Super Monk

Chapter 1206

"A bunch of idiots, you can't do such a small thing well!" After Zhu Xiaochang was arrested, Wang Yuanzhou immediately received a telephone report. Wang Yuan was furious when he received the call on Monday, and almost broke the phone.

Zhao Fugui sees Wang Yuanzhou's rage through the ghost slave, and his heart is really the ghost of this guy. Wang Yuanzhou is ambitious, and it seems that he won't give up until he gets his brother's company.

Wang Yuanzhou cursed awkwardly for a while, his mobile phone suddenly rang, Wang Yuanzhou did not see who was calling, directly connected.

"Why? I'm in a bad mood now. Please tell me if you have something Wang Yuanzhou said in a bad voice.

"Are you in a bad mood now?" A cold voice came from the other end of the phone and asked. As soon as he heard the voice, Wang Yuanzhou's face changed greatly.

"Mr. Lei, I'm so sorry. I just heard some bad news. I didn't mean to talk to you like this. I'm so damned!" Wang Yuanzhou's face suddenly changed and he flattered himself. Then he even raised his hand and slapped himself. The sound of slapping passed through the phone. Lei Lao on the other end of the phone was satisfied.

"Come on, don't talk about these useless things. Come here right now. I have something to arrange for you." Old Lei said impatiently.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lei, I'll be right there!" After the call was interrupted, Wang Yuanzhou quickly put away the phone and drove to a place in the provincial capital.

Zhao Fugui heard Wang Yuanzhou say "Mr. Lei" through the ghost slave, which immediately attracted his attention. This Mr. Lei may be a member of the Lei family. Zhao Fugui couldn't find the Lei family. He didn't expect that this guy sent him to the door.

Ghost slave follows Wang Yuan. From Monday on, Wang Yuanzhou didn't realize that he was following a ghost. Soon after he drove out, he parked his car outside a five-star hotel.

"Maldives hotel?" Ghost slave looked up at the name of the hotel, and then followed imperceptibly Wang Yuan into the hotel on Monday.

Wang Yuanzhou walked into the hotel quickly, then entered the elevator to the presidential suite on the top floor. After walking outside the presidential suite, Wang Yuanzhou arranged his clothes and knocked on the door of the presidential suite respectfully.

"Come in!" Said a neutral, lazy voice from the room.

"Old Lei, I'm coming!" Wang Yuanzhou respectfully opened the door and said respectfully.

In the presidential suite, Old Man Ray was lying on the bed wrapped in a bath towel, and two beautiful girls in their twenties were slowly massaging him. Wang Yuanzhou glanced at the bed and scolded him secretly. The old man would enjoy it.

"In broad daylight, there are dirty things with you. It seems that you have done a lot of evil!" Old man Lei opens his eyes and looks at Wang Yuan. Suddenly he points out that Zhao Fugui is aware of the danger and immediately controls the ghost slave to escape. However, the ghost slave's strength is far from old man Lei's, so he is instructed by old man Lei.

At this moment, Zhao Fugui felt a strong and vigorous Qi enter the ghost slave's body. The ghost slave's body was smashed in an instant, and the ghost slave's body was smashed. As soon as Zhao Fugui felt the darkness of consciousness, he returned to the noumenon.

This kind of situation is actually quite dangerous. Fortunately, old man Lei's strength can't directly destroy his consciousness. Otherwise, Zhao Fugui's consciousness will be destroyed and become a vegetable without protection. It seems that we should be more careful when we do this next time. Old man Lei doesn't have the strength, and other people may not.

"Fugui, what happened to you just now? It seems that even breathing is about to stop! " Mrs. Wang nervously looked at Zhao Fugui and asked.

Just now Zhao Fugui was about to take her back to the headquarters of Dongsheng Group, but Zhao Fugui suddenly said to wait for a while, and then closed his eyes. Mrs. Wang soon found out that Zhao Fugui seemed to have lost most of her life features, which made her startled.

If Zhao Fugui doesn't wake up later, Mrs. Wang will send him to the hospital.

"Nothing. I was thinking about something just now! Sister in law, you should stay here first. There are many police forces and special police protection here. It's relatively safe. I'm going to do something! " Zhao Fugui said to Mrs. Wang.

"Richness, what are you going to do?" Mrs. Wang asked.

"I've got some new news. I'm going to have a look. I'll come to pick you up after reading it!" Zhao Fugui said that later he didn't explain more to Mrs. Wang. After Mrs. Wang got off the bus, he drove to the Maldives hotel.

At the same time, in the Maldives Hotel, Wang Yuanzhou's face is also very ugly.

"Mr. Lei, Zhao Fugui is just a small role. What qualification does he have to get 50% of the shares? 50% of the shares are worth at least two or three hundred billion yuan! Two or three billion yuan is enough to buy thousands of lives. It's better to kill him if you give him 50% of the shares! " Wang Yuanzhou said maliciously.

"Are you capable of killing him?" Old Lei asked without expression. At this time, the two massage girls in the room had already left. Only Wang Yuanzhou and old Lei were in the room.

"Yes, Mr. Lei. If he can give me a group of people, I'm sure I can kill Zhao Fugui!" Wang Yuanzhou said with gnashing teeth. Wang Yuanming's company is not cheap at all. Zhao Fugui doesn't know what his bad luck is. He asks Lei to agree to give him 50% shares, which makes Wang Yuanzhou jealous.As soon as Wang Yuanzhou's voice fell, his face hurt violently. He flew up and hit the wall. Before he landed, old man Lei grabbed Wang Yuanzhou's neck and pressed him on the wall.

"Wang Yuanzhou, you are just a dog that we Lei family like. To be a dog, we must have the consciousness of being a dog. What the master asked you to do, you'd better do it honestly for me, and it's your turn to make your own decisions. Even we can't kill Zhao Fugui. Why do you want to kill Zhao Fugui? " Old Lei stares at Wang Yuanzhou coldly and says.

"Mr. Lei, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me!" Wang Yuanzhou just reflected that he didn't even have the qualification to question in front of the old man. Wang Yuanzhou said in a panic on Monday.

"Hum, if you're not useful, it's no different to crush a bug to death!" Old man Lei released his hand with a cold hum. Wang Yuan sat on the floor on Monday, his legs softened and he couldn't get up for a long time. "Why don't you go to find Zhao Fugui?"

"Yes, yes, I'll find him right away!" Wang Yuanzhou quickly got up and said in horror, then ran to the presidential suite.

"Remember, be respectful. If you annoy him, even if he doesn't kill you, I'll kill you!"

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