Super Monk

Chapter 1236

"Come on, run!" Chen daozhu, who is hiding at the edge of the arena, turns around and runs with his daughter. It's really terrible for the master to fight. It's too dangerous to stay here.

"Who won? Who won? " Lei Qianjun and old man Lei's eyes widened. They were both half master's accomplishments. After hiding a little, they immediately turned back to see who won.

"It's out of the water, my God, they've broken through the island!" A column of water suddenly appeared from the middle of the arena. The two and three generations who were far away cried out in horror. There was water coming from the middle of the island, which didn't mean that even the island had been beaten through.

The water from the bottom of the island washes away the cracked smoke and dust. The smoke and dust slowly dissipates, and the broken things in the arena slowly fall back to the ground. The scene in the middle of the arena gradually becomes clear.

Chen Xi fiercely shakes off his father's hand and nervously looks back to the center of the arena. Her beautiful big eyes are full of uneasiness.

"Has Zhao Fugui been killed? He's really awesome. He's so young that he can force out all of Luo zhantian's unique skills. He should have no problem to be the head of a small aristocratic family! " In the distance, the second and third generations all craned their necks and widened their eyes to see clearly everything in the arena.

"Binoculars, bring me my military binoculars!" A second generation of fierce to the side of the young model yelled, the young model quickly stumbled into the villa, soon people took a telescope to come.

"How's it going? Who won? " Several second generations asked in a hurry.

"It seems that Zhao Fugui lost. It seems that Zhao Fugui was killed!" The second generation tried to look over there with binoculars and said loudly, "Luo zhantian is still standing, Zhao Fugui falls to the ground, he seems to be dead!"

"Why? It's impossible When Chen Xixi heard the voice of the second generation, her tears poured out like a lake breaking a dike. Chen Xixi rushed to the challenge arena fiercely.

"What are you doing? Don't go, it's dangerous Chen Island master a surprised, hurriedly chase past.

Luo zhantian's fist is the only strong one Zhao Fugui has ever seen in his life. Zhao Fugui's Taoist power was squeezed by Luo zhantian's strong and powerful Qi, almost collapsed, and was completely penetrated into his body.

The quality of Zhao Fugui's Daoli is definitely higher than Luo zhantian's vigorous Qi, but Luo zhantian's vigorous Qi accumulated for decades is much higher than Zhao Fugui's in quantity.

Luo zhantian smashed the ground with one punch, perfectly playing the strength of master Shuangtian. Zhao Fugui and Luo zhantian fought each other, and their bodies were hit and flew out, smashing the bottom three concrete walls of the arena before they stopped.

"Poof Zhao fuguimeng spat out a mouthful of blood. His right arm was broken into three sections, and he hung under his body, and the whole body's skeleton was also cracked.

Zhao Fugui is the body of the bone refining realm. Under the protection of Daoli and the golden light of the pagoda, he is still beaten like this. We can imagine how powerful Luo zhantian's fist is.

"Brother Zhao, that's great. You're still alive!" Chen Xixi saw Zhao Fugui sitting up slowly. With a cry of surprise, she ran to help Zhao Fugui.

"Mr. Zhao, you are not dead?" Chen Shimao, who came after him, also showed a look of astonishment. Then his face changed and he said in a hurry, "Mr. Zhao, run away. You are not the opponent of master Luo zhantian. Run for your life!"

"Hum, I said that Zhao Fugui was so young, how could he be the opponent of zhantian's little Saint Luo. However, it's amazing that this boy was not killed on the spot when he got the fourth punch from the master Luo zhantian Lei Qianjun said with a sneer.

"Fortunately, the master's calculation hasn't failed. I almost thought master Luo zhantian was going to lose just now. Fortunately, Jiang is still old and spicy. Master Luo zhantian is better at beating Zhao Fugui seriously. Now it's easy to kill him!" Old man Lei took a long breath and murmured.

"As soon as Zhao Fugui dies, our Lei family will lose a big enemy when they invade Zhongzhou in the future. By the way, we can also get the friendship of master Luo zhantian. Kill two birds with one stone. Today's battle is very worthwhile!" Lei Qianjun said excitedly.

"It's strange that master Luo zhantian didn't take advantage of the victory to kill Zhao Fugui? Why is he standing there still? " Old man Lei looked at Luo zhantian, who kept his fist posture, and said to himself strangely.

Lei Qianjun also looked at it strangely. In the middle of the challenge arena, where the bluestone challenge arena used to stand, Luo zhantian kept his fist posture and stood still.

Luo zhantian's situation is too abnormal. Lei Qianjun and old man Lei have a fierce "clatter" in their hearts, and a kind of ominous premonition emerges.

"Run away? Why should I run away? " Zhao Fugui slowly stood up from the ground, vomited a mouthful of congestion from his mouth, and his blood veins became smooth again.

"What? Don't you think so! " Chen island Master reacted fiercely and looked back again in shock. He was shocked to see that Luo zhantian's orifices were bleeding, and thin blood came out of his eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth.


Luo zhantian's seven orifices were bleeding and suddenly fell to the ground, smashing heavily into the shallow water on the ground. Luo zhantian died. He and Zhao Fugui were beaten to death.This is the master of erchongtian. This is the master of boxing. How could he be killed by Zhao Fugui.

"Impossible, impossible. How could master Luo zhantian die? How could he be defeated by Zhao Fugui?" Lei Qianjun exclaimed incredulously.

Old man Lei was completely shocked. The previous group of the second and third generations were even dumbfounded. The telescope in the hand of the second generation with the telescope fell to the ground and was smashed.

Unexpectedly, Luo zhantian was killed by Zhao Fugui, one of the six saints of Hongmen, and zhantian Xiaosheng was killed on this island. It's unbelievable.

"It's amazing. What's the South Huo North Ma Kunlun Ju? This Zhao Fugui is definitely the first person of the young generation in our Zhenwu circle!" A second generation murmured.

"The master in his twenties is no less than ye Tiannan, the Chinese god of war, when he was young. In addition, he is definitely another great master."

"Luo zhantian is really dead!" Chen island Master stupidly rubbed his eyes, murmured, the tone was full of uncertainty.

"The power of Qibu bengtian boxing is stronger than I imagined. Unfortunately, it is because of the power of this boxing that the master's body can't bear it. Luo zhantian didn't kill me with this fist. On the contrary, he shocked himself to death after fighting with me!" Zhao Fugui said in a deep voice.

It's impossible for ELO's body to develop his own fist into the seventh.

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