Super Monk

Chapter 1222

"Iron core blue is very powerful. Although she has been defeated, she is still proud. It's been a long time since there were girls in the challenge arena. That cha guess is so powerful that she can block so many fists and feet!" Chen said excitedly and enviously.

"This iron core Lan Sheng is neither proud nor discouraged, nor afraid of suffering and injury. If her gun inheritance is not small, her future achievements should be very high!" Zhao Fugui said.

"Really? Brother Zhao, can you beat this one? " Chen Xi asked excitedly.

Zhao Fugui laughs and doesn't answer. The ancient Taiquan practiced in this guessing practice is at most the same as the common martial arts of the Chinese martial arts. Tiexinlan is just inexperienced in facing the enemy. In addition, he is young and doesn't have enough training in martial arts, so he is defeated.

If iron blue can get the chance to fight back, Zhao Fugui estimates that she may not lose. If there is no secret method or other unique skills, even Lei Heng can't win, let alone him.

As soon as Tiexin blue lost, it was quiet outside the arena for a while, and then there was a howling sound. Many second and third generations beat Tiexin blue to win. Unexpectedly, she lost.

"Damn, I pressed 20 pieces of top quality spirit stones. I asked my brother to borrow them. After that, he had to break my leg!" A second generation one face excited yells.

"You are so rich that you can press 20 pieces of top quality stone. Fortunately, I only pressed one cruise ship!" The other generation cried excitedly, then his face changed and he cried, "no, I bought my cruise ship last month. It cost more than 300 million. I'm going to Britain next month to pick up girls!"

"Lao Tzu's Seaview villa in Sydney also lost. It's really bad luck. It's bullshit to say" who says daughter is inferior to man "

"I'm lucky. Fortunately, I only pressed 50 million yuan. Fortunately, I lost some pocket money!"

"Brother tie, thank you. I'm sorry to let you iron family members go for nothing!" Chen family's outer door elder said triumphantly to the iron matchless arch.

"Goodbye!" Tiewushuang didn't look at this guy at all. He arched his hand to the people of other aristocratic families. Then he fixed tiexinlan's arm, and several jumps disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Well, you're the only one who bullies tiewushuang's daughter. Do you think he can help you Chen family get the Buddhist lantern? There's nothing to be proud of. Rulong, go and teach this guy from a small South Asian country a lesson, and let him know the power of our Heavenly Kingdom! " Ma Wanli waved and said.

Ma Rulong nodded and was about to challenge. At this moment, someone was faster than him to challenge. The man was on the edge of the challenge arena, and fell on the challenge arena as soon as he showed his figure. It looked like he was flying in the air.

"Three little, come on, teach this foreigner a lesson!" As soon as this guy landed on the challenge arena, a group of second-generation and third-generation fox friends around Lei sanshao suddenly got excited and yelled, as if they were on the challenge arena.

"San Shao, I'll bet you fifty spirit stones to win. I'll put all my wealth on you. You must teach this boy a lesson!"

"San Shao, kill this boy. He has made me lose so much. You must help me win back this time!"

"Beat him, beat him. If you dare to bully my sister, you must beat him!"

"I'm sorry, Ma Rulong has to wait. Let's let the younger generation of the Lei family show it to you first!" Lei Qianjun said triumphantly.

This is the nephew of Lei Qianjun's family. Lei Huo Jingtian boxing, which is passed down by the Lei family, has already got some popularity. He originally ranked 15th in the list of outstanding people. This time, he is going to directly attack the top three of the list of outstanding people.

"Lei San Shao ranked 15th in the list of outstanding people, Lei Dong ranked ninth in the list of outstanding people. On the contrary, Lei Heng, a bastard, ranked eighth in the list of outstanding people. It's ridiculous that Lei's legitimate son is not as good as a bastard!" Ma Wanli said lightly.

"Hum, the last battle between San Shao and Lei Heng was just a slight defeat. I lost a lot. How could my Lei family's son not be as good as a common man? Let alone Lei Heng, even Ma Rulong might not be Lei San Shao's opponent!" Lei Qianjun said confidently.

"Why do you want to challenge such a dragon just because of Lei sanshao? What a joke Ma Wanli said with disdain.

"Well, you may not win in this fight. What's the use of winning or losing The elder outside the Chen family sneered and said, "check and guess, teach this boy a lesson and let them know what you're good at!"

"Yes, master!" Cha guess nodded and bowed to Lei sanshao.

"The guys from small countries in South Asia dare to show off their power in China. I'll teach you how to be a man today!" Thunder three little disdain of cold hum a, then stretch out a hand to Ma Rulong, high voice say "Ma Rulong, wait for me to solve this kid, person outstanding list second position, you are ready to let out!"

"OK, sanshao, domineering. I've long seen Ma Rulong's boy not liking him. This guy has some skills and swindles beauties everywhere to be her apprentice. There are so many beauties in Zhenwu circle who regard him as an idol. I'm bah!" Lei sanshao's arrogant voice immediately excited the second and third generations outside the challenge arena, and each of them yelled loudly.

"San Shao, kill the whole South Asian boy first, and then step on Ma Rulong. We'll take care of you!""San Shao, Niubi, if you can win this South Asian boy, you and Ma Rulong fight, I will definitely press you to win and support you!"

A group of the second and third generation of Zhenwu circle yelled, and Ma Rulong's face suddenly became ugly. The female apprentices behind him angrily pointed to Lei sanshao and began to scold him.

"Are you qualified to challenge our master? Arrogance

"If you don't look at your appearance, even if our master is not one tenth handsome, dare you challenge our master? What a shame

"Master, you must teach this arrogant guy a lesson and let him know how powerful you are!"

"Not even master banbu, who dares to learn from others to accept apprentices?" Thunder three little sneer of say.

"If you can beat this South Asian boy, I'll give you a chance to challenge me!" Ma Rulong said lightly.

"Well, you wait for me to find you!" Lei sanshao cheered confidently, then Lei sanshao pointed to check and guessed and said in a deep voice, "boy, I'll let you off the challenge arena in ten moves!"

"Please Cha guess is not disturbed by the interference of the outside world. He completely ignores the dialogue between Lei sanshao and Ma Rulong and says it in poor Chinese.

Thunder three little cold hum a, foot a little to check guess rushed past.

"Brother Zhao, do you think Lei sanshao can win?" Chen asked.

"Arrogance will defeat, this check guess calm self-confidence, it seems that there is no use in pressing the bottom of the box, if Lei sanshao is still so arrogant belittle the enemy, it is likely to lose!" Zhao Fugui said.

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