
Moulangfeng is standing in the hall.

More than a dozen people sat in the room.

The old man in the middle seat is probably in his eighties. Although he is very old, he is full of vigor and vitality. Especially at this moment, both sides are holding on to the handle of the chair, with dignified and dignified faces.

A pair of eyes is extremely sharp, as if it is a sword that can shoot through everything.

Mu Qiaosheng is sitting on the left side of the old man with a gloomy and dignified face.

now mu Langfeng is the actual manager of Mu's company. This time, he uses the strategic reserve to directly exercise the power of the chairman, so many people don't know.

Today, the stock market has plummeted and there are many crises. As the father of Mu Langfeng, although he doesn't care about the enterprise, he can't sit still.

"Mu Langfeng, have you ever thought about the consequences of using Mu family's money at will?" Mujoson slapped the table heavily and asked aloud.

Mu Langfeng's mouth twitches twice, which makes him very angry and painful. He is not willing to fail, but this is the reality. If Mu's stock does not protect the market, it may avalanche.

Mujia has invested in many fields of Huaxia, and its collapse may lead to the turbulence of the whole Huaxia Securities market.

It is because of such a complex situation, the grim situation, just let Mu family at the moment extremely nervous, extremely anxious.

"Dad! My fault! It's my responsibility! " Mu Langfeng raised his head and showed a resolute expression on his face.

Men, they have to win and lose.

No doubt, mulangfeng did.

However, at this moment, it is not a question of acceptance and responsibility, but a question of the life and death of the Mu family.

On the right side of Mr. mu, a man in his forties, dressed in a famous brand suit and with extremely neat hair, suddenly sat upright.

The man's originally dim and irrelevant eyes seemed to be injected with a shot of stimulant, which made him appear extremely energetic and excited.

He sat up straight, so that many people's breath in the house also changed, and some people's eyes showed expectant eyes.

Mu Qiaoming, the second son of Mu Lao.

Mr. Mu still did not move. Although his face did not change, he could see that his whole body was full of defensive breath.

"Big brother, it's normal for children to make mistakes. Just correct them."

Mu Qiaoming's voice is sharp and penetrating, which is not pleasant to hear. Especially at the moment, it is like an electric drill penetrating everyone's depressed heart.

However, it surprised both Muqiao Sheng and mulangway that he would say such words.

Because, they have done all kinds of response and counterattack.

The result -

is forgiveness.

Although he didn't look at anyone, he could also feel the breath of his body, which was a moment of relaxation.

"Ah! This time, mulangway really made a big mistake. " Seeing that muqiaoming didn't attack him, muqiaosheng had to look at the problem directly.

Mu Qiaoming with a confident smile in his eyes, "brother, in any case, our Mu family has suffered losses now. It's better to go directly to the Jiang family to ask for money."

Want money?

Everyone was stunned.

Even Mu Lao, at the moment, also looked at Mu Qiao Ming, showing a look of surprise.

Asking the Jiang family for money is absolutely novel.

Just -

How could it be?

Seeing everyone's curiosity, mu Qiaoming didn't continue to put on airs, but said with a smile: "Xinxuan is the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. Everyone in the circle knows this. Since the Jiang family wants to marry Xinxuan, they have to take some betrothal gifts, right?"

"I remember in Jianghai City, Lin Fei once said that he was willing to offer 100 billion yuan to propose to Xinxuan, but our Mu family didn't agree. Now it's not normal for us to ask the Jiang family to offer 800 billion yuan."

"What do you think of my formulation?"

Mu Qiaoming finished, his eyes swept over all the faces.

Mujosen's face was as black as June day in an instant, and mulangway's hands were clenched into fists, which was extremely humiliating.

This is equivalent to selling my sister.

What a shame?

Originally, he was just curious. His eyes closed and his anger flowed naturally.

Mu Qiaoming's suggestion is OK. If the Jiang family really wants to marry Mu Xinxuan, they can show their sincerity and money. But the problem is that as a result, the Mu family loses all its dignity.

What's more, it's because the Jiang family retaliated for mu Xinxuan's repentance of marriage. If Mu Xinxuan is sent to the Jiang family now, what will Mu Xinxuan do in the future?

Mujia will become a laughing stock.

As the next successor of the Mu family, Mu Lanwei will lose his competitive position in the big family because of this failure.

No way!

"Muqiaoming, you don't have to worry about this. We'll solve it." Muqiao Sheng suppressed his anger and said by name.

"Solve it? When will it be solved? How to solve it? Is it ready to let Mu family lose everything? Or do you want my family to perish? "Mu Qiaoming suddenly seemed to be a different person. His face was more ruthless, even more ruthless.

"Your proposal is absolutely not feasible. It's an insult to the dignity of Mu family."

"Big brother! May I ask if it is an insult to the dignity of Mu's family for mu Xinxuan to hang out with Lin Fei and refuse to marry the Jiang family

"If you know that you have a fiance, but you are with other men and discard the family dignity, should you take responsibility for such shameless behavior?"

"And this investment, if not for the conflict and revenge between mulangway and Linfei, how could it have such a result?"

Mu Qiaoming is like a poisonous snake. He has been quietly waiting for the poisonous snake of the prey. Now that the prey appears, he has made an all-out attack, even a direct attack to destroy it.

"What Qiao Ming said is very reasonable. It's really caused by Qiao having two children."

"If we don't give you a reasonable explanation, how will the Mojia group develop and convince the public?"

"I feel that Muqiao Sheng and his children should take full responsibility."


Others at the scene began to speak.

Muqiaosheng's face changed greatly. He already knew that muqiaoming had come prepared, and even had already united with all the people. This was to force the palace.

Mu Lanwei is full of remorse in his heart. If he is not greedy, if he does not want to compete with Lin Fei, how can he put Mu's family in danger?

But it's too late.

He just wanted to stand up and talk.

Mu Lao, who had been silent, opened his mouth. "Muqiaoming has a point in this matter."


There was a breath.

Then, many people look at mu Qiaoming and show a flattering smile. It's no accident that mu Qiaoming will replace Mu Qiaosheng as the head of the Mu family.

Mu Qiaoming's eyes were full of hope, and his hands clenched into fists.

Muqiaosheng shakes his head and takes a bitter look at his son. If he makes a mistake, he should bear the responsibility.

Although murangwei is unwilling, he still can't refute it. After all, the fact is right in front of him.

"However, mulangway is young after all and is allowed to make a mistake."


Mu Qiaoming couldn't help crying out.

There was a strong reluctance on his face.

Mu Qiao Sheng and Mu Lang Wei look surprised.

"I'll give you three days. If you can clean up the mess, mulangway will still be the chairman. If you can't, then..."

The old man's voice is fixed.

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