Super Monk

Chapter 1220

"Yes, master!" Check guess right Chen's outside elder nodded, instantly like a black howitzer ran out.

This black boy is very fast. After he rushed out, he made a fierce jump, jumped up more than two meters to the challenge arena, and then began the kneeling ceremony around the challenge arena.

This is a ceremony that the ancient Muay Thai masters would carry out. In the past, those masters fought in the underground arena in a battle of life and death. There was no victory or defeat, only life and death, so they would pray for the protection of the gods before the competition. Later, this gradually evolved into a unique Muay Thai ceremony.

"Xinlan, go and learn the strength of this master of Chen family, and practice martial arts!" Iron unparalleled, carrying sword, also don't see thunder thousand army, light of say.

"Yes, father!" The iron girl picked up a big iron gun from the side and nodded to tiewushuang. As soon as she picked it on the ground, it fell directly into the challenge arena.

It's strange that tiewushuang's daughter didn't follow her father to learn how to use swords and swords, but used big guns instead.

"Why, tiewushuang, you are reluctant to pass your swords and swords to your daughter, or do you have no confidence in your swords and swords and feel that you can't prove your master, and even your daughter won't pass them on?" Lei Qianjun sat under the challenge arena, sipped a cup of tea and said in a loud voice.

Tiewushuang is famous for his unique skills in both sword and sword. He has no son but only one daughter. If he doesn't pass on his unique skills in both sword and sword to his own daughter, it can only show that his unique skills in both sword and sword may have a huge flaw, which can't prove the master's realm.

In Zhenwu circle, if you can't become a master, you are just a mole ant. Even if the master is invincible, you will be defeated if you meet him.

As soon as Lei Qianjun said this, the two and three generations around the challenge arena immediately began to talk about it again. When tiewushuang came out, he was invincible, but he couldn't prove his master's realm for a long time. No wonder others doubt him.

"I don't want you to talk too much about the iron family!" Iron core BLUE pretty face tight very angry, but iron matchless but expressionless, light said.

"Hey, everyone is from the real martial arts circle of China. I just want to remind you that this black boy is practicing the ancient Thai boxing. I'm afraid your jiaodidi's daughter can't carry people's three punches and two kicks. It's a pity if your daughter is killed at a young age, regardless of life or death in the arena battle." Lei Qianjun said coldly.

The ancient Taiquan masters are totally different from those who practice Taiquan in wudaochang now. Those ancient Taiquan masters practice the secret of Taiquan since childhood. They practice their boxing with hard coconut trees. When the boxing is completed, they can break the coconut trees with the thickness of their thighs with one punch and one knee.

This kind of boxing also belongs to the category of true biography of martial arts, which is totally different from all kinds of false biographies in the world.

"Martial arts is sailing against the current all the way. If you are afraid, why do you need to build martial arts? You don't have to worry about my daughter's business!" Iron matchless still said without expression.

"Well, then I'll see what's extraordinary about your matchless daughter!" Lei Qianjun said.

Lei Qianjun is qualified to participate in the challenge arena on behalf of the Lei family, but old man Lei is not qualified. Although both of them are half step masters, Lei Qianjun is the descendant of the Lei family. He has his own martial arts. Moreover, he is much younger than old man Lei. He has the chance to testify. Their status can not be compared with each other.

Old man Lei looks at Lei Qianjun enviously, but Zhao Fugui is very interested in looking at the iron core blue and cha guess on the challenge arena. Iron core blue is just a teenage girl, but an iron gun in his hand seems to weigh 40 or 50 Jin.

If you put it in ancient times, it would have been able to catch up with the weight of the weapons of the general powerful generals, and it is not too far away from the top generals. You know, even Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Dao weighs only 88 Jin, and he is already the top generals.


Chachai bows his hand to tiexinlan slightly, and says in strange Chinese.

"Please Iron core blue also arched his hand, dragged the iron gun upside down, and bowed to cha Chai with a dignified face.

"Tie Mei Zi, deal with this boy hard and let him know the strength of our Chinese Zhenwu circle!" People in the challenge arena immediately yelled and cheered for iron core blue.

"Iron sister, beat this boy, come on, I bet you ten pieces of top quality spirit stone to win!"

"Tiemei, who says that a daughter is inferior to a man? I like this sentence. I believe you. You can do it. If you don't win, I'll marry you home!"

"Ha ha, do you want to marry Tiemei? Tie Mei Zi, it's best to marry me. Why do you need to practice martial arts? How nice it is to follow me and enjoy life

"Shut up After all, tiexinlan is only a girl of seventeen or eighteen or eighteen or nineteen. She is inexperienced in the challenge arena and has a tender face. When she hears the shouts under the challenge arena, she can't help turning her head and yelling at the voice.

At this moment, Cha guess moved fiercely. He bent his knees and pressed his body. He rushed out in an instant, just like a shell coming out of the chamber, rushing to the iron core BLUE fiercely.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Tiexin blue. With a fist, he was quick and fierce, without a trace of style, because the style of boxing had been pressed behind. The strong fist directly tore the air, with a huge roaring sound. There was a kind of power of mountain collapse. The power of a fist was as powerful as thunder.It's a good way to know how to practice outside boxing. The second and third generation of the audience are scared by the blow. If the blow hits their heads, their heads will turn into rotten watermelons.

"Lost!" Seeing Cha guess's punch, Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"Lost? Brother Zhao, who lost? Is iron core BLUE lost Chen Xi asked in a hurry.

"Iron blue lost, she revealed a flaw, was caught by cha guess, to her age, it is estimated that there is no strength after the first to turn over!" Zhao Fugui said.

Iron core blue just deviated from his head. Before he recovered, he felt that cha guess's fist was in front of him. Iron core blue was inexperienced in actual combat. In a hurry, he could only pull the iron gun fiercely and hold his hands in front of him.

Hum, the gun suddenly fell back on the iron core. Cha guessed that one punch failed, and then one punch had come. He was like a machine that didn't know fatigue and pain. His fist, foot and knee attacked iron core blue like a storm.

The iron core blue is not short of the true legend of martial arts. In a desperate situation, he even danced an iron gun to stop Cha guess's attack.

However, iron core blue was careless and fell into a passive position as soon as it came up. It could only keep on defending and could not find any chance to fight back.

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