidently. This

"Lin Fei, you represent individuals, not us." Jiang Yu suddenly cried out.

You know, the behavior of these thieves is extremely bad. What's more important is that there are so many buildings falling down now. If these people really did it and let it go, it would be the culprits. Naturally, she would not agree.

"Lin Fei, what if she doesn't agree?"

"Never mind! If you win, I promise to keep the promise. "

Tang Ai Qing pick eyebrows, "sure?"

"Don't worry! 100% sure


The words fall, Tang Ai Qing a side body, will behind the original stone get out of the way.

There are more than 2000 pieces in it."It's a bit of bullshit to choose one hundred percent green from so many raw stones!"

"Yes! It can't be done at all, even by the top experts. "

"Ah! I don't know where his confidence comes from? "


Many people who eat melons have begun to talk about it.

Jiang Yu also wants to stop him, but Wu Tiancheng stops him. Although he doesn't know about Lin Fei, he knows everything about Lin Fei. Especially at the last underwear fair, he decorated ten exhibition halls overnight, which is a miracle.

If we can create that kind of miracle, why not create another miracle today?

What's more, the police and Skynet didn't find the thief. Lin Fei found the thief directly here. Is this what ordinary people can do?

On the contrary, Tang Ai Qing has a mocking smile on her face. In her opinion, this is bullshit.

She helped up her brother Tang Aihu. "Don't worry, I'll help you sit back in your original position."

Full of confidence!

Tang Aihu nodded, full of hope, more like catching a straw.

"Lin Fei, I have more than 2000 pieces of raw stones, with a total value of more than 5 billion yuan. Do you have enough money?"

Tang Aiqing deliberately provoked Lin Fei and distracted him.

"Don't worry! I'll buy as many green ones as you have

"Good! As long as you have money, I don't mind buying it back. "

Finish saying, sneer a, "fear you lose finally can cry!"

Tang Ai Qing knows very well that at least half of the original stones here will collapse, because the total value is more than 2 billion yuan. How can we guarantee so much green?

Besides, the purpose of gambling stone is to gamble on luck. It's exciting to play. Only a fool can prepare the stone for everyone.

Lin Fei suddenly stopped, "you won't go back?"

Tang Ai Qing snorted coldly, "we have credibility."

Lin Fei shook his head, "director Wu, it's more reliable to surround this store under the heaven of Tibet, and focus on detecting whether there is an underground passage. The specialty of mice is to make holes."

"Lin Fei, you..."

"Because I can guarantee to win."

Lin Fei said, has picked up a 30 cm long wide high stone, square, like a stone pier, the surface is extremely smooth.


Everyone laughed when Lin Fei picked out the first stone.

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