Super Monk

Chapter 1249

"Meaning, I'm going to hold an activity in the ancient tomb once a week. It's usually called tomb exploration. On that day, it's called tomb treasure hunt. What do you think?" The next morning, Zhao Fugui said to Chen Yihan.

"Treasure hunt? What are you looking for? Have all the things in the ancient tomb been emptied by the archaeological team? " Chen Yihan asked.

"Let's put some treasures in ourselves, such as some gold beads, gold jewelry, silver bowls, silver chopsticks and so on!" "We can use this method to enhance the popularity and publicity of ancient tombs," Zhao said

Silver is not worth money now. A silver bowl is not worth as much as a five gram gold bead. But if you find a silver bowl and a pair of silver chopsticks out of thin air, those tourists will be very happy.

Zhao Fugui is going to make more similar things. He can put less gold beads, get more silver bowls, silver chopsticks, silver hairpins, silver bracelets and other things to increase the fun of treasure hunting.

These things are not very valuable in themselves, but finding them in ancient tombs can increase the expectation and value of some tourists. The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it.

"That's a good idea. The investment is not big. It should be about ten thousand yuan a week!" Chen Yihan thought about it and said.

Now the price of gold is about 200 yuan per gram, and 50 grams of gold can be bought for 10000 yuan. If it's silver, you can buy more, which can support the activities of a day.

What's more, although ten thousand yuan is not much, if it is given to others in real gold and silver, no one will be too little. No, picking up a gold bead in vain is sure to be happy for several days.

"We can cooperate with jewelry stores for a long time, so that the price of gold and silver can be lower. In the future, we can have an activity on this side of the ancient tomb every Saturday!" Zhao Fugui thought about it and said.

"Saturday is not very good. The passenger flow here is high on Saturday and Sunday. There is no need to put it on Saturday and Sunday. I think Thursday or Friday is the best! The ticket price remains the same. It's still an hour's tour time! " Chen Yihan said.

"Well, let's make it every Thursday! You can contact Caiyuan. Now she mainly works as a jewelry store, asking her to provide us with gold and silver wares. For the first time, she can put more things in it, and put more advertisements in the village! " Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, I'll think about it carefully these two days and then arrange it!" Chen Yihan nodded and said.

Before she was busy in the morning, Chen Yihan went to see the delicious food in Wan Village, and then took out her mobile phone to watch the news. A news suddenly caught her attention.

"Fugui, when did you become a shareholder of Dongsheng Group?" Chen Yihan saw the news and said in surprise.

"No, I have already rejected brother Wang!" Zhao Fugui said strangely.

"You see, this is a notice of equity change on the electronic page of the provincial capital daily. It says that Mo Mo has given 10% of the shares, and Mrs. Wang has given 10% of the shares, and a total of 20% of the shares have been transferred to a man named Zhao Fugui. This Zhao Fugui must be you, otherwise there is no such coincidence! " Chen Yihan said in surprise.

When Zhao Fugui saw the information on Chen Yihan's mobile phone, it was exactly what she said. Wang Yuanming transferred 20% of the shares to him.

"Dongsheng Group is such a valuable stock, brother Wang seems to be unable to plug it out. No, I have to call him and ask him!" Zhao Fugui frowned and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call to Wang Yuanming.

"Richness, did you see the news? Needless to say, now that the equity transfer has been completed, you have officially become the second largest shareholder of Dongsheng Group! " Wang Yuanming said directly as soon as he got through the phone.

"Brother Wang, I'm ashamed of so many stocks!" Zhao Fugui said helplessly.

"Richness, you saved my life. Is my life worth nothing? I'm still a little busy now. I'll see you when I get back to Rongcheng! " Wang Yuanming said with a smile, then hung up the phone.

"Brother Wang is scared. He is afraid that those people in Zhenwu circle will trouble him again. He thinks I can scare those people!" Zhao Fugui put down the phone and said.

"Dongsheng Group has been Wang Yuanming's whole life's hard work. He has worked hard to get his present foundation. Of course, he is not willing to be robbed by those people for no reason. He would rather divide Dongsheng Group into a part of you than be robbed by those people, and even endanger his life!" Chen Yihan said.

"Even if he doesn't give me equity, I won't sit back and ignore Dongsheng Group's business!" Zhao Fugui shook his head and said.

"You know that, but those people in Zhenwu circle may not know it. Wang Yuanming just wants to be more at ease!" Chen Yihan said.

"Brother Wang wants peace of mind, and he doesn't want to owe me too much!" Zhao Fugui showed a thoughtful look and said that he saved Mo Mo's life before, and Wang Yuanming's life this time. Wang Yuanming was afraid that he would not be able to pay them back if he owed them any more.

"The market value of 20% shares of Dongsheng Group is about 15 billion yuan. Now you are all 10 billion millionaires. We are still sitting here to discuss how to increase the passenger flow of ancient tombs!" Chen Yihan shook his head and said helplessly."That's different. The shares of Dongsheng Group are earned by Wang Yuanming. Xiaowan village is our own. Sooner or later, I will build a stronger business Kingdom than Dongsheng Group!" Zhao Fugui said confidently.

"I don't want you to have so much ambition in business. If you have enough money, I think you should put more energy into the Taiping Dao book. You killed Luo zhantian. I'm afraid Hong men will send stronger experts to deal with you! " Chen Yihan said anxiously.

"After all, Luo zhantian is a famous figure in Hongmen. When he dies, Hongmen will not give up easily. However, the experts of Hongmen may not dare to come to China easily. Otherwise, Luo zhantian won't wait until I go to the island for him to do it!" Zhao Fugui said, "but I have to face the master of Hongmen sooner or later. I will step up my cultivation of Taiping daoshu!"

After talking with Chen Yihan for a while, Zhao Fugui went to the sanatorium in Houcun and began to practice the seven step Kungfu boxing. He wanted to master the fist meaning of the first three and practice it skillfully. However, Zhao Fugui's broken arm made it very inconvenient for him to practice boxing, but he still adapted for a long time, overcame this difficulty and worked hard to practice boxing.

Practice a little more today, and you'll have a better grasp when you meet an expert in the future.

In the afternoon, when Zhao Fugui was practicing boxing, a police car drove into Xiaowan village. The police car stopped in the village for a while, and then drove directly to Zhao Fugui.

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