Super Monk

Chapter 1226

Seeing that cha guess Fei fell out, Zhao Fugui's eyes were fixed, and he was secretly surprised at Ma Rulong's great strength. Cha guessed that the strength of that fist was absolutely better than that of Lei Heng. It was Zhao Fugui who met him. I'm afraid that the strength of his body alone would fall slightly.

It's true that Ma Rulong has the strength of a half step master. Moreover, the true biography of martial arts practiced by Ma Rulong is extremely fierce. Otherwise, it can't have such an effect.

"How can it be? Guess how you might lose! " Chen family's three outside elders all stood up excitedly, looking at the suspect who couldn't get up. Unexpectedly, he would really lose.

"What's impossible! Rulong cultivates the true biography of the horse family. He has become a hundred horses' galloping force, and he is a master worthy of the name. Let alone a small role like Cha Chai, I think Huo Donglou of Huo family should give up the first place in the list of outstanding people! " Ma Wanli said with a proud face.

The true martial art of the Ma family is the galloping of thousands of horses. When the master is half trained, he can have the galloping power of a hundred horses. Two horses can still pull more than ten tons of goods for dozens of miles. What a terrible force that hundreds of horses gather together. It's easy to pull the train and break the hill.

The mark of master Ma's half step is the power of a hundred horses, and a master is the power of a thousand horses. I'm afraid it's no problem for a great master to rush ten thousand horses to crack the rocks and pull down the mountains.

The two and three generations outside the challenge arena were all stunned. They thought Ma Rulong could win, but they didn't expect that he could win so easily. With one punch, they abandoned Cha guess, who won two games in a row.

I'm afraid that this strength has already been able to end the abuse, in addition to the top three in the talent list, Lei sanshao also tries to challenge Ma Rulong's position, which is ridiculous.

"How could he be so strong? Everyone is a genius of martial arts. How can he be so much better than me? " Thunder three little a face iron blue, can't believe of looking at Ma Rulong, not reconciled of say.

Lei sanshao doesn't have the ability to fight back when facing Cha Cha who has used sacrifice skill, but Cha Cha can't withstand a single blow in front of Ma Rulong. If Lei sanshao really faces Ma Rulong, if Ma Rulong doesn't keep his hand, I'm afraid he can kill Lei sanshao with one blow.

Lei sanshao always thinks that even if he is not as good as Ma Rulong for the time being, the difference between them will not be too big, but he didn't expect that the real gap between them is so huge.

"Like a dragon, like a dragon, across the river, the Dragon dominates all over the world Ma Rulong, with both hands on his back, didn't even look at the seriously injured Cha guess. Standing in the challenge arena with a proud face, his group of female apprentices cried out excitedly.

It's just a half step master who dares to shout out that he's arrogant all over the world. Ma Wanli's expression is a little embarrassed. Half step master is just qualified to set up a name in Zhenwu circle. In fact, he's just a mole ant under the master, but Ma Wanli is still very happy.

Ma Rulong can become a master half a step before he is 25 years old. He is very likely to break into the master's realm when he is about 35 years old, and he will be a strong support for the Ma family at that time.

Ma Wanli even couldn't help imagining that Ma Rulong might have a little chance to break through the master's realm and become a great master at the age of 60, making the Ma family one of the most powerful families in beizhou.

"It's shameless. Half a step master dares to say that he is self-centered. Ye Tiannan, the Chinese god of war, has never said that!" Chen Xixi spat out her tongue and said that she was very dissatisfied with Ma Rulong since she found that her idol had been destroyed.

"Young people already have self-confidence, but it's not good to be too proud!" Old man Lei looked at Ma Rulong enviously and said.

At that time, he was only in his thirties when he stepped into the master's realm. Later, because of his lack of accumulation, he was unable to enter the master's realm. As a result, he wasted many years. Now that he is old, he can only be an outside elder in the Lei family. If he had been a master ten years earlier, he would have been the fourth master of the Lei family.

"It's just a foreign boxing master in South Asia. He can't stand a single blow!" Ma Rulong stood on the challenge arena and said in a loud voice, "today I, Ma Rulong, want to take away the Buddhist lantern. Who dares to fight with me?"

"Who else? Who else? " A group of Ma Rulong's female disciples also cried out. The people of the iron family had already left, and the three elders of the Chen family also left. Only the people of the Ma family and the Lei family were left on the high stage.

Lei Qianjun's face is ugly, and Lei sanshao's face is not willing. Ma Wanli looks over triumphantly.

"Brother Lei, when will you stay? Do you want to lose face for a while? " Ma Wanli looked at Lei Qianjun, his eyes showed a proud look and asked with a smile.

"Go Lei Qianjun's face was livid. He waved his big sleeve and yelled. Several members of the Lei family raise Lei sanshao and are ready to leave in a hurry. But at this time, a figure lightly drops to the challenge arena.

"Eh, there are people who are not afraid of death and dare to challenge. Who is this boy?" The second generation and the third generation in the challenge arena are puzzled by the black man who falls into the challenge arena. They don't know the black man at all.

"Zhao Fugui, he even dare to take the stage. Don't he know my cousin's strength now?" Around the challenge arena, Dong pangzi also showed an incredible expression and said."Your cousin is going to have a bad day!" Sitting next to Dong pangzi, Lei Heng, who covers his face and body, sighs and whispers that a half step master is nothing in front of Zhao Fugui.

"What do you say, Yoko?" Dong Leiheng asked, surprised to hear clearly.

"Nothing, I'm talking nonsense!" Lei Heng shook his head and said.

Falling into the challenge arena, standing in front of Ma Rulong is the indifferent Zhao Fugui.

"How dare someone show up in front of me, Ma Rulong!" When Ma Rulong saw Zhao Fugui in the challenge arena, his eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice, "give me your name, Ma Rulong won't kill nobody!"

"Zhongzhou, Zhao Fugui!" Zhao Fugui said lightly, but his voice sounded like thunder in the ears of everyone inside and outside the challenge arena.

"Zhao Fugui? Is that Zhao Fugui? " Lei Qianjun looked at the direction of the challenge arena discontentedly and said, "I asked him to challenge just now, but he didn't dare to listen to my order. Now who will be lost in the challenge arena? Is he also Ma Rulong's opponent? It'll only bring shame to the Lei family

"What's Zhao Fugui? His strength is equal to Lei Heng's. even I can't take Ma Rulong's move. How can he compete? Tell him to get out of here. Don't disgrace the Lei family Thunder three little angrily and sullenly shout a way.

"Brother Zhao is in the competition?" Chen Xi Xi nervously turns to look at old man Lei and says in shock.

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