Super Monk

Chapter 1190

Lei Heng and the two rosefinch men he brought with him underestimated Zhao Fugui.

"Bang!" Zhao Fugui and Lei Heng's fists collide with each other fiercely, and the vigorous Qi of the fire dance nine days fire attribute of Zhuque special team twines Zhao Fugui's arm instantly.

Lei Heng's fire attribute is vigorous Qi, and even forms a flame rolling towards Zhao Fugui. Lei Heng has a ferocious face with a crazy and cruel look in his eyes. He has always used external skills to fight Zhao Fugui in order to win with one punch and defeat Zhao Fugui with fire dance for nine days.

As long as Zhao Fugui is defeated, the long hair man's strong horizontal leg skill like Mercury will take the opportunity to attack, making Zhao Fugui have no resistance ability and be kicked to death with his strength.

What's more, ah Wu's throwing knife was also looking for opportunities, and it would strike a fatal blow at any time. The three people cooperated with each other, and even killed a half step master in northern Xuzhou in this way.

Lei Heng never believed that Zhao Fugui was better than the half step master. He could never survive. Today's World War I has smoothed the last barrier of the nine days of fire dance in Leiheng. In three months, Leiheng is absolutely confident that he can cultivate the nine days of fire dance to the great success.

The nine days of fire dance training to Dacheng, one step into the master's realm, and then take Zhao Fugui's adventure, the young generation of China, what South Huo North Ma Kunlun horse, all will be suppressed by him, at that time he will be the first person of the young generation of China.

Lei Heng thought more and more excited, but at this time, the flame wrapped around Zhao Fugui's arm was suddenly extinguished by a golden light, and then Lei Heng felt a breath of imperial justice invade his arm.

This breath is extremely strong, Leiheng is extremely proud of the fire dance, jiutiangang gas saw this breath is actually like a local dog saw a tiger, clip up the tail and run away in a panic.

"Ah Lei Heng screamed in a moment, and there was a "click" on his arm. It turned out that Zhao Fugui had smashed the bone of his hand.

Lei Heng flew back at a faster speed than when he came. He hit a big tree that was hugged by one person. With a bang, he broke the big tree. The big tree fell down and crushed a bush. Lei Heng vomited blood and looked at Zhao Fugui in disbelief.

Chen Jian, who is not far away from Leiheng, is completely stunned. For him, Leiheng is like a God. He once saw Leiheng smash a Ferrari car which was accidentally obstructed by a rich second generation. Such a fist can be compared with a super robot in science fiction video.

But Leiheng's fist was so strong that Zhao Fugui didn't dodge and hit it hard. With one blow, he was seriously injured. Lei Heng is strong enough. How strong is Zhao Fugui.

Chen Jian looks at Zhao Fugui in horror. His master wants to take away Dongsheng Group. Of course, these dogs have to rush up and bark a few times to give their master a strong momentum. But when they meet an enemy like Zhao Fugui, they are not qualified to go up and bark twice. They run away slowly with their tails between their legs.

"That's a big problem!" Chen Jian murmured to himself in horror. Seeing that no one paid attention to him, he carefully lowered himself to the ground. Then he quickly grabbed a few handfuls of earth and threw them on his head to pretend to be dead.

"The strength of the Dragon sparrow team is average, so is the red sparrow team!" Zhao Fugui shook his head with disdain, and with one blow, he met the man with long hair who fell suddenly with his backhand.

The long hair man's attack is impenetrable, and it is as pervasive as mercury. Unfortunately, the long hair man's attack is like the wind. Although Zhao Fugui has only one hand to use, he blocks the long hair man's attack like water.

Wind, all pervasive, but can the wind through the water? The answer is no. No matter how strong the wind is, he can't wear it.

"Why is this boy so strong?" The man with long hair had a look of fear in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, he had thirty-six legs.

After thirty-six legs, the man with long hair has already felt that his breath is exhausted. If the enemy he met before, no matter how strong he is, even if he won't be defeated at one stroke, he will be attacked backward under the thirty-six legs. The man with long hair can also take the opportunity to take another breath and attack again.

But Zhao Fugui didn't retreat, his breath was long, and his vigorous Qi showed no sign of decline.

The more fierce the attack, the faster the exhaustion of breath. Long hair man with a mouth of vigorous Qi barely attacked 36 legs, leg immediately appeared a little messy.

"Good legs!" Zhao Fugui sneered and turned his fist into a claw. He shot like lightning through the shadow of his legs. He passed through the flaw of the man with long hair and grasped his wrists.

"Ah Wu!" Suddenly, the man's face became loud.

Ah Wu knew what he meant. His face sank, and the three throwing knives in his hand disappeared instantly. Then he moved up in an instant. His feet kept circling around Zhao Fugui, and his hands danced. A black Throwing Knife shot at Zhao Fugui fiercely.

A flying knife appears in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes. Zhao Fugui encourages Daoli. When the flying knife shoots at Zhao Fugui's Daoli, the sound of gold and iron is heard. The flying knife can't penetrate Zhao Fugui's Daoli.

As soon as ah Wu's face changed and his wrist trembled, the three throwing knives went straight forward and backward, flying into a straight line and shooting at Zhao Fugui."Bang bang!" The first one hit Zhao Fugui's body protection Daoli, slightly tearing a little Daoli, and the second one hit the tail of the first one. The strange vigorous Qi on the second one burst out again, and pushed the first one a little bit.

The third one came in a flash, and hit the tail of the second one. The three ones were nailed to Zhao Fugui's body protection power, and they even penetrated into half an inch, which was more powerful than ordinary pistol bullets.

But the ability of the three flying knives is limited to this. In front of Zhao Fugui's one foot thick body protection power, these three flying knives can't cause any influence at all.

"Just the three of you want to kill me?" Zhao Fugui snorted with disdain, and his arm suddenly dropped down. The man with long hair's face changed greatly. He turned around in mid air and kicked Zhao Fugui's wrist with his other leg. He wanted to get rid of Zhao Fugui's control.

His leg kicked Zhao Fugui's wrist, but it didn't affect him at all. Zhao Fugui grabbed the long hair man's leg and smashed him to the ground.

Long hair man is like a falling pop, smashed to the ground, long hair man in a hurry can only reach out to the ground, want to reduce the damage.

Unfortunately, the long haired man underestimated Zhao Fugui's strength. As soon as he reached out his hand, he screamed fiercely. The arm he used to support was directly broken by Zhao Fugui's great strength.

As soon as the long haired man's arm was broken, his whole body was smashed on the hillside. There was a loud bang, and the ground seemed to shake.

The long haired man's bones burst, and he fainted. Zhao Fugui dragged him up and smashed him to the other side.

"Ah Fei!" Ah Wu's eyes were red and he cried out bitterly.

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