Super Monk

Chapter 1212

"Is this going to the southeast coast?"

After getting out of the private plane, Zhao Fugui and his family came out of the business building for private planes, then got into the car, and the motorcade began to go southeast.

The team that picked up the plane was Land Rover. There were four vehicles in total, all of which were Land Rover summit genesis with a total of three or four million. Four Land Rovers moved forward in a row. Old man Lei accompanied Zhao Fugui to sit on the last Land Rover.

Old man Lei sat on the co pilot, while Zhao Fugui sat in the back alone. The driver did not squint and did not say a word.

"Yes, with the development of information in recent years, the Zhenwu circle is hidden behind the scenes and doesn't want the things in the circle to be exposed. Therefore, except for some private battles, semi official competitions like the Kyushu competition, such as the competitions of several aristocratic families, are all arranged on private islands! " Old Lei said, "ordinary people are not allowed to get close to that place. The signals are all blocked. Even if ordinary people want to know what happened on the island, they can't do it."

"And it's similar to this kind of fighting between families. On the one hand, it can train the disciples in the family. On the other hand, those in the family who don't become martial arts like to take advantage of the chance to bet."

"Although these two and three generations are basically hopeless, they are all the top rich because they have great masters in their families, and they can't compete with those rich people out there who bet on them!"

"So it is!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said, it seems that no matter what circles there are, there is no shortage of the second and third generations. However, Zhao Fugui is a little curious. What are the bets of the second and third generations in the Zhenwu circle? Is it money?

"Mr. Zhao doesn't know that this kind of competition on a private island is nothing. In the past, ye Nantian, the Chinese god of war, and the Mobei demon Dugu bajue fought in Antarctica. They even smashed an island in Antarctica. It's rare to see a great master's battle for decades. Unfortunately, few people were qualified to watch the battle. Otherwise, if I could see ye Nantian and Dugu bajue, I might be able to enter the master's realm in my lifetime! "

Old Lei sighed with envy on his face.

"Ye Nantian and Dugu bajue?" Zhao Fugui chewed the names of these two people carefully. Their names sounded overbearing, but Zhao Fugui never heard of them.

Moreover, the great master can blow up all the islands, which Zhao Fugui can't do. Zhao Fugui has a good heart. It seems that his strength is not up to the level of the great master.

"Didn't Mr. Zhao even hear of Ye Nantian and Dugu bajue?" Old Lei asked in surprise. His colleague, old Lei, said that who was Zhao Fugui's disciple? He didn't even know some common sense of Zhenwu circle.

"Never heard of it!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"It seems that Mr. Zhao doesn't know much about our Chinese Zhenwu circle!" Old man Lei said with a smile, "yenantian, the God of war, is a rare genius in China. He entered martial arts at the age of eight, became a great master at the age of 18, and entered the great master realm at the age of 38. Now it has been more than 20 years since he entered the great master realm. The real martial arts circle is spreading. I'm afraid Ye Nantian has a chance to step into a higher martial arts secret place! "

"On the contrary, Dugu bajue was so confused before he was 20 years old that he couldn't even speak clearly. He was afraid that his father and his daughter-in-law would marry him for a hundred years, but he was afraid that he would die of starvation. "

"I didn't expect that Dugu bajue had an adventure in the dry well. A year later, he broke the well and came out. He first killed his adulterer and adulteress, and then killed his relatives and friends who had bullied him. He called himself Dugu bajue and entered the Tao. He came from Mobei and went deep into the hinterland of China. He killed five masters in succession

"It caused turmoil in China, and several aristocratic families found it hard to restrain his evil flame, so they invited Ye Nantian, who was only 38 years old at that time. Ye Nan wants to fight against Dugu bajue. The two met in the Antarctic World War I, which is said to be earth shaking. Unfortunately, few people are qualified to watch the war. It's a pity! "

Old man Lei looks like he missed the martial arts golden age. He shakes his head as he says it.

"Then ye Nantian won?" Zhao Fugui asked curiously.

"Of course, evil is more than good. However, when ye Nantian returned to China, he never mentioned the first World War of that year, and those who watched the war were not very clear. They only said that Dugu BA was absolutely defeated, not even his life or death!" Old man Lei nodded and said, "but it's been more than 20 years. Dugu bajue never appeared again. He should have died at that time."

"Oh Zhao Fugui showed a thoughtful expression and nodded.

As an outsider, Zhao Fugui has never seen Ye Nantian's power or heard of Ye Nantian's power. He will not be influenced by his power. He always thinks that there is something fishy about the battle between Ye Nantian and Dugu bajue.

"Here we are, Mr. Zhao. Let's take a boat instead. The speedboat can reach the island in an hour!" Not long after the creation of the Land Rover summit, four Land Rovers stopped on a private dock, which is a remote place, like a private territory. A dock is full of all kinds of speedboats and cruise ships.After old man Lei takes Zhao Fugui and they go there, they can see that many people are also going to sea in speedboats. These people are probably people who go to the island.

"Lao Lei, hurry up and dawdle. Don't wait for them, let's go first Lei Laosan shouts to Lei Laosan, then shouts to the speedboat driver impatiently.

The speedboat didn't wait for old Lei and Zhao Fugui. The engine roared, and then it took a white line and rushed directly into the sea.

"Mr. Zhao, please, let's not go with Mr. Lei Laosan. The wharf is short of everything, but there is no shortage of speedboats!" Old man Lei respectfully asked Zhao Fugui to get on the speedboat, and then the speedboat went to the sea.

The fierce sea breeze came, but Zhao Fugui and old man Lei stood upright. After standing for a while, old man Lei sat down. His Qi and blood were decaying, and he was only half a master's level, which was not as good as Zhao Fugui. He was still a bit unbearable to be blown by the sea breeze all the time.

About an hour later, a path full of coconut trees appeared at the end of the line of sight. The island was even bigger than Ji's Island in the middle of the lake.

From a distance, you can see that there are many villas on the island. I'm afraid this place is also a good place for tourism and vacation, but I'm afraid ordinary people can't come here for tourism and vacation.

Many cruise ships and speedboats have been parked on the wharf of this island. These cruise ships and speedboats add up to at least 40 or 50. It seems that there are at least hundreds of people on the island.

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