Super Monk

Chapter 1188

"Lin kuangdong ranks eighth in the talent list. With the strength of your fist just now, you really have a chance to fight him for dozens of moves! It's a pity that Lin kuangdong is just my defeated general! " Lei Shao, with both hands on his back, said haughtily.

Lei Shao is almost two meters tall. He's unusually burly. He can't even compare with those bodybuilders Zhao Fugui met before. This guy is just like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, full of deterrence.

"Is Lin kuangdong your loser? Then who are you? " Zhao Fugui moved his arm and asked slowly. Even Zhao Fugui felt some numbness in his wrist. This guy's strength is really strong.

"Ha ha, you don't even know my overlord Leiheng? I don't know from which one you got out of! " Lei Wang disdained to say, "Lin kuangdong ranked eighth in the talent list, and I ranked sixth in Lei Heng. Last year, Lin kuangdong lost my two moves in the Kyushu war. He was lucky that he was not killed by me on the spot, but I'm afraid your luck is not so good!"

Youzhou? The three provinces of North China in China were called Youzhou in ancient times. Ancient China was divided into nine states. Youzhou was one of them, and central China was a part of Zhongzhou in ancient times.

In modern times, no one mentions Youzhou, Zhongzhou or anything. Zhao Fugui immediately guesses that the Leiheng in front of him is probably the people in Tang Laoliu's mouth. They control the big families and enterprises in front of them, but they hide behind and enjoy their success.

Even if this Lei Heng is not one of those people, I'm afraid half a foot has already stepped into that circle. Lin kuangdong said that the way to heaven is probably the way to enter that circle. Once they enter that circle, they will ascend to heaven step by step.

"I haven't heard of renjiebang, and I haven't heard of you. Since your dog isn't tied well, don't blame me for teaching you!" Zhao Fugui said lightly.

"Ha ha, it's really a little character who got a chance encounter. He learned martial arts, but he didn't know anything!" Lei Heng looked fanatical in his eyes and yelled, "when I kill you and take away your adventure, I will step into the realm of a master and ascend to heaven step by step!"

"Why do you want to kill me?" Zhao Fugui moved his hands and feet slowly and said faintly, "I'll give you a chance. You let Wang Yuanming go. That's it. I'll let you go alive!"

"It's a big tone. If you can beat me, I'll let Wang Yuanming go!" Lei Heng sneered, then strode to Zhao Fugui.

"I hope you can be the master!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice that the kidnapping of Wang Yuanming took away such a big thing from Dongsheng Group. Zhao Fugui didn't believe it. He did it with a thunder. There must be more power behind it.

"Do not do, Lord, you will soon know!" Lei Heng's speed suddenly accelerated. His huge figure even stepped on a deep footprint on the ground. A strong wind suddenly blew up. In the blink of an eye, Lei Heng's fist appeared in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes.

"Hum!" The huge fist tears the air, and Zhao Fugui's clothes don't stop beating until his fist reaches the strong wind pressure.

This Lei Heng is really much better than Lin kuangdong. If his strength is compared with the nine changes of Longque, he has already stepped into the ninth change of Longque. He only needs one last step to complete the ninth change and step into the half step master's realm.

"Good fist!" Zhao Fugui's left hand is still numb, hard to resist the enemy, his eyes flash, do not dodge, the same punch to Leiheng to meet the past.

"Bang!" When the two fists meet, the pure physical confrontation and the fierce Qi force sweep out, the soil under Zhao Fugui's feet is tight, and Zhao fuguisheng steps on the ground.

Lei Heng is also in the same shape, leaving two deep footprints on the soil of the hillside. At the same time, there is a sharp pain in his arm. It seems that he has been slightly injured, but his eyes show a fanatical look.

"Have a good time, come again!" Lei Heng roared. One punch was faster than the other, and his hands kept pounding at Zhao Fugui. Zhao Fugui couldn't fight with his left hand, but only with one hand to fight against the enemy. He used the same punch to fight against Lei Heng.

"Boom boom!" In the mountains, it was like thunder out of thin air. The small trees and shrubs around Zhao Fugui and Lei Heng were even torn to pieces by the strength generated by the intersection of fists.

Chen Jian was stunned. He was scared to pee and didn't know. He didn't expect that Zhao Fugui and Lei Heng were so powerful. They were human beings. They were Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The Qi and blood of Zhao Lei's family were more and more vigorous, and the more he practiced his martial arts, the more powerful he was.

Practicing martial arts, like cultivating Taoism, is to go against the sky and let the body exert its power beyond ordinary people.

Physical exercise is the constant tempering of the body. Zhao Fugui and Lei Heng are actually constantly tempering their bodies, making their Qi and blood more condensed, discharging their impurities, and making their bodies better.

Lei Heng is using Zhao Fugui to temper his martial arts and body in an attempt to break through the last step and enter the realm of a half step master. However, Zhao Fugui is not using Lei Heng, a human Tyrannosaurus Rex, to temper his body and make his body better.Taiping daoshu pays more attention to the body than to the spirit. When he meets Lei Heng, he will only be reckless, which can help Zhao Fugui to temper his body faster.

Pure physical fighting has such an effect. Once you use vigorous Qi or Dao Li, you can't temper your body like this.

Before the battle between Zhao Fugui and master banbu Luo Sheng, there was no such effect, because Luo Sheng's Yinxie martial arts was totally different from Lei Heng's, and Luo Sheng's Yinxie martial arts could not temper Zhao Fugui's body, even if he was master banbu.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Fugui and Lei Heng hit each other 106 times in succession. Zhao Fugui's right finger bone was bloody. He stepped back 18 steps. Every step back, a deep footprint appeared on the ground.

After all, Zhao Fugui only used one hand. In the face of the divine power of Lei Heng, a man with strong martial arts is still at a disadvantage. However, the more he fights, the hotter he gets and the more excited he gets. I'm afraid today's World War I can be worth at least three months of hard training in the bone refining environment.

"Good!" Zhao Fugui's body was fully opened and his bones crackled. His whole body seemed to be a little higher than Lei Heng. The body is full of Qi and blood. Instead of retreating, Zhao Fugui moves forward with a bold fist, which seems to calm the wind.

"Here it comes!" Lei Heng's eyes were burning with crazy fighting spirit. Seeing this fist, he roared and his stomach heaved up fiercely. It seemed that all the air around him was sucked into his stomach. Then his stomach closed fiercely, and his muscles trembled violently like a hill, and his fist burst out fiercely.

"Bang!" The two fists intersect, the huge impact sounds fiercely, and the strong spirit even shreds a tree with a thick bowl mouth nearby.

At this moment, Zhao Fugui's body was slightly shaken, but Lei Heng stepped back fiercely.

After all, Taiping daoshu is the supreme way to temper the body. Even if Zhao Fugui is just a beginner, he is better than Lei Heng.

Lei Heng stepped back. Seeing that Zhao Fugui didn't step back, an unbelievable look flashed in his eyes.

In this instant, Zhao Fugui's face suddenly sank. In the dark, a dark weapon stabbed at Zhao Fugui's throat silently.

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