Super Monk

Chapter 1157

"I'm just telling you the truth. Why are you so angry? You often have to practice with corpses, don't you?" Zhao Fugui asked with a sneer.

Luo Sheng's face sank and his eyes were full of murders. He attacked Zhao Fugui. This evening, Luo Sheng insists that he is good at martial arts. He is going to kill Zhao Fugui himself so that he can ask his master Luo zhantian for credit.

On the French side, others don't know Jiang Wei's real identity, but Luo Sheng knows it very well. Luo Sheng is only Luo zhantian's adopted son and apprentice, but Jiang Wei is Luo zhantian's illegitimate son. This is the reason why Luo zhantian connives at Jiang Wei. All the other legends are deliberately released by Luo zhantian, who is worried about his face.

Jiang Wei died in France. If Luo Sheng didn't kill his enemy, Luo zhantian would never spare him. Therefore, Luo Sheng not only wanted to kill Zhao Fugui, but also had better do it by himself and take Zhao Fugui's head to see Luo zhantian.

Luo Sheng is not Luo zhantian's own son. Although his talent is much better than Jiang Wei's, he can't learn Luo zhantian's true unique skill. He can only learn the evil martial art of transforming corpse into yin.

As Zhao Fugui said, if this martial art needs to absorb the dead Qi and Yin power from the dead, it is impossible to be promoted to a master. No matter how talented Luo Sheng is, he will never be a master.

But even so, Luo Sheng did not dare to resist. If Luo Sheng showed a little dissatisfaction, I'm afraid he would be dead in the street one day.

"You are only in your thirties, and you can reach the level of a half step master in practicing this kind of evil martial arts. Even the Dragon Bird forest crazy East theory in Zhongzhou that I met before is not as good as you in talent and perseverance!" Zhao Fugui see Luo Sheng eyes rage, not moved to continue to say.

"Lin kuangdong, No.7 in the list of outstanding people? Hum, his aptitude is not as good as mine. If the young generation of China is qualified, I'm afraid only Ma Kunlun Ju from South Huo and North Huo can be compared with me! It's a pity that Luo zhantian is so proud of himself that he won't teach me his unique skills, otherwise I will become the seventh saint of Hongmen! " Luo Sheng turns his palm into a finger and picks Zhao Fugui's eyes. He says with a grim face.

"You are really ambitious, and people will never be satisfied. Why don't you think that if Luo zhantian didn't teach you the skill of transforming corpse into Yin, you might not be able to beat two gangsters in the street. It's a favor for Luo zhantian to teach you martial arts. It's right not to teach you martial arts! " Zhao Fugui clapped Luo Sheng's hand and said with disdain.

"Boy, you dare to satirize me, I want your life!" Luo shengmeng stepped back, took a pair of thin transparent gloves from his arms and put them on his hands.

"Rich and noble, be careful, his gloves are full of corpse poison!" Seeing the gloves in Luo Sheng's hand, Tang Laoliu suddenly changed his face and cried nervously.

"What a mouth Luo Sheng's face sank and he popped out a coin. The coin was full of vigorous Qi and shot at Tang Laoliu. Tang Laoliu's face changed greatly. He was just an ordinary man. He had no ability to resist the attack of master banbu.

Just as the coin was about to hit Tang Laoliu, Zhao Fugui's figure flashed in front of Tang Laoliu and reached for the coin.

Half a step master picking flowers and leaves can hurt people, after full of vigorous Qi, the power of a small coin is no less than a bullet.

"You get on the plane first, let the captain get ready to take off, I'll get rid of him and we'll go!" Zhao Fugui said faintly to Tang Laoliu and Liu Feifei.

"Rich and noble!" Liu Feifei looks worried and doesn't want to go. Luo Sheng's martial arts are so powerful that Liu Feifei is afraid that Zhao Fugui is not his opponent.

"Sister in law, let's go. You're here to distract brother Zhao!" Tang Laoliu shouts out in a hurry, holding sister Wang and running around Luosheng to the plane.

Zhao Fugui's momentum firmly locks Luo Sheng, so that he does not dare to stop Tang Laoliu and Liu Feifei.

"No one of you is going to leave France alive today!" Luo Sheng said coldly.

"You can use it by any means. It's no use just talking nonsense!" Zhao Fugui said with a sneer.

