Super Monk

Chapter 1233

"Luo zhantian stepped back. Zhao Fugui was not attacked. My God, I'm not wrong, am I?" A group of two and three generations hiding far away were huddled under the villa near the challenge arena. Seeing this scene, they made an incredible sound.

"Master, this Zhao Fugui is also a master. Only a master can compete with a master!" Lei Qianjun stood up fiercely and looked at the shocked shout on the challenge arena.

Old Lei didn't show the slightest look of shock. If Zhao Fugui wasn't a great master, how could the Lei family step back and propose reconciliation with Zhao Fugui?

"I knew brother Zhao would be able to do it!" Chen Xi Xi jumped up excitedly and cried out excitedly.

"My God, Zhao Fugui didn't lose Luo zhantian. Is he really a great master? Such a young master, the Chinese Zhenwu circle has not appeared for more than ten years, has it? " Chen island Master stares big eyes, also excited incomparable murmur way.

"Elder brother Zhao said just now that if I am sincere in martial arts, I can go to Zhongzhou to find him. He will teach me the true story of martial arts!" Chen Xi said happily.

"Really? Great! My Chen family finally has a chance to gain a foothold in Zhenwu circle! " Chen island Master even excited whole body trembled, excited shout.

"Hum, don't be happy too soon. Zhao Fugui must not be killed by Luo zhantian before he can say anything else!" Lei Qianjun said coldly.

The stronger Zhao Fugui is, the greater the impact on the Lei family's entry into Zhongzhou. With Zhao Fugui, the new master of Zhongzhou, I'm afraid the Lei family will not be so easy to enter Zhongzhou.

Everyone outside the challenge arena was shocked, but Luo zhantian was even more surprised than them. Zhao Fugui was a monk. These monks were good at using their skills. How could they fight with master level masters? It's incredible.

"Are you a monk or not? I've met a lot of practitioners, and I've never seen you like that! " Luo zhantian looked at Zhao Fugui and said in a deep voice.

"No, I haven't seen it. It's your shallow knowledge!" Zhao Fugui said lightly. Taiping daoshu can be completely different from other inheritors. Taiping daoshu's way of inheriting is completely different from other inheritors.

Taiping daoshu is different from other Daoists, but it is also different from Wudao zhenzhuan in essence. Taiping daoshu is extremely mysterious and completely superior to Wudao zhenzhuan. Zhao Fugui only has a short time of cultivation and has not reached a profound place. Otherwise, Taiping daoshu will absolutely explode any inheritance of Wudao at the end of cultivation.

"Arrogance Luo zhantian's face changed greatly, and he yelled, "but if you take my fist, do you think your strength can be compared with the master?"

"Seven steps to break the sky, two steps to break the river!"

One step to open a mountain, two steps to break a river, the power of opening a mountain can not be compared with the power of breaking a river. Luo zhantian takes the dragon and the tiger step, and one step appears in front of Zhao Fugui's eyes. The second punch is more powerful than the first one with the power of breaking the mountain and river.

"Take my second punch, Lizi!" Luo zhantian roars angrily, and his second fist blows at Zhao Fugui.

"Come on!"

Zhao Fugui also roared, exhaled, and his second fist met Luo zhantian's fist again. Daoli and gangqi collided wildly, and Zhao Fugui and Luo zhantian's fists collided fiercely.

"Boom!" The arena at the foot of Zhao Fugui and Luo zhantian burst instantly, almost a foot high. It was made of a whole piece of bluestone.

Pieces of bluestones were splashing everywhere. They almost completely destroyed everything around the challenge arena. The shed, seats, and even those who fainted and didn't have time to escape were also smashed.

"Good fist, come again!"

Zhao Fugui and Luo zhantian fall on the ground in the broken bluestone. Zhao Fugui's fighting spirit rises, and his blood is as strong as burning. Daoli and his body almost have the feeling of integration. Zhao Fugui is more brave and excited.

"Master, this is the power of the master's realm. Even four or five tons of hard blue stone can be blasted. It's too strong!" Chen Island master looked at the broken arena, murmured.

Then his eyes showed a fanatical look. He would never get Zhenwu inheritance in his life, but his daughter Chen Xi Xi had the chance.

Zhao Fugui has said that if Chen Xixi is willing to go to Zhongzhou to learn martial arts, he can go to Zhongzhou to find him. This opportunity must not be missed.

"Good boy, at your age, you can take two punches from me. It's not wrong for Luo Sheng to die!" Luo zhantian roared angrily and stepped out the third step.

Luo zhantian's momentum is rising, and the vigorous Qi in his body is running faster and faster. The river that was still calm just now has the potential to break the dike. The power of Tao is as strong as a river. The river is as strong as a river.

"Seven steps to break the sky, three steps to break the mountain!"

One step to start the mountain, two steps to break the river, three steps to break the mountain, Luo zhantian's boxing power has doubled again, and his third boxing power has been four times as much as the previous first step.

The first step is to break the stone, the second step is to break the river, and the boxing power is doubled again. The third step is to break the river, which is twice as powerful as the second step, and four times as powerful as the first step.Luo zhantian's blow seemed to solidify the air, and the huge power of his fist was on Zhao Fugui's body. Luo zhantian seems to have moved a mountain to Zhao Fugui, and even Zhao Fugui's one foot thick Daoli is compressed, which almost shrinks Zhao Fugui's physical strength.

I'm afraid the power of this fist really has the possibility of exploding the mountains. It's strong, too strong. Zhao Fugui only has this feeling.

"As soon as the broken mountain comes out, it's hard for the master to resist. Even if Zhao Fugui has the cultivation of master yichongtian, he will be seriously injured by this fist, and then he will be killed alive by Luo zhantian!" Lei Qianjun see Luo zhantian out of this punch, full of confidence said.

"Yes, it's hard for the two elders of the Lei family to resist. Maybe only the head of the family can stop it. Although Zhao Fugui is also a master, he can't reach the master's second heaven at his age. Stop it!" Old ray nodded.

"I'll see if you can take my punch!" Luo zhantian's ferocious shout, three steps to break the mountain, Luo zhantian's fist has reached the peak of master yichongtian, even with a hint of master Shuangtian's power, Luo zhantian doesn't believe that Zhao Fugui can resist this fist.

Luo zhantian is confident that his fist will definitely break Zhao Fugui's arm and half of his body. He will seriously hurt the young master with one fist and crush him before he grows up.

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