Super Monk

Chapter 1163

"Is that the new campus on the outskirts of Chengdu?" Zhao Fugui asked with a frown.

"Yes, now all the freshmen and sophomores are assigned there. There are only juniors and seniors in the old campus!" Ji Ling said, "the new campus is far away from Chengdu, so it's not very convenient to go in and out. Moreover, the management is very strict and there are many security guards. As long as it's dark, the school gate is closed and students are not allowed to go in and out!"

Zhao Fugui, the new campus of Chengdu University, knows very well that the campus was built by Zhang Youhu as a contractor. In the past, the land belonged to the ghost village. Later, the municipal government made great efforts to demolish the ghost village, dig away the poisonous soil, bury it deeply, backfill the land, and build a new campus.

When the new campus was built, there were several accidents on the construction site. Later, I went to the Hong Kong province to invite Mr. Feng Shui. I even did some legalistic work for a few days and set up a seal.

Zhao Fugui went to see it later. The legal affairs in those days were only temporary but not permanent. The problem of ghost village was still very serious. The city government wants to use a large number of students to suppress ghost gas, but it's still dangerous to go to school there.

"It's good to be strict in school management. Don't walk around in the evening, stay with your classmates more, and don't think about going out!" Zhao Fugui said.

Ji Ling and Zhang youwan are both natural spirits with abundant aura. They are excellent materials for cultivating Taoism. But at the same time, this system also has a fatal attraction to ghosts.

The natural spirit has no resistance to ghosts, so it is easy to be taken away, and there is no rejection of living people after taking away. Even if people are possessed by ghosts, they can't occupy the body of a living person for a long time. There are only two kinds of consequences.

Either the ghost is too strong to grind the living body to death, or the Ghost won't give up for long. Sooner or later, because it consumes too much Yin Qi, it can't suppress the Yang Qi in the living body.

The natural spirit body is like a huge container. Neither aura nor Yin Qi can be excluded. Therefore, the natural spirit body has a fatal attraction to ghosts.

Ji Ling and Zhang youwan go to school in the new campus of Chengdu University. Their situation is more dangerous. If the ghosts detect their existence, they are likely to attack them.

However, Ji family and Zhang family are not simple. Ji Ling and Zhang youwan must also have protective treasures. Generally, there should be no problems.

Moreover, the natural spirit body is not a bad thing for Ji Ling and Zhang youwan. The natural spirit body can make the spirit body they absorb not lose like ordinary people, which will greatly speed up their cultivation. It can be said that people like Ji Ling and Zhang youwan are natural practitioners.

"After dinner, I'll take you back to school in the afternoon!" Zhao Fugui thought about it and said that he was going to see the seal of ghost village by the way.

If that seal can resist for two more years, then Yang Qi will kill Yin Qi for a long time, and finally ghost village will be suppressed.

"Brother Zhao, please!" Ji Ling said with a smile.

Zhang youwan looks at Zhao Fugui in surprise. She seems to be aware of something, but Zhang youwan doesn't say anything. She doesn't seem to talk too much in front of people she doesn't know very well.

"Ah, I'm full. I feel like I've eaten all this week!" Ji Ling's roommate patted his stomach and said.

"I'm full, too. If I eat like this every day, I'll gain dozens of pounds next year!" Ji Ling's other roommate also said.

"The food here is delicious. I've never eaten anything so delicious before!"

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon. Let me take you back to school. Do you have anything else to do?" Zhao Fugui looked at the time and said.

"It's OK. Originally we wanted to go shopping, but it took us an hour to go back to school by bus. Besides, we were so full that we didn't want to move. Let's just go back to school!" Ji Ling said.

"Well, let's go back to school. I have to go back to make teaching plans!" Zhang youwan said that she ate the least for lunch. She ate like a lady of a family. She chewed slowly and ate less.

"Then let's go!" Zhang youwan a mouth, a few girls in no objection, Zhao Fugui with them downstairs to go out.

"Richness, are you going to leave?" Xiaolian saw Zhao Fugui and they went downstairs and said with a smile to some girls, "I'll give you the lowest discount if I come here often in the future!"

"Well, thank you, sister!" Ji Ling in front of outsiders and become very clever, nodded and said.

"Xiaolian, please send someone to clean up the things in the office. I'll send them to school. If you have anything, please call me!" Zhao Fugui said to Xiaolian.

"Well, I'll call you if I have something to do!" Xiaolian nods and sends them out.

"Manager, boss Zhao is a real peach blossom. The beauties she brings are different every time. I don't know if Miss Chen is under great pressure!" A waiter looked at several girls are on Zhao Fugui's car, said with emotion.

"Don't talk behind your back!" Xiaolian stares at the waiter and says that the waitress sticks out her tongue and doesn't dare to talk nonsense.

On the other hand, Zhao Fugui takes a few girls to drive outside the urban area of Chengdu. Ghost village and Xiaowan village are in two directions of Chengdu. It's estimated that it takes more than two hours to drive from Xiaowan village to ghost village, and it usually takes about an hour to drive from the urban area of Chengdu.Zhang youwan sits in the co pilot's seat. Ji Ling and her girls sit in the back. Zhang youwan holds her chin and looks out of the window. Zhao Fugui always feels that something is hidden in her heart, and it's still very heavy.

Zhao Fugui drives to the West City, preparing to go out from the west city to the ghost village, which is more than 20 miles away from the outskirts of the west city.

After driving for a while, Zhao Fugui suddenly took a look at the street. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, he stopped at the side of the road.

"Mr. Zhao, what are you doing parking here?" Zhang youwan surprised asked, here are not out of the city, far away from the ghost village.

"I'll buy you some presents. Get out of the car and let's go to the jewelry store!" Zhao Fugui pointed to the jewelry store on the street, pushed the door open and got out of the car.

On the back seat, Ji Ling's roommates looked at each other, looking at the extremely luxurious jewelry shop, some at a loss.

"Lingling, does your brother Zhao want to chase you or Miss Zhang? How can we send jewelry as soon as we meet? " Ji Ling's roommate asked in a low voice.

"Should be to chase Wan elder sister, I am still so small!" Ji Ling said a little unhappy.

"You are not small at all!" Ji Ling's roommate secretly aimed at Ji Ling's chest and said.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go down and see what's going on!" Zhang youwan blushed, some unnatural said.

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