Super Monk

Chapter 1198

More than an hour later, the door of the operating room was opened and several doctors came out of the operating room.

"Director Cai, how is the patient? Are you out of danger As soon as several doctors came out, Mrs. Wang asked.

"Fortunately, the bullet didn't hurt the patient's internal organs and aorta. At present, we have removed the bullet. The patient's condition is stable, but the patient is too old and weak, so it's hard to say. If the patient wakes up within 36 hours, it's OK! " Cai said.

"So serious?" Mrs. Wang had a worried look on her face. Originally, she thought it would be ok if the bullet was taken out, but she didn't consider the condition of Mr. Wang's body. Mr. Wang was too old to be fit.

"Mrs. Wang, Mr. Wang's condition is really serious. If you go out for such a thing, I suggest you call the police immediately! If it's someone else, the hospital has already called the police in advance, but this matter involves Mr. Wang's father. You'd better deal with it by yourself! " Cai said.

If the average person is shot, the hospital will inform the police immediately. However, Wang Yuanming's father was shot, which may have a greater impact, and the hospital did not want to be involved, so it did not report to the police.

"OK, I see. Please, director Cai!" Mrs. Wang nodded and said that several doctors arranged for nurses to send Mr. Wang to the intensive care unit before he left.

"Sister in law, it's OK. I'll help the old man recover. The old man will be OK!" Zhao Fugui said, "let's go in!"

"By the way, there's wealth. You're a great doctor here. I'm sure you'll be fine!" Mrs. Wang calmed down a little and said quickly.

"Ah, you can't go in. The patient is not out of danger now. You can't enter the hospital!" The ICU nurse quickly blocked the way.

"It's OK. Let's have a look. Go and help you." Zhao Fugui waved his hand and said.

"We are not responsible for your accident like this!" Said the nurse.

"You don't have to be responsible for anything!" Zhao Fugui nodded and took Mrs. Wang into the ward. The nurses in the intensive care unit followed them for a long time before they left.

In the intensive care unit, Mr. Wang's face was still wearing an oxygen mask, and he was wearing heart and blood pressure monitoring equipment. His whole body was covered with bandages, and his face was pale and frightening.

"Dad When Mrs. Wang saw that Mr. Wang looked like this, she thought of Wang Yuanming, who did not know whether he was alive or dead, and she burst into tears.

"Sister in law, don't be too sad. The old man will be fine, and brother Wang will certainly come back!" Zhao Fugui advised, and then from the wallet out of acupuncture, ready to give the old man back to health. "I'll treat the old man first!"

There is also a chapter on medical ethics in the book of Taiping Taoism. Zhao Fugui has started to study medical skills after his recent practice. No matter when, this medical skill must be useful.

Zhao Fugui even plans to open a traditional Chinese medicine hospital when he has a chance, and strive to carry forward the traditional Chinese medicine. Since he has learned the medical skills in the book of Taiping Dao, he has the responsibility to pass on the traditional Chinese medicine and can't bury it.

Traditional Chinese medicine is also the history of China, which can not be allowed to be slandered by western medicine and eventually disappear completely.

Zhao Fugui opened the old man's medical suit and slowly put in the needle. There are several wonderful golden needle techniques in Taiping Taoist Scriptures. Zhao Fugui has not yet fully learned them, but he has generally understood some of them.

On the one hand, Zhao Fugui put the needle in a unique way, and on the other hand, he slowly crossed Daoli from the golden needle, and used Daoli to restore the body of Wang Laozi.

"Sister in law, take off the old man's oxygen mask, and I'll give him some medicine!" Zhao Fugui finished needling and then said to Mrs. Wang.

Zhao Fugui is afraid that the effect of Lingquan water is too overbearing, but his body can't bear it.

It's a small matter to take the bullet out of Master Wang's body. For Zhao Fugui, it can be done in a few minutes. On the contrary, it makes the subsequent recovery of Master Wang more difficult.

"Well, the old man's face has recovered a little!" Mrs. Wang nodded nervously. As soon as she lifted the old man's oxygen mask, she saw that the old man's pale face had recovered a little ruddy.

Zhao Fugui is really a miracle doctor, Mrs. Wang's heart.

Little by little, he poured some Lingquan water into his mouth. Zhao Fugui fed him about a small cup of Lingquan water. With the help of Lingquan water, he breathed more smoothly.

If it's not that Zhao Fugui didn't learn his needling skills, otherwise he would be able to recover just by relying on needling skills and Daoli, and there is no need for spiritual spring.

"Where am I? Am I dead? " After drinking Lingquan water and being treated by Zhao Fugui, the old man slowly opened his eyes after a few minutes.

"Dad, are you awake? You are not dead, wealth has cured you Mrs. Wang said excitedly.

"Richness is back? What about Yuanming? Did Yuanming come back together? " Wang saw Zhao Fugui, grabbed Zhao Fugui's hand and asked eagerly.

"Brother wang hasn't found it yet. It's a trap tonight. Xiao Li is also a traitor!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said."Not yet?" Mr. Wang was disheartened when he heard this.

"Dad, Yuanming is sure to be OK. You're good and don't think too much about it!" Mrs. Wang said in a hurry.

"Master, those people suffered a big loss tonight. It is estimated that they will send someone to negotiate with us these two days. If it goes well, brother Wang will be saved!" Zhao Fugui also said.

"That's good, that's good!" In the eyes of Mr. Wang, he regained some looks and murmured.

"Awake? My God, how can a patient wake up so fast? Isn't it a return of light? " The nurse of intensive care unit happened to come to check again. Unexpectedly, he saw that Mr. Wang woke up and yelled nervously, "director Cai, director Cai, the patient wakes up. Come and have a look!"

"Nonsense, how can a patient wake up so fast? It's good that Mr. Wang can wake up in 20 hours!" Director Cai's face sank and scolded the nurse, but he came to the ward. When he saw that Mr. Wang was really sober, director Cai's eyes showed an unbelievable look. "How could I wake up?"

"Mr. Wang's condition is stable. Mr. Cai, please help us arrange an ambulance and send him back to the villa later!" Zhao Fugui said.

There are many people in the hospital, which is not conducive to the protection of the old man. The old man's situation is stable now. Zhao Fugui is going to arrange for him to return to the villa for cultivation.

"How can we do that? Mr. Wang's situation is quite special. We should let him stay in the hospital for more observation!" Director Cai pushed his glasses and said.

Mr. Wang is also the number one person in the provincial capital. This case is more or less a small medical miracle. If handled well, it can add a glorious stroke to Director Cai's resume. Director Cai can't let Mr. Wang go so easily.

"There's no need to observe. We want to leave the hospital. Just leave the hospital for us!" Zhao Fugui said with a frown.

"Who are you? Do you have any medical knowledge? Now that I'm discharged from the hospital, can you afford the responsibility when the patient has an accident? " Director Cai shouts impatiently.

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