Super Monk

Chapter 1173

"Officer ANN, what are you doing?" When five or six police cars drove into Xiaowan village, many tourists pointed at the police cars. Hearing the news, Chen Yihan rushed to the village from the small kitchen.

"What about Zhao Fugui? We have a case we need him to help investigate. Let him out! " An Xue said. Last time Liu Feifei came, an Xue brought the police to maintain order, so an Xue and Chen Yihan also knew each other.

"Are you looking for wealth? What kind of cases does wealth have to do with, and you need him to assist in the investigation? " Chen Yihan asked nervously.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Find out Zhao Fugui!" An Xue frowns and shouts to the police nearby. These police immediately nod and start to search in the village.

"Boss Zhao has committed a crime. Even the police have come to arrest him!" Xiaowan village, a group of tourists have said.

"It must be. Maybe Zhao Fugui did something serious. Otherwise, how could there be so many policemen to arrest him?" Another tourist said.

"Boss Zhao doesn't look like that kind of person. How can he commit a crime?"

"Who knows who is Zhao Fugui? If he is really a good man, how can so many policemen come to arrest him? "

Chen Yihan is even more worried when the voices of the surrounding tourists reach his ears. The arrival of these policemen may destroy Zhao Fugui's reputation. If Zhao Fugui's reputation is destroyed, Xiaowan village will certainly be affected.

And this is not the key. The key is that Chen Yihan also knows that Zhao Fugui will do some dangerous things. She doesn't know if Zhao Fugui has done anything dangerous this time, which has caught the police.

Just when Chen Yihan was anxious, Zhao Fugui came over from the sanatorium.

"Officer an, what can I do for you in such a big battle?" Zhao Fugui goes to the village and asks an Xue.

"Zhao Fugui, we suspect that you are related to a gun case in xiahexi village early this morning. We ask you to assist in the investigation!" An Xue said in a deep voice.

"Officer an, I don't know what evidence you have that I have something to do with a gun case? This is nothing at all Zhao Fugui flatly denied.

"Check his car and search the whole village to see if you can find someone on the other side of the conflict!" An Xue directly ordered a group of criminal policemen, then turned to Zhao Fugui and asked, "we have evidence that you went to xiahexi village this morning. This is the evidence!"

"Officer an, there's no law that says I can't go to xiahexi village, right? Today, I went to xiahexi village to pick up people. My sister-in-law and niece are in Xiaohexi village. I'll pick them up to play. Isn't it against the law? " Zhao Fugui said.

"You don't have to quibble, we talk with evidence!" An Xue is too busy to talk to Zhao Fugui. Her character is to do business. Even if she is familiar with Zhao Fugui, she will not bend the law for personal gain.

"Captain, Zhao Fugui's car has been carefully investigated. There are no bullet marks!" A criminal policeman ran back in a hurry, his face a little ugly said.

No matter what bulletproof car it is, there will be traces when it is hit by a gun, let alone a car. Even if a tank is hit by a bullet, there will be a shallow spot. If Zhao Fugui's car has been hit, it can't have no trace.

No bullet marks were found on the car, which only shows that their previous conjecture is wrong. Zhao Fugui's car has not been hit.

"Take the UV light and do the survey again!" An Xue frowned and ordered again.

The ultraviolet lamp can detect any tiny trace, which is more accurate than human visual observation. The criminal policeman nodded, took the equipment from the police car and went to check it again.

But after a while, the criminal policemen of the three vehicles came back dejected and shook their heads to an Xue. They still didn't find out.

"Officer an, I said it had nothing to do with my gun case. Now you always believe it?" Zhao Fugui said.

"When you went to xiahexi village this morning, you really didn't find anything unusual?" An Xue's face showed a suspicious look, some not sure asked.

If the person shooting at the entrance of xiahexi village is not really shooting at Zhao Fugui's car, then this case may not have something to do with Zhao Fugui.

"No, I went to pick someone up and left. I didn't find anything unusual!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

Wang Yuanming's affairs are very deep. Zhao Fugui doesn't want to involve an Xue in this matter. An Xue can't manage it. If it involves her, it will put her in danger.

No evidence has been found on knight XV. The police in the village have returned one after another. There is nothing unusual in the village. The shooter has not been found in the village. The existing evidence can not prove that Zhao Fugui has something to do with it.

An Xue's face is more and more ugly. Is this case going to be a pending case? Recently, there have been enough unsolved cases. An Xue's face is ugly and her heart is very upset.

"Officer an, it seems that you haven't had a good rest for some time recently. You have to take care of yourself. If you have time, I can give you massage!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Massage fart!" An Xue stares at Zhao Fugui fiercely. She can't help but utter a rude sentence. Zhao Fugui looks like schadenfreude.Recently, the case happened in Chengdu has made an Xue's heart of killing people. How can she care about it.

"Irritable and irritable, officer an, you are very sick!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"Close up!" An Xue gas is about to vomit blood, hate of a wave to shout a way. As soon as she gives an order, an Xue suddenly remembers that Zhao Fugui seems to have some special means. When she comes across these unsolvable cases, she has the idea of asking Zhao Fugui to help investigate.

However, seeing Zhao Fugui's hateful appearance, an Xue stifles the impulse to open her mouth and turns around to leave. If she really asked Zhao Fugui for help, maybe Zhao Fugui would push her nose on her face and make her vomit blood.

At this time, a criminal police rushed from the sanatorium.

"Yes, over there, Captain!" The criminal police panting ran over, shouting to an Xue.

"Go An Xue's eyes suddenly brightened and waved fiercely. She sat in the police car and yelled, "go to the sanatorium!"

A group of criminal policemen immediately got on the bus. Several police cars pulled the alarm and drove quickly to the sanatorium. Zhao Fugui's face sank. He had already made preparations in the sanatorium. Did he still let these criminal policemen see the problem?

"The police are coming. The police are coming. That's great. We can be saved. As long as we go to the police station, the boss will be able to get us out!" Several guys in the sanatorium were excited when they heard the siren approaching.

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