Super Monk

Chapter 1241

"Master Zhao, Wang Yuanming, we have arranged for him to be sent here. Please wait a moment!" Old ray said quickly.

"Where do you keep Wang Yuanming? Let's go straight to him! " Zhao Fugui knew that Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang must be very anxious. He didn't want to wait any longer and said directly.

"Wang Yuanming was originally sent to Lei's house the night before yesterday. Today, it was originally planned that Lei's family would send him to a real estate of Beijiang group on the outskirts of the provincial capital. If master Zhao doesn't want to wait, we can go directly to the real estate in the outskirts of the provincial capital. It's estimated that Wang Yuanming will have been sent here by the time we get there! " Said old ray.

"You arrange the car!" Zhao Fugui nodded, then took out his mobile phone and made a call to Mrs. Wang and Mr. Wang.

"Richness, are you ok?" Just after the phone rang twice, Mrs. Wang eagerly got through. Mrs. Wang's worried voice came out and asked.

"Sister-in-law, I'm fine. Brother Wang's business has something to look forward to. You go to the suburbs now, and they will put brother Wang back there!" Zhao Fugui said an address to Mrs. Wang.

"They promised to let Yuanming back?" As soon as Mrs. Wang heard this, she became more excited and could hardly believe what she had heard.

"Well, I'm going there now, sister-in-law. Let's meet there!" Zhao Fugui said.

"OK, I'll be right there!" Mrs. Wang excitedly hung up the phone, rushed out of the company and drove to the address Zhao Fugui said.

An hour later, ray and his two cars drove to the outskirts of the provincial capital. That place is a freight station. Trucks with heavy load are not allowed to enter the provincial capital. A lot of goods pulled from other places can only be unloaded outside the city and then transported to the city by minivan.

Beijiang group has built a freight transfer station in the suburb of the provincial capital. The main entrance of the transfer station is very normal, but there is a secret building inside. You can get in through the side door. That's where the people of Beijiang group do some shady things.

In order to avoid the traffic police's fine, trucks usually pull the goods at night, so there are few people in the freight transfer station in broad daylight.

Zhao Fugui from the car down to see Mrs. Wang has arrived, she took two bodyguards, Mr. Wang mobility inconvenience, did not follow.

"Rich and noble, where is Yuanming?" As soon as Mrs. Wang saw Zhao Fugui, she rushed over and asked in an urgent voice. Then she saw that Zhao Fugui's arm was hanging around her neck. She immediately worried and asked, "Fugui, what's wrong with your arm? Were you beaten by those people? "

"It's OK. I fell it by accident. It's just a fracture. It's not serious!" Zhao Fugui didn't want to let Mrs. Wang know about Zhenwu circle. He lightly exposed his injury. With his left hand, Zhao Fugui pointed to the direction of the freight transfer station and said, "brother Wang is in it, old man Wang. Have you been sent here?"

"I'll call and ask!" Old man Lei quickly took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. A few seconds later, he hung up and said, "I've just been here for less than half an hour. It's perfect. I'm not hurt at all!"

"Sister in law, brother Wang has been sent back. Let's go over!" Zhao Fugui nodded and said to Mrs. Wang.

At the same time, in the secret building behind the freight transfer station, two people opened Wang Yuanming's handcuffs and shackles.

"Wang Yuanming, you're really lucky. Our brothers have been working on it for such a long time. It's the first time that we've caught someone and are ready to let them out!" A man opened the handcuffs to Wang Yuanming and said.

"Why did you release me suddenly? Did my brother Zhao Fugui come to save me?" Wang Yuanming moved his wrists, looked at the two men and asked.

"We work for the top at the bottom. How can we know who saved you! Wang is always a big man. After going out, don't hate our two little roles. We are just acting for others and we can't help ourselves! " Said the man who handcuffed Wang Yuanming.

"Come on, what are you talking so much nonsense for? He can't find us after he goes out. Those people above have good eyesight. Let's work for them. Who can trouble us?" Another said impatiently.

"Yes, all right, Mr. Wang, you can go!" Before that person disapproved of smile, waved Wang Yuanming said.

"Can I really go?" Wang Yuanming stood up and asked in disbelief. He had been locked up for a month. Recently, he didn't think that he could go out alive. He didn't expect that those people would let him go.

"Let's go. If we want to kill you, we'll kill you. Why should we let you go?" Said one of the two, shaking his head.

"You are right. If you want to kill me, why do you have to do so much?" Wang Yuanming nodded, looked at the sunshine outside, and strode out.

But just at this time, there was a shadow in front of him, blocking the sunlight from the window. Wang Yuanming saw a man with a mask on his face and a hat on his head at the door of the room.

"Who?" As soon as the faces of the two people in charge of Wang Yuanming changed, they subconsciously wanted to reach for their guns. But the next moment, there were two soft sounds of "poop, poop, poop." blood came out from the two people, and their faces looked unbelievable. "Poop, poop," fell to the ground.The masked man held a silencing pistol in his hand. The muzzle of the pistol emitted a little smoke. It was he who shot and killed the two people who were in custody of Wang Yuanming.

"You've failed. You can't get Dongsheng Group even if you kill me. Don't you care about your family in the past?" Wang Yuanming's face was heavy. He looked at the masked man and asked.

"Dongsheng Group is about to get hold of it. Those wastes are going to let you go at this juncture. They dare not do it. I'll do it again! As long as you die, the shares of Dongsheng Group are in the hands of your two orphans and widows. I always have a chance to get the shares! " The masked man said in a hoarse voice.

"I didn't expect that I would take care of you for so many years, send you abroad for training, and let you return to work in the company. Originally, I wanted to train you as the main leader of the company. I didn't expect that I raised a white eyed wolf!" Wang Yuanming said with a painful face.

"You do recognize me!" The masked man pulled off his mask, and this man was Wang Yuanzhou. Wang Yuanzhou said coldly, "I am also very clear about your means to the enemy. Since you recognize me, I can't let you leave alive. Otherwise, if you return to Dongsheng Group, I will lose everything. Wang Yuanming, what qualifications do you have to take charge of Dongsheng Group? Dongsheng Group is mine. Go to hell! "

Wang Yuanzhou yelled and pulled the trigger.

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