Super Monk

Chapter 1171

"These little characters can't hurt me!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said, "sister-in-law, have you seen these people before?"

"No, they are all strangers. If I have seen them, I will remember them!" Mrs. Wang hugged Mo Mo tightly, shook her head and said.

"It seems that these are really small roles. I hope they know something!" Zhao Fugui starts the car and takes Mrs. Wang and Mo Mo to Xiaowan village.

Ma Wenqiang and his subordinates also drove away with Knight XV. Just after several cars left, several police cars came.

"First find the person who called the police, then find the witness, and the nearby surveillance video, all out!" An Xue is wearing two big black circles under her eyes. She gets down from a police car with a look of embarrassment and orders loudly.

There was no clue about the gun case that happened in Chunjiang beach some time ago, and there was no progress in several vicious homicides that happened in the evening. These cases are big and important cases, which have alarmed the provincial department. An Xue is now facing great pressure.

Originally, an Xue parachuted to the criminal police captain of Rongcheng City Bureau. Many people thought that she was due to her background. An Xue also wanted to make some achievements to prove herself, but there was no clue about these cases, especially in those homicide cases. All the evidence pointed to suicide, but the most unlikely one was suicide.

these vicious murders have asked experts from provincial departments to assist in the investigation. However, the investigation has been carried out for three days, but what remains is nothing.

An Xue is facing more and more pressure. The director of the Municipal Bureau is about to be replaced. I didn't expect that early this morning, before dawn, an Xue received another call, saying that there was another gun case in xiahexi village.

And out of a big case, an Xue even face don't care to wash, in a hurry to come.

"The person who called the police said he was going to work. He simply told me about the case on the phone. He just said that someone was shooting, but it was too dark to see who it was, but someone called out" police handle the case ", and he didn't know the rest!" Soon a policeman came and said.

"What about the breakfast stands nearby? Ask them if they see anything! " An Xue Liu Mei frowned and said in a deep voice, "also, inform the sub Bureau and the police station to check whether there is any police record this morning, mainly the report of shooting!"

"The breakfast stall has sent someone to ask, but they can't give too much hope. Business people don't want to do too much, and they do business here every day. They're afraid of offending people, so they won't even know it!" The policeman said, "the shooting has been reported to the branch and the police station for investigation. There should be a result soon!"

"Report, found four warheads, should have fired!" Just at this time, another policeman suddenly took over a material evidence bag, which was really the four yellow warheads fired at Zhao Fugui.

"Let me see!" As soon as an Xue's eyes brightened, she immediately took the material evidence bag and opened a small flashlight with strong light to shine on the material evidence bag. "There are traces of deformation in the front of all the four warheads, which indicates that these warheads were not removed from the bullets, but were actually activated. But what on earth did these four bullets hit? They were not left on the hit!"

"Maybe it hit something like steel plate or concrete wall. The power of pistol bullet is relatively weak. Some hard things can't be hit at all!" An old criminal policeman looked and said.

"It should not be. Although these warheads have slight deformation, the deformation is not very serious. If they hit steel plate or concrete, the deformation of warheads will be very serious!" Another policeman looked through a magnifying glass and said.

"Where did you find the bullet?" Ann asked in a deep voice.

"It's over there, near the parking space on the street!" The police who found the bullet quickly took an Xue to the police.

"Look around for bullet marks or bullet holes!" An Xue looks around and orders immediately.

A few minutes later, the police who searched nearby all returned in vain. No suspected bullet marks or bullet holes were found within 50 meters around.

"Maybe there was a car parked here before, and the bullet hit the car, but it failed to enter the car body, and the bullet dropped on the ground. No suspected bullet mark or bullet hole was found nearby!"

"Unless it's a bulletproof car and the car body is not made of hard steel plate, it can't happen! Bulletproof cars are few in our country. In Chengdu, I know one, Knight 15. The car itself is bulletproof. The owner is Zhao Fugui, the Zhao Fugui from Xiaowan village! " Said a policeman.

"Zhao Fugui?" An Xuemei frowned, thought about it and said, "did you find anything in the nearby booth? What about surveillance? Have you been transferred to another place? "

"Most people didn't want to say anything when they didn't ask. Only one noodle shop owner secretly told me that there was a big SUV parked here and a big black man driving. He didn't want to say anything else!" A policeman reported.

"The sub bureau also replied that there was no police record of xiahexi village today, the whole city also checked, there was no record of police shooting, it is very likely that there was a fake police crime!""Big black, big off-road vehicle, that must be Zhao Fugui. That's right. Maybe this case is related to him!" A policeman said excitedly.

"Captain, the security cameras at the entrance of xiahexi village have been broken for two years, and no one has repaired them. However, we found several usable cameras in the village, which are used by the landlords to catch thieves!" Another policeman came and said.

"Go and have a look!" An Xue waved her hand and immediately led the team into xiahexi village. Several landlords who have been found cameras are not willing to, but seeing so many murderous criminal police, landlords dare not talk nonsense. After an Xue went over, she said directly, "tune out all the early morning videos!"

"Yes A young criminal police manipulated the computer several times, automatically ignored the folder of the grass community, and directly opened the video around the early morning.

"Here, this man is Zhao Fugui. I've met him!" A few minutes later, a policeman suddenly pointed to the computer screen and said excitedly.

"He held a little girl, followed by a woman and a dozen people, this guy must not come to play!"

"Maybe he fired the gun to catch the woman and the child. Team an, I think we should immediately deploy and arrest Zhao Fugui! " The young criminal policeman said excitedly, "maybe he has something to do with the gun case in jiangtan before!"

"The material evidence department and the investigation department continue to investigate and collect evidence here. Others follow me to Xiaowan village!" An Xue says loudly.

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