Super Monk

Chapter 1186

"Go, you take me there!" Zhao Fugui didn't seem to find any more abnormalities. He looked up at the forest above and said.

"Good!" Xiao Li tightly grasped Zhao Fugui's arm with one hand. He clearly saw that the liquid medicine on the human skin gloves disappeared on Zhao Fugui's skin. There was a glimmer of joy in his eyes, and he quickly said.

Zhao Fugui helped Xiao Li to walk up the hill. The hill was silent. After walking for a while, Xiao Li suddenly pointed to the darkness in front of him and cried, "it's there, Mr. Wang is locked up there!"

"Where is it?" Zhao Fugui looks at the direction that Xiao Li points to. At this moment, Xiao Li suddenly takes out a black thing in his hand and presses it on Zhao Fugui's waist.

"Go to hell!" Xiao Li's face showed a ferocious look, and the black things were about to touch Zhao Fugui's body. But at this moment, Xiao Li's hand was caught by Zhao Fugui. Xiao Li only felt that once his hand was loose, the high power electric shock device had already fallen into Zhao Fugui's hand.

"Electric shocks? I knew you had a problem for a long time. You are also a traitor around brother Wang, aren't you? " Zhao Fugui stares at Xiao Li coldly and asks.

"How can it be? How do you know I have a problem? " Xiao Li's face changed greatly, sweating on his forehead and asked in panic.

"First of all, the mountains here are very common. There is nothing special about them. I'm afraid it's hard to tell the difference between them if they're not local people. When you're caught here, you know it's Feima mountain as soon as you escape? What makes you so clear? Second, the wound on your body was stabbed at most ten minutes ago. The blood stains on your body are very fresh. I'm afraid someone stabbed you deliberately just before I arrived in order to gain my trust, right? It doesn't match the time when you called Mrs. Wang! " Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao has a good eye. You can see that!" Just at this time, a clapping sound sounded. Chen Jian clapped his hands and walked out of the darkness. Behind him, there were a group of people in black who were eyeing him.

This group of people in black blocked all the roads before and after Zhao Fugui. Obviously, this trap is aimed at him.

"Who are you? It was intended to deal with me that such a big battle was set up! " Zhao Fugui glanced at these people and asked faintly.

Among the people in black, there are many experts who are bright, dark and even Huajin. Among ordinary people, these are all experts who are one against ten and one against hundred. It's a big battle to use them to deal with one person.

"My family name is Chen Jian, my full name is Chen Jian, the vice president of Beijiang group!" With a smile, Chen Jian arched his hand to Zhao Fugui and said, "today I saw Mr. Zhao. He is really extraordinary. Mr. Zhao is a master!"

"Beijiang group? So you did catch Wang Yuanming? " Zhao Fugui's eyes flashed and asked, staring at Chen Jian.

"Yes, we did catch Wang Yuanming, but it's not in our hands. You can't find him in Beijiang group. He didn't know how to praise him. Our boss wanted him to be a dog and continue to manage Dongsheng Group. He didn't know his face, so the boss had to prepare to kill him and change an obedient dog to manage Dongsheng Group! " Chen Jian said.

"In that case, it seems that you are an obedient dog, too?" Zhao Fugui asked, it's true that the total assets of a small dog group are not listed.

"What's wrong with being a dog? It's no more comfortable to be a dog who wants money, money, power and power than to be a man! " Chen Jian said with a grim smile, not ashamed but proud.

"You're right. For people like you, it's better to be a dog than a man!" Zhao Fugui suddenly raised Xiao Li's arm, looked at Chen Jian and said, "if you say that, Wang Yuanming is not in your hands?"

"Wang Yuanming is under the supervision of the boss. No one can find him. You don't have to worry about him. First, think about whether you can pass this pass tonight." Chen Jian looked at the time on his watch in the moonlight and said with a grim smile, "it's almost time!"

"You said so much just to delay time, didn't you?" Zhao Fugui raised his arm and said, "what poison did you give me with Xiao Li?"

"You found out? Do you feel paralyzed and stiff, and you're going to be unable to stand? " "It's the latest powerful anesthetic developed in the world. It can be absorbed by the human body through the pores. Even an elephant can be anesthetized in a few minutes!" he cried

"Really, the medicine effect of this thing is really good!" When Zhao Fugui moved his arm, he felt that his arm had been paralyzed, and the feeling of paralysis was still expanding.

"Go to hell!" In order to perform meritorious service, Xiao Li fiercely pulls out a dagger from his body and wants to kill Zhao Fugui while he is paralyzed by powerful anesthetic.

Xiao Li jumped up from the ground and thrust his dagger into Zhao Fugui's waist. As soon as Zhao Fugui's face sank, he didn't look at him. As soon as he pressed his backhand, the electric shock device hit Xiao Li fiercely.

"Ah An electric arc flashed, Xiao Li screamed, and the dagger fell to the ground. The guy trembled and fell to the ground unconsciously, foaming in his mouth, and soon passed out.

"Mr. Zhao is really a master. He is still effective after being poisoned by a powerful anesthetic!" As soon as Chen Jianmu was cold, he unconsciously took a look at the darkness behind him. Then he clenched his teeth and waved his hand and said, "go on, kill him for me!""Up A group of people in black quickly surrounded Zhao Fugui in silence. Even two people in black took out pistols from their arms. They were the shooters of Chen Jian'an platoon. All the other people in black with short knives came to Zhao Fugui in silence.

The effect of powerful anesthetics began to come into play. Zhao Fugui felt that his whole arm became numb and his movement was very inflexible.

Zhao Fugui frowned and turned Daoli to force the powerful anesthesia out, but the effect of Daoli's entering the left arm was not particularly good. Although it prevented the continuous spread of the anesthetic, it failed to force the anesthetic out quickly.

This kind of high-tech biological toxin is essentially different from the toxin made by the poison masters themselves, and it is difficult for Daoli to expel it for a while.

"Kill him!" Two men in black with pistols raised their muzzle and shot at Zhao Fugui fiercely.

Zhao Fugui let out his spirit and moved at the moment of their shooting. His voice and shadow flashed fiercely, and two bullets fell into the air. Zhao Fugui's body was like a ghost and rushed to the two shooters.

"So fast, shoot!" When the two Gunners saw Zhao Fugui's figure so fast, they suddenly felt a chill rising from the bottom of their hearts. This speed is not comparable to that of Huajin experts.

"Bang bang!" The dull sound of gunfire rang out in the remote mountain forest. The two Gunners had just fired three shots, and suddenly they felt a pain in their hands. They screamed. Their arms had been twisted by Zhao Fugui, and even the guns in their hands were crushed to pieces by Zhao Fugui.

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