Super Monk

Chapter 1203

A bundle of RMB is ten thousand, one million is one hundred, and one hundred million is ten thousand. Ten thousand bundles of neat RMB are piled up beside Zhao Fugui.

The pile of money was more than half of Zhao Fugui's height, which was neatly arranged into a rectangle by the group of money guards. This pile of money immediately made the whole factory quiet.

"My God, there are tens of millions at least. This boy has moved tens of millions of cash directly!" In the office of the office building, the deputy director next to the white fat man looked at the money, swallowed the saliva and murmured.

"This boy is really crazy. In front of so many people, he dare to make so much money. The workers in the factory are on strike." Another person also murmured to say.

Most of these people in the office have never even seen a neat 100000 yuan cash on the table in their whole life, let alone a hundred million yuan or 10000 bundles of RMB on the table.

Not to mention in reality, I haven't seen it on TV several times. It's really a small golden mountain piled up with money.

"It turns out that tens of millions of dollars piled together are so much money!" The white fat man murmured with a dull face. He didn't expect that Zhao Fugui had such courage and brought 100 million cash directly.

Aren't the workers asking for money? Is one hundred million enough? Dongsheng Group is short of everything now, but it is not short of money. Not to mention the company's account, the cash flow alone is 20-3 billion, not to mention the tens of billions in the private accounts of Mrs. Wang and Wang Yuanming.

They are not short of money at all. What they are short of now is time and Wang Yuanming. Zhao Fugui doesn't worry about making trouble with money.

"Here is 100 million cash. Can Dongsheng Group lack your salary?" Zhao Fugui yelled, "it's not time to pay wages this month. What are you doing? In the company, don't say that Mr. Wang Yuanming and Mr. Wang are still here. What's wrong with Mr. Wang? The change of the company's leadership has nothing to do with you. If you do your own business well, the company will not give you less money! "

"This little white face took the money of President Wang to do harm. It's all the money of President Wang, not the money of this little white face. We've robbed this money. We can't let this little white face do harm!" There was a moment's silence in the crowd, and immediately there was another stir.

"Xiao Bai Lian can take the money from Mr. Wang. We work hard for the company. Why can't we take it?"

"Xiao Bai Lian took the money from general manager Wang and lived in a luxury house to drink famous wine. We have to support our family with the money. The money belongs to everyone, not the Xiao Bai Lian. Let's grab it. Whoever grabs it will be his own!"

Seeing so much money, a lot of people are very keen on it. When the guys in the crowd make such a noise, many people think it's reasonable. Zhao Fugui, the "little white face", can harm president Wang's money. Why can't they? Why did Zhao Fugui suffer from this money.

What's more, the law does not blame the public. So many of them have robbed the money. Who can take them? Can we lock them all up? The police station of the Provincial Public Security Bureau can't shut down so many people.

Besides, they are not the ones who take the lead in making trouble. Even if they want to catch people in the end, they must catch those who take the lead in making trouble. What does it have to do with them.

With this fluke mentality, the crowd began to approach the flower bed. Mrs. Wang's face suddenly turned pale. Once someone reached for the money, the situation would immediately get out of control. At that time, let alone the money, even she and Zhao Fugui would be very dangerous.

People who lose their senses can do everything, let alone so many people who lose their senses.

"Richness, what should we do? Let's go by car. The situation is out of control! " Mrs. Wang said to Zhao Fugui in horror.

"Ha ha, this boy is really a fool. He put so much money in the factory. As soon as the people I arranged instigated, the workers lost control!" The white fat man said with a triumphant grin, "Damn, it's a pity that so much money has been robbed. I have to find a way to deduct the wages of the workers!"

"The factory director is really far sighted. This big black man is not the rival of the factory director. He has lost 100 million yuan, and I'm afraid he'll be beaten to death. I think he dares to come to our factory in the future!"

"Yes, yes, ah, ER!" People in the office were about to agree with each other and flatter the factory director. But at this time, these people in the office suddenly seemed to be strangled by others. They blushed and looked at the center of the factory in horror.

"I don't think anyone dares to mess around!"

In the middle of the factory, Zhao Fugui's face sank and roared. He stepped forward and his strength surged wildly. He hit the rockery in the middle of the flower bed with a fierce blow.

"Boom!" There was a sudden explosion, a rockery about the size of a pickup truck burst on the flowerbed, and the smashed rocks were everywhere. The workers were scared to retreat quickly.

That rockery is all made of granite. Even if the tank bumps into it, it can't be broken into such pieces. The factory suddenly became a dead silence. Tens of thousands of workers looked at Zhao Fugui in horror, hardly believing what they saw in front of them.

"My God, this new president is so powerful. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of him. Otherwise, it's absolutely big news!" A worker murmured."It's useless even if it's filmed. People won't believe it. They will say it's filmed or something else!" Another worker also said.

"How can it be? How can this Zhao Fugui be so powerful? My God, he is not a mysterious expert in the mysterious department of any country, is he?" A group of workers subconsciously stepped back and did not dare to approach the flower beds. Their faces were full of panic.

"He must be an expert invited by Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang was afraid of chaos in the company, so he invited an expert to come here!"

The workers talked and looked at the stones that had fallen around 100 million yuan. Now the money seems to have lost its charm. No one dares to take it any more, or even think about it.

"Don't be afraid, it's a scam. They must have installed explosives in the rockery to scare us. This boy is a paper tiger. Follow me to rob money!" After a moment's fear in the crowd, another man called out boldly.

"Yes, yes, it's a trick. How can a man break a rockery with one blow? It must be a fake. Don't let the money go for nothing. Follow me to rob it

With a flash of cold light in his eyes, Zhao Fugui jumped into the crowd. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed a man in one hand and jumped back from the crowd.

This time Zhao Fugui's hand went up and down, but the public didn't respond at all.

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