Seeing the police, Hong Sixing was also silly. He looked around and knew that there was nowhere to throw. If this guy really had the demeanor of a mouse, he would surrender. With a plop, he really knelt down and surrendered.

Jiang Yu arranges to arrest people while calling the hospital to save people.

Looking at the scene of the miserable injured, looking at one by one lying on the ground wailing unceasingly, can be seen everywhere broken arms and legs, filled with the thick smell of blood in the air, so that the scene of the police can not help but nerve stimulation.

It's bloody!

How cruel!

However, thinking of the existence of these terrible people in Jianghai City, what a terrible existence is that?

Looking at Lin Fei, there is more worship and respect in his eyes.

Jiang Yu finished processing, came to Lin Fei's side, "are you not hurt?"

When asked this sentence, Jiang Yu's eyes are full of tenderness.

Lin Fei's eyes turned, "am I hurt?"


Jiang Yu's face was tense. He came directly, grabbed Lin Fei's hand and began to look up and down.

However, after reading for a long time, I didn't find the wound, "Lin Fei, you are cheating me again!"

Jiang Yu is angry and will be angry.


Lin Fei suddenly hugged Jiang Yu and put his head on her face. "I saw the bloody scenes that are not suitable for children. My heart is full of innumerable darkness and fear. I'm so afraid!"

Jiang Yu

Almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What a shameless man!

Can you be more shameless?

Hong Sixing, in particular, happened to be taken by Lin Fei and Jiang Yu. When he heard this, his heart twitched, and he almost uttered rude words. It was shameless.


Didn't you see the violence?

As for the police nearby, seeing the people who were knocked unconscious by Lin Fei's fist, they seemed to see a God, a Buddha, arrogant to the extreme, even more terrible to the extreme.

Jiang Yu wants to push Lin Fei away, but Lin Fei holds her tightly, even makes her feel about to burst.

"Lin Fei, that's enough! I have something else to do

Finally, Jiang Yu couldn't bear it and called out.

"Officer Jiang, my fragile heart can no longer bear it. Do you think you can arrange someone to send these stones back to the earth security company?"

Jiang Yu

Countless alpacas in your heart are running. Don't you just want to help transport? Is it worth pretending like this?

Thinking of Lin Fei taking advantage of himself, pursuing his sister-in-law and fighting his elder brother, Jiang Yu's mood is sour and complicated.

"Lin Fei, I know!"

Jiang Yu finally said such a sentence.

"Officer Jiang, that's very kind of you! I want to hold you again. " Lin Fei said, mouth open arms, posture is going to embrace Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu has pulled out a pistol, aimed at Lin Fei.

"Do you have the heart to be a legal citizen?" Lin Fei stand hands, helpless said.

"Just try."

Lin Fei

Hands raised, made helpless, turned to the transport vehicle, took the round imperial green jade.

"Officer Jiang, hard work."

Then he turned and walked out of the mountain.

Jiang Yu looks at Lin Fei's back in a complicated mood. He can't tell what it's like.

Lin Fei came to the road and made a phone call. In less than five minutes, the Dragon girl appeared in front of her.

"Is this the end of the double dragon club?"

Longnu looks at Lin Fei and asks.

"I hope Jiang Yu can ask what Shuanglong will do to make so many buildings collapse!"

Lin Fei is serious now, and his face is full of complexity.

"I didn't expect that Shuanglong would be such a clown. He made such a move." Longnu said as she drove.

However, the tone is obviously full of remorse.

"Longnv, if it wasn't for you, no one would know that Hong Sixing was the president of Shuanglong Association. If it wasn't for you, it would not be possible to catch them all today."

Lin Fei looks at the Dragon Girl and comforts her.

Dragon Girl shook her head, "out of the organization, only to find that a person's strength is limited after all."

The tone is depressed, the expression is low, the face is full of complexity and unwilling.

Lin Fei didn't speak. He could understand Longnu's mood at the moment.

Half an hour later, when she returned to the city, Longnu put Lin Fei in the Lujia villa and drove away.

When Lin Fei arrived at Lu's house this time, he didn't knock on the door. The door had already been opened, and Lu Dacheng opened it himself.

"Here you are, Mr. Lin!"

Lu Dacheng, who is more than 60 years old, was saved by Lin Fei and Qin Feng last time. He was not so polite. This time he saw Lin Fei, he was so polite that he almost held Lin Fei's hand."Uncle Lu, excuse me." Lin Fei said, holding the round imperial green came in.

Seeing this jade, Lu Da Da's eyes are straight.

He guessed something.

"Lin Fei, I can't take this jade!"

"Why?" Lin Fei put the jade on the table and asked with a smile.

"Lin Fei, you should know that everything in the world seems scattered, but in fact it is closely related and connected."

"I understand that!"

"It's the same with the production of jade. There will be a jade belt in their producing areas. In this jade belt, jade absorbs the air of heaven and earth, and gradually converges to form. But in the whole process, this belt will form a balance, and finally form a center."

Lin Fei nodded, although not very clear, but can understand the meaning of Lu Da Da.

Lu Da Da continued: "and your jade is the center of this zone. As you can see, before it was cut, it was a square stone pier, indicating that the jade belt around it reached a balance, and the result of this balance was the achievement of the core jade. "

"Although I don't know what strange functions this jade will have, its current characteristics are definitely not ordinary jade, so I will never accept it."

Although Lu Da Da likes collecting and is interested in treasures, he is very rational. To be exact, he is not as greedy as many people. On the contrary, he gives Lin Fei a good impression.

"Uncle Lu, in fact, I don't lie. The purpose of coming here is to beg you and exchange with you."

Lin Fei thought of the sky bowl and said it directly.

"In exchange for what?" Lu Dacheng immediately became very cautious. He didn't love money, but he was not the kind of person who easily handed over the things he liked.

"Your bowl of the sky." Lin Fei finished and looked directly at Lu Dacheng.

Lu Da Cheng's warm face darkened in an instant.

"Lin Fei, you treat me and help me out today. Don't tell me that your purpose is for the sky bowl?"

"If it's for that bowl, forget it. I don't love you Baoyu, and you don't want to hit me with the idea of the sky bowl."

"If it's OK, please leave!"

With that, Lu got up and left.

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