Super Monk

Chapter 1246

Langling stood at the edge of the valley and ran directly down the valley regardless of the terrain. Soon he ran to a pile of bones and stood still.

On the suspension bridge leading to the ancient tomb, there are many tourists standing on it, curiously looking at the white bone River under the suspension bridge, talking and taking photos excitedly. Many young tourists are still discussing the authenticity of these bones.

But these tourists can't see the wolf spirit, so they don't have to worry about finding it. Langling stood under the pile of bones. Zhao Fugui opened his eyes and looked at the foot of Langling. Then he saw three fresh bodies.

These bodies were deeply buried under the white bones. They were said to be standing on the suspension bridge. They could not be found even if they walked directly from the place where the wolf spirit was standing.

When Zhao Fugui saw the three bodies, he frowned. How could there be bodies under the river? However, Zhao Fugui took a closer look and found that the three bodies were probably sent by Beijiang industry, which is controlled by the Lei family, to catch Mo mo.

Although the three corpses were dead, they still had a lot of evil spirit. There were lives in these hands. It's easy to understand that one person's evil spirit is heavy. Three people's evil spirit are so heavy and they die together. It's not normal.

Combined with what happened during this period, Zhao Fugui is almost certain that these people are definitely working for the Lei family. They were supposed to come to catch Mo Mo, and after being found and killed by the wolf spirit, they dragged the bodies of the three of them to the car and buried them.

The evil spirit of these three guys is so heavy that they deserve to die here. After thinking about it, Zhao Fugui didn't intend to move these bodies, so he let them bury them here.

The matter of Dongsheng Group has been solved. Zhao Fugui waves the white wolf into the pagoda, and then goes to the ancient tomb, ready to see the business condition of the ancient tomb.

When Zhao Fugui returned to Xiaowan village in the afternoon, it was already late. Now the sun had begun to set slowly. Zhao Fugui entered the ancient tomb. At the same time, something happened in the new campus of Rongcheng University.

After dark, the new campus of Rongcheng University was closed, and the security guards of the school security office began to patrol everywhere. In another hour, the campus would be completely closed, and they were not allowed to enter or leave.

Chengdu University is too far away from the urban area, the surrounding is too remote, the students of the new campus also have no place to go, some go to dinner together, some go to the library to study honestly, more people huddle in the dormitory to play games and play mobile phones, the whole new campus of Chengdu University with the advent of night also slowly quiet up,.

At night, the new campus of Chengdu University seems to be colder than other places. Many students shrink their necks when they go out. They can always feel a sense of inexplicable coldness.

Ji Ling and several dormitory sisters are hiding in the dormitory to eat snacks and play games. Zhang youwan is doing teaching plans in the office of the parish office building.

It was getting dark in the parish office building, and there were not many people. Zhang youwan was sitting alone in the office. He didn't know when a cold wind suddenly blew by, and the door of the office slowly closed.

Zhang youwan frowned slightly, looked up to the door, then continued to write the lesson plan. It seemed that there was something wandering outside the office door, but after a long time there was no movement.

Soon after, Zhang youwan finished the teaching plan, put it away, and then pushed the door of the office downstairs to the staff dormitory. A cold wind outside the office formed a small cyclone, followed Zhang youwan for a while, and then slowly disappeared.

"Lao Gu, do you smell the smell of gasoline here?" In the middle of the new campus, in the strange black house, Lao Zhang, the night watchman, sniffed around strangely and asked strangely.

"We don't burn gasoline here. How can it smell like gasoline? I'll go to dinner. Will you go?" Lao Gu took his lunch box and said.

"Go, why not? I dare not stay here alone. Every night when I sleep, I can always hear scratching sound under the floor, like something wants to climb out of the ground!" Lao Zhang said.

"You're the only one? Can we still have a basement here and lock up a few women? " Old Gu said impatiently.

"I vaguely see that it's really a woman!" Lao Zhang took his lunch box in a hurry and muttered in a low voice, "as you know, I've been a child and I can see things. Since I've been transferred here, every night I dream that there are a group of things under the black house that want to come out of the ground. It's frightening!"

"Come on, this place is a bit remote, but there are 10000 or 20000 people living in the school. What can you dare to come out to scare people? Go for a walk and eat!" Lao Gu walked outside with his lunch box. Lao Zhang followed him nervously and looked back at the black house. He only felt his right eyelid jump and hurriedly followed him.

Not long after Lao Zhang and Lao Gu left, a girl came slowly to the black house like a puppet. She opened the door and walked into the black house.

Take out a bucket of gasoline from the corner and drench it on your body. A few seconds later, a raging fire darts out of the black house. The burning black house is like a pile of firewood. The fire is almost crazy."There's a fire. There's a fire. Call a fire engine!" Soon some nearby students found the black house on fire and yelled desperately.

On the way to the canteen, Lao Zhang and Lao Gu heard the news and ran back. Seeing the burning black house, they were stunned.

"Come on, put out the fire, put out the fire!" Lao Zhang rushed to the black house with a fire extinguisher in his arms. The heat wave almost scorched his hair.

"Are you crazy? What's the use of your broken fire extinguisher! " Lao Gu hugs Lao Zhang and drags him back. The fire in the black house was so big that they couldn't get close to it. The fire extinguisher didn't work.

The leaders of the school were soon startled, and a group of leaders ran over in panic. After more than half an hour, the fire engine in Chengdu finally came, but by this time, the black house had been burned through.

Nothing in the black house could be rescued. It took more than two hours to get to several fire engines to put out the fire.

"Is there anyone in the house? What about the security guard inside? " The leader of the school security team remembered the two security guards in the black house and cried out.

"Here, here, here, here we are!" Lao Zhang and Lao Gu ran over.

"It's good that people are OK. There seems to be no valuable things in the black house. The loss is tolerable!" Several school leaders saw them and immediately wiped the cold sweat on their heads.

"What about your leaders? A burnt corpse has been found in the ruins. Please find out who it is and call the police immediately! " Just at this time, a fireman rushed over and said.

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