"Hum!" Luo Sheng snorted coldly, and his body moved fiercely. Suddenly, he jumped at Zhao Fugui like an arrow.

With Luo Sheng's hands, a fishy smell suddenly appears. Even if ordinary people smell it casually, they will be poisoned.

Luo Sheng is insidious and grabs Zhao Fugui's face. Zhao Fugui moves sideways to avoid Luo Sheng's grasp, and his backhand blows to Luo Sheng's chest.

Luo Sheng hides to the side, grabs Zhao Fugui's shoulder with one claw, and Zhao Fugui grabs Zhao Fusheng's arm. In a flash, they make another seven or eight moves.

Luo Sheng's moves are secretive. When Zhao Fugui doesn't use Daoli, although Zhao Fugui is stronger than Luo Sheng by his physical strength alone, it's not so easy to solve Luo Sheng easily.

Wearing a special corpse poison glove, Luo Sheng tried to scratch Zhao Fugui several times, but he couldn't touch Zhao Fugui's body at all. Luo Sheng's face is ugly, and his hand is faster and faster. Zhao Fugui is almost completely wrapped up by the smell of fishy smell and cold spirit.

Luo Sheng's Yin cold internal vigorous Qi breaks through the external horizontal practice of Kung Fu, but he soon finds out that Zhao Fugui is not afraid of the Yin cold vigorous Qi of the Yin skill of corpse transforming, and does not accept the influence of his Yin poisonous vigorous Qi and corpse poison at all.

"Is that all you have? It seems that master banbu is no big deal. I don't know what your master Luo zhantian's accomplishments are! " After dozens of moves, Zhao Fugui found that although Luo Sheng's Gu Wu was powerful, his power was limited. He did not use Daoli, and Luo Sheng was not his opponent.Zhao Fugui doesn't use Daoli to fight Luo Sheng, just like Luo Sheng doesn't use the vigorous Qi of Huashi Yingong to fight with others. His strength drops by at least two grades, but even so, Zhao Fugui can steadily suppress Luo Sheng.

I don't know whether Taiping daoshu is too strong or Luo Sheng's strength is too weak.

"You take my punch and talk nonsense!" Luo Sheng was unable to win Zhao Fugui, and his face was very ugly. Now he heard Zhao Fugui's taunt, and his face was even more ugly.

Luo Sheng suddenly blows straight at Zhao Fugui's chest. His move has not changed at all. He wants to fight Zhao Fugui.

"What if I give you a punch!" Zhao Fugui sneered with disdain, with a fist to fist, without hesitation.

Zhao Fugui and Luo Sheng's fists are about to meet each other. Luo Sheng's face suddenly shows a smirk, turns his fist into a claw, and grabs Zhao Fugui's fist with a fierce claw.

Zhao Fugui instantly felt a fierce pain on his fist. The vigorous Qi and corpse poison of yin and cold instantly spread to Zhao Fugui's fist. Zhao Fugui's fist turned black in the twinkling of an eye.

"There's a barb in your glove?" Zhao Fugui's face sank and he yelled.

"That's right. Now what's the age? Guwu has to be combined with science and technology. These gloves are made of molecular nanotechnology. They are covered with hair like barbs, which are full of corpse poison. If you are poisoned by my corpse and vigorous Qi, you will die! " Luo Sheng laughs triumphantly.

On Zhao Fugui's poisoned arm, the black poison gas kept spreading. In more than ten seconds, the black poison gas had spread to Zhao Fugui's elbow.

"You can still save your life by cutting off this arm now!" Luo Sheng said with a cruel smile.

"Is it?" Zhao Fugui looked at the poisoned arm and waved his hand to run Daoli. The powerful Daoli directly forced out all the poisonous gas. At the same time, the powerful Daoli began to appear on the surface of Zhao Fugui's body.

"Congealed Qi becomes vigorous, vigorous Qi is exposed, you, you are the master!" Seeing this scene, Luo Sheng's face suddenly changed. Looking at Zhao Fugui in horror, he screamed that his voice had changed its tone.

Luo Sheng's vigorous Qi can only appear scattered on the surface of his body, but Zhao Fugui's thick vigorous Qi is condensed and thick, almost half a foot, which is not what master banbu can do.

Only master, only master can do it.

